
Good Girl Reward

Editor: Acerman


I took off my jacket and tied it around my waist by its sleeves.

Thank god, finally. I can't take it off when there's potential enemy around, I'll see in the system if there's mini air conditioning item in the system.

Seriously, is this what Summer feels like? In my country, we don't have such thing as Summer. We only have dry and raining. The only difference between them is only raining everyday or sunny everyday. Even if it's sunny, it's not this hot. Nature you are scary.


Someone grabbed the hem of my shirt to my right, I looked at this 'someone' a.k.a Loli Akyu.

"*gasp*…*gasp*…*gasp*" she was gasping for breath while grabbing my shirt.

Even though it was only walking, she was already gasping from it. This is worse than I imagined.

I looked at behind me.

We were maybe less than 100 meter from where we started. I could see 4 figures in the distance and they were shouldering each other, probably the guards.

I took out my handkerchief.

"Hold on for a moment." I started to wipe Akyu sweats.


Somehow she started pouting, WHY?!

"I can carry you if you want to you know."

"…no, I don't want to."


"…because I said so."

"…I see." I put Handkerchief away

I genuinely respected this little girl for being the Gensokyo Chronicler and being the Child of Miaree. This attitude was probably because of her pride and also she didn't want others to see she was being carried like a baby.

I took out yellow color pill from my pouch.

[Vitality Booster Pill]

[Increase Vitality of the user by three times for 5 hours duration.]

"Akyu-chan, here, this will probably cure your health problem." I presented the pill to her.

She looked at the pill in my hand.

"…what is that?"

"I called it Vitality Booster Pill; it will boost your vitality by three times if you consume it."

She looked skeptical about it.

I just smiled

Don't worry little girl, this uncle will give you free candies, this is definitely not coated with sleeping medicine and I'm not definitely a rapist or a lolicon, I definitely not gonna grab you and kidnap you too far away land, you don't need to worry about it, said old dude in police office.

She picked it up.

"…Is this made with the technology of Outsider?" she inquired.

"No, I made it myself." It was a lie though but nobody needed to know about it.

She looked between me and the pill, she was considering for some time before she finally ate it.



"…how do you feel?"

She started checking her body, stretching, jumping around, and running around me.

"NO WAY?!" she shouted excitedly.

"The effect only lasts for 5 hours by the way and because of your health problem you probably little more fit than the other children." I explained.

"…is that so…" she slumped, "then we better go back to the village quickly!" but got back up quickly and started pulling my hand.

"Whoa!" I let myself get pulled, "I said the effects are 5 hours, you still have quite some times."

"No! It too short! 5 hours is too short!" She said.

I observed Akyuu face.

"Ha-haha-hahahaha I'm running! I'm running for 10 second and I'm still not exhausted!"

She was laughing.


She was laughing like a normal child.

-20 minute later-​


This is the second time I heard a loli gasping for breath, but this time the loli doing all four on the ground, THANKS INTERNET, YOU ARE THE BEST!

I looked around me.

To my left, a forest again but with normal trees and large in size, it's probably Forest of Magic.

To my right, a vast meadow and I could see some yellow in the distance, it's probably Garden of the Sun, a lot of nope for that place. There was also a forest beyond there, it's connect to the Mountain. The biggest mountain in Gensokyo is Youkai Mountain, that mean that's the Youkai Mountain.

It was hot but I was amazed that I wasn't tired from all that running. This is why Stamina Bar in a game is a bad idea, every game that has that bar is trash, including real life.

"*gasp* we are *gasp* already halfway to the village"

She was looking tired and sweaty.

I took out a bottle of water and a handkerchief again.

"Here's some water, I don't know if it tastes the same in Gensokyo but here." I gave the bottle to her.

"Hah? Water tastes different? What are you talking about?" She looked at me strangely but took the bottle anyway.

She drank the water greedily.

She noticed the taste and she looked conflicted.

"How…does it taste difference?" the loli asked the Mysterious Outsider.

"Stay put." I smiled and started wiping Akyu sweat again.

This is like the mystery of the world for me, you give no shits about your own little sibling but you really care about other kids. I think this run in the family.

"Done." I finished wiping Akyu sweat.


"You're welcome." I put my item back, "If we're half way from the village then let's take our time."

"…yes." She's embarrassed, "…ah." I gripped Akyuu hand.

We continued walking toward the village.

It's so peaceful, if you can ignore many Youkai that may appear on the road, then it's peaceful.

-30 minute later-​

-Akyu POV-​

"So, correct me if my theory about Gensokyo wrong, Gensokyo have been separated from outside world by the Hakurei Barrier and a boundary of logic, made for and by the Youkai, but for more detail because of the outside world modernization that tried to debunk every supernatural phenomena with logic. Because Youkai are an entity that can only exist from those supernatural phenomena and fear of the unknown from it resulting the creation of Gensokyo. Humans in Gensokyo are allowed-no not allowed, need to live in Gensokyo because they are needed to fuel the Youkai with their fear. Fear toward the unknown, fear toward the supernatural, fear toward the Youkai. If humans are needed by the Youkai, then that must mean there is a rule where Youkai are forbidden to kill the Human in here," he looked back to where we just walking previously, "yep, they are still alive, but this rule only apply to Human that already live long in Gensokyo and not me, the Outsider. Did I get that right Akyuu-chan?"


"…today must be really hot if you still sweating even though we're only walking down the road. The pill are only increasing your vitality, not making you cooler." He then took back his handkerchief.


He perfectly deducted the nature of Gensokyo based on only general knowledge that I just told him when we walked.

"Your skin is not really that hot, but instead it's cold, cold sweat?"

Is this why Yakumo Yukari created Gensokyo back then? Is this what make her afraid? This reasoning power, this deduction power, is this the power of the Outsiders that every Youkai afraid of?

"No, no, no, I'm just a special case, everyone else in Outside world is normal."

"!", don't tell me he-

"I can't read mind by the way; your face gave it away."

"..I can't believe I showed you something unsightly."

"No, I believe your reactions are justified. If some dude suddenly theorized your home, you probably wouldn't take it lightly."

Civil, reasonable, and has humility too. Is this why Yakumo Yukari let this Outsider go? She thinks he's safe enough to live in Gensokyo?

"So, should I call you with –san now or –sama instead?"

"?! I'm surprised, " Why the sudden change?"

"Because you're probably creeped out by me now, so I should just take the initiative before you say I'm annoying you."

I shivered.

Creep out? I know those feeling. People tend to single out whoever's different from them, even if they need that person, in my 1200 years knowledge people didn't change at all, they still will isolate the odd one out because they are different. Arah-san is different from his kind, just like me. That's why he said he want to start a new life in here and I will make sure of it.

"No, Arah-san doesn't need to change it, and it's not creepy but instead it's amazing. Arah-san makes all those theories from the information that Arah-san got after Arah-san arrived in Gensokyo."

"A-amazing? Really? This is the first time someone said that to me."

"Yes and I approve of it as the head of Hieda Family and the Gensokyo Chronicler."

Encouraging words, this will definitely raise his spirit.



"Aw~ look at this little girl, she's cheering me on, someone who's older than her, what a cute girl."


"You can call me Arah-niisan if you want to, you know. I also will be adventuring a lot in Gensokyo, so I don't mind being singled out here; I already am because I'm an Outsider who lives in Gensokyo after all."


He's patting me now?!

"W-who will call you niisan?! J-just so you know I have 1200 years worth of knowledge in my head!"

"Yeah but you are just a little girl right now."


-Me POV-​




[Quest Alert]

[5*Break the Girls Fate]

[Extend Hieda no Akyu Life Span]



[Achievement Unlocked]

[Impressed the Child of Miaree]

[Reward: 20.000 AP & 20.000 IP]

Achievement? Reward? That's good, that's good.


[Achievement Unlocked]

[Impressed the Youkai Sage, Gap Youkai]

[Reward: 20.000 AP & 20.000 IP]

A small gap opened in the air and a candy dropped from it, into my hand.

…freaking peeper, now that just killed my mood.

"Now, I'm glad that out of the way, let's continue our walk."




Not again, what did I do this time?

I looked at the candy, hope this is not some truth serum coated candy or something similar.

I tore off the candy wrapper and shoved the candy into Akyuu mouth.

"Mu!" she's surprised, "Mu?" she's pointing at her mouth.

"Candy." I answered; I better not tell her it's from Yukari.


She's pouting. Aw~.

We continued our walk.

-20 minute later-

"We've finally arrived."

I saw it, a village surrounded by rice field.

"What are you gonna do after this Arah-san?"

"You know, you can call me Arahnii-san if you want."

"N-no, please answer my question"

Aw~ she's shy.

"Yeah! Akyuu-sama question you Outsider!"

Oh yeah, the 4 stooges caught up with us some times ago.

Akyuu looked apologetically at me.

"Well, first I need somewhere to live, if I want to adventure in here; I need some kind of base where I can come back to."

If we talk about safety, Human Village is the safest place here. The Youkai literally protect the Human from any disaster, life insurance not included if you are being a fool.

"I-if you want, you can stay at my mansion."

"Is it okay? Won't it bother you?"

"Of course not!"

"But Akyuu-sama, he is-"OF COURSE YOU'RE NOT A BOTHER!""

Sucks to be you guys, they really are on Akyuu's shit list.

"I see. Then can this be my payment for the stay?"

I took out a pouch from my waist pouch, Pouchception.

"What is that?"

"Check it yourself." I tossed it to her.

She caught it.

"Akyuu-sama be careful! It may be dangerous!" one of the stooges yelled.

"Do not worry, I trust him." She opened the pouch.

…trusts me?

…This girl is an expert with striking someone's heart.

"A pill? The colors are the same from before but the sizes are different."

"Yeah, it has the same effect as the last one but the time limit only last for 1 hour."

"Really?! And the pouch is full of this kind of pill!"

[Lesser Vitality Booster Pill] x 50 each x 100 IP = 5.000 IP.

[Increase the Vitality of the user three times in 1 hour duration]

And the pouch is free!

I bought it using her Achievement Point so they are technically her too.

"Akyuu-sama be careful, it may be a poison pill!"

"Thank you, Arah-san!"

And she's starting to ignore them.

-Human Village-​

Ladies and Gentleman! Here is the rarest species in Gensokyo! The special variant of Human race! IT'S AN OUTSIDER!

Is this how animals in the Zoo feel like?

Getting oogled by everyone in the area, even if I look at them, they still look at me.


They are whispering! They are gossiping!

I looked at Akyuu.

She's walking as if it's normal! Even the four stooges look like a proper guard! Well, to be fair they are guard.

"What's the matter Outsider, you scared with people?" the stooges sneered at me.

…son of a….

"Don't worry Arah-san, you will get used to it overtime." She smiled haplessly.

…she's cheating; she's using her past experience to numb her senses.

I followed Akyuu.

"Please let this end quickly."

I look at the surrounding people.

[Lv.9 Villager]

[Lv.3 Villager]

[Lv.8 Villager]

[Lv.9 Villager]

[Lv.5 Villager]

[Lv.10 Villager]

I just gave up with their names.

…Oh, look who it is.

[Lv.22 Ordinary Magician, Kirisame Marisa]

Marisa with her iconic hat and blonde hair, she also was wearing her black and white witch costume. She was in the front row of the crowds.

The little kleptomania was staring at me and I stared at her.

I wave at her. She was startled at this but wave back at me after that.

"Arah-san, come on." Akyuu called to me.


I jogged to catch up with Akyuu.

Just after I left, I heard a girl voice behind me.

"…what a weird person-ze."

-Hieda Mansion-​

Hieda Mansion, the mansion is like big, wide, old, Japanese house, for better visual, it's like every rich old style family girl in every anime. I can't really describe her Mansion other than that kind of explanation.

Hieda family is also the richest family in the Human Village. I bet Yukari funded them from the start, that's why they are the richest. Can't make the long line of Youkai Chronicler poor right? After all, they are one of the devices for the Youkai to spreading their fear by knowing what the Youkai can do to the Human.

"Why did you look down?" Akyuu asked me, "Is my mansion not up to your taste?"

"No, it's just that, something happened when we were walking to your Mansion Akyuu-chan. It's nothing really; you don't need to worry about it."

"Okay then, if you say so." She gave me a question look.

I'm being called weird just because I waved at her.

…There's must be some kind of physiological weapon in Girls body because they can hurt boys easily with anything from their action.

I looked at Akyuu.

Akyuu was talking to what looks like a female servant in her Mansion.

The 4 stooges separated from us when we entered the Mansion.

Better use this time to check on a few things.

[2* Go to the Human Village - Complete]

[Reward: 5.000 AP & 5.000 IP]

The quest completed itself after I entered the Village.

That 2 star probably the difficulty level, this time it's easy because I got lucky by meeting Akyuu. There was a possibility for me to get lost if I didn't meet her. That's probably why it has 2 stars.

…What else.

…Big Sis Yukari said she would give me a reward if I arrived at Human Village. Probably don't count on that. I don't really trust her; she's called the Final Boss for a reason.

And then Marisa appearance, she looks like she's 12, but in Forbidden Scrollery she looks 18 years old or somewhere close, including Reimu, while Akyuu is more than 20 years old. I have a few theories about that; I suspect they are slowing their aging, I don't know how they do it but I did my calculation and it's strange that they are still looking young in all of the games.

The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil was released in 2003 and Hidden Star in Four Seasons will be released in 2017, that's 14 years and they still looked like teenagers.

(Note: Fuck you ZUN, your art sucks, even though it's growing on me it still sucks.)

"Arah-san, you are a guest here right now; you can use the guest room."


"What happened?"

"A-ah no, I'm just startled. Just thinking too deeply."

"Thinking? I don't know what you're thinking about but you got to rest first."

"I see but follow me first. I will show you to your room."

"Yeah, that's a good idea."

Akyuu lead me to my room.

"A servant will notify you when it's time to dinner."

"Yes, I understand."

Akyuu was about to leave the room.

"Hey, Akyuu-chan."

"Hm?" she's turned to me.

"Thanks you" I smiled.

"…no…it's my thank you, Arah-san." She smiled back.

She finally walked away.

…now, I'm finally alone.

Time to look around at the room. There's a futon laid in the floor, a short legged table, and a window.


This is it huh. I really am in Gensokyo. Gotta start thinking about what I want to do for tomorrow and another day after that. Many things that need to be prepared. Need to do something with the knowledge from the future.

*sigh*…so tired.

I took off my jacket.

…I feel so tired.

I took off my shirt too.

…I think I will go to sleep early.

I lied down in the Futon.

I pat my Waist Pouch.

…can I bind this to my soul or something?

[Binding Item]

[Infinite Space Waist Pouch = 5.000 IP]

[Start Binding?]

…Yes, please.


A shining line suddenly came out from the Pouch. It's connecting to my chest.

[Binding Successful]

…great, let's just go to sleep for now.

Author note:

Heyo, Author here! Akyuu is a nice girl dammit! Even in canon she tries to break her fate from dying young.

So, about this story progress, yeah, the timeline is moving but I'm gonna skip all the mundane stuff and straight into the interesting stuff.

Chapitre suivant