
Abyssal Secrets

In the shimmering depths of the ocean, a curious and endearing merman named Nereus lives a life of wonder and simplicity. With a bright, innocent demeanor and a heart full of wonder, Nereus is fascinated by the tales of the human world he has heard from ancient sea creatures. Despite his fascination, he knows little about the complexities of human society or their language. One fateful day, Nereus's curiosity leads him to explore a massive vessel anchored near his underwater home. Unbeknownst to him, this is no ordinary boat; it’s the flagship of the notorious and ruthless mafia lord, Victor Cassini. Victor, a figure known for his cold, calculating demeanor and iron-fisted control over his criminal empire, is on a high-stakes mission aboard his ship. While investigating the boat, Nereus accidentally becomes entangled in the ship’s nets, and his presence is soon discovered by Victor and his crew. Initially seen as a bizarre and unwelcome intruder, Nereus’s innocent charm and unique appearance pique Victor’s interest. Despite his ruthless exterior, Victor is intrigued by the merman's purity and unfamiliarity with the human world. As Nereus struggles to communicate and understand his new surroundings, Victor finds himself unexpectedly drawn to the merman’s untainted perspective and gentle nature. He starts to see a side of himself he thought was long buried under layers of coldness and control. Nereus’s presence brings a sense of wonder and vulnerability into Victor’s otherwise harsh world. Despite the danger and criminal activities surrounding them, Victor decides to keep Nereus close, providing him protection as he learns about the human world. Nereus, in turn, starts to navigate the complexities of human emotions and relationships, all while trying to find a way back to his ocean home. Their journey is fraught with tension, as Victor’s enemies and the dangerous life of crime continually threaten their fragile bond. As Nereus and Victor grow closer, they must confront the dark forces threatening their lives and unravel the mysteries of their intertwined fates.

lucia_yuna · LGBT+
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24 Chs

Tides of Change

Nereus stood by the window of his room, watching the sprawling city beyond the estate's high walls. The morning sun bathed the streets in a warm glow, but to him, it felt distant and cold.

Every building, every road, every passing car was a reminder of how foreign this world was to him. The sea seemed a lifetime away, and despite the safety of Victor's mansion, a deep sense of longing gnawed at him.His thoughts drifted back to the conversation with Victor the day before.

The book, the secrets it held, and the dark forces chasing him. His life had changed in an instant, pulled from the depths of the ocean and thrust into a world of danger, power, and intrigue. He still didn't fully understand what they wanted from him, but he could feel the weight of it bearing down on him more each day.

A soft knock on the door pulled him from his thoughts. The door creaked open, and Victor stepped inside. He looked composed, but Nereus could see the tension in his eyes—the strain of the responsibilities he carried."Morning," Victor said, his voice softer than usual.

"Morning," Nereus replied, glancing at him before returning his gaze to the window. "It's so… different here."Victor nodded, stepping closer to the window. "It is. I know it must be overwhelming."Nereus shrugged, the motion awkward.

"I just… miss the sea. The freedom. Everything here feels so heavy."Victor was silent for a moment, his gaze following Nereus's out to the cityscape. "I understand. You were part of something larger out there. Free. Here, you're… confined. But trust me, it's safer this way.""Safer?" Nereus turned to face him, his voice laced with frustration.

"Why do people want me? Why can't I just go back to the ocean? Why do I have to stay hidden?"Victor's expression hardened, but it wasn't anger—more like resignation. He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall, meeting Nereus's gaze.

"The people after you… they're not just any criminals. They're after power, influence, and they see you as the key to unlocking something that goes beyond anything you or I fully understand. You're not just a merman, Nereus. You're part of an ancient world, and that world holds secrets that men like them crave."Nereus frowned, trying to wrap his mind around it. "What kind of secrets?"Victor sighed. "I don't know everything.

But the legends in that book… they speak of a great power hidden beneath the ocean, something tied to your kind. Whoever controls it could control the tides, the currents, even the world itself. And they believe you're the key to finding it."Nereus shook his head, stepping away from the window.

"I don't understand. I've never heard of anything like that in my world. I'm just… I'm just Nereus."Victor's gaze softened, and for a moment, the hardened mafia lord seemed vulnerable.

He stepped closer, his voice gentler. "I know. And I don't think they fully understand what they're chasing, either. But that won't stop them. That's why you're here—so I can protect you. Until we figure out what they want, and how to stop them."

Nereus looked into Victor's eyes and saw the sincerity there, the weight of a man who had spent his life in a world full of deception and danger but had somehow found something worth protecting. And despite his own confusion and fear, Nereus felt a sense of trust he couldn't explain.

Victor had saved him, sheltered him, and though his world was still a mystery, he wasn't facing it alone."I don't want to hide forever," Nereus said softly. "I want to understand what's happening. I want to help."Victor's eyes narrowed slightly, a flash of uncertainty crossing his face.

"This world… it's dangerous, Nereus. There's more at stake than you realize. You've never had to deal with people like this before."Nereus squared his shoulders, feeling a spark of determination. "I'm not helpless. I might not understand your world, but I'm not afraid. If these people want me, then I need to know why. I need to know how to protect myself."

Victor studied him for a moment, his expression unreadable. Then, with a slow nod, he relented. "Alright. But if you're going to help, you'll need to learn. Learn how to blend in, how to navigate this world. And most importantly, how to defend yourself."Nereus blinked, surprised by Victor's sudden shift.

"Defend myself?"Victor's gaze was steely now, the mafia lord resurfacing beneath the softer veneer. "If we're going to stand a chance against these people, you need to be able to fight. They won't hesitate to hurt you, and I can't always be there to stop them."

Nereus swallowed, a mix of nerves and resolve rising in him. He had never been trained to fight; in the ocean, survival was about instinct and understanding the natural flow of the sea. But here, on land, in a world ruled by violence and power, he would have to adapt.Victor turned and motioned for him to follow.

"Come with me. There's something you need to see."They walked through the mansion, Victor leading Nereus down a series of hallways until they reached a large, underground room. As Victor opened the door, Nereus's eyes widened. The room was a gym of sorts, but unlike anything he had ever seen. There were punching bags, weights, and various weapons displayed on the walls.

"This is where you'll train," Victor said, his tone businesslike. "If you're serious about learning to protect yourself, we start today."Nereus glanced at the weapons, feeling a mix of fear and curiosity. He had never held a weapon in his life—his only defense in the ocean had been his wits and speed.

But he understood the necessity now. The people chasing him wouldn't be stopped by words or magic alone.Victor walked over to a rack and picked up a simple wooden staff, handing it to Nereus.

"We'll start with this. It's light, easy to control. Once you get the hang of it, we'll move on to more advanced weapons."Nereus gripped the staff awkwardly, feeling its weight in his hands. He looked at Victor, uncertain.

"What if I can't do this?"Victor's expression softened again, and he placed a hand on Nereus's shoulder.

"You can. You're stronger than you think."The training began slowly, with Victor showing Nereus basic stances and movements. At first, Nereus struggled, his limbs still unaccustomed to the balance and coordination needed to wield the staff.

But as the hours passed, something shifted. His natural grace from the sea began to translate into fluid, controlled movements on land. It was different, but not impossible.Victor watched him closely, offering corrections and encouragement.

And as the day wore on, Nereus felt something he hadn't expected: a sense of control. The staff felt more natural in his hands, and though he still had much to learn, he could feel the progress.By the time they finished for the day, Nereus was exhausted but exhilarated.

He leaned against the wall, panting, while Victor stood beside him, arms crossed, a faint smile on his face."You did well," Victor said, nodding approvingly.Nereus smiled, wiping the sweat from his brow. "Thank you."Victor's expression softened.

"You're stronger than you know, Nereus. And together, we'll figure this out. We'll find out what they want and how to stop them. But for now, we take it one step at a time."Nereus nodded, feeling a newfound sense of purpose.

The road ahead was uncertain, and the threats were real, but with Victor by his side, he felt ready to face whatever came next.him.Hishere.