
Abused mate (Namjoon x y/n)

Mia231 · Autres
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17 Chs


Y/n's POV

I was walking down the stairs to the kitchen. I walked in and grabbed a cereal bar and stuffed it in my pocket. I hadn't eaten all week and I felt absolutely starving. He wouldn't notice if I took one. As I turned he was standing there Maybe he hadn't noticed I hoped. "Morning dear great time for a cereal bar like the one in your pocket maybe." Shit I'm screwed. I took it out and gave it to him and started apologising "I'm sorry I know I should have asked but I haven't eaten all week."

"That's not good enough I'll have to teach you a lesson. "

I started backing up in the corner. He followed me as if I was his prey. He pushed me to the ground and grabbed a knife and started following along the word thief he'd already carved into my skin. I couldn't help but scream.

I guess when I screamed I woke myself up I looked around the room and noticed it was Namjoon's room. It was empty maybe he left me after all and he Decided I was too much or I wasn't worthy of him. I Broke down crying and pulled my knees to my chest.

Then I felt myself being pulled into a hug. He didn't leave me. I snuggled into his chest and he soothed me until I stopped crying.

"Thank you" I whispered

"For what" he asked. Looking confused.

"For being here." I responded.

"That's what mates are for. Now come on I made you breakfast."

We went down stairs and it was a huge plate of food there was no way in hell I could eat all of it. It was enough to feed and army. Ok maybe an exaggeration but there was just so much.

"There's no way I can eat all of that" I exclaimed

"Well the doc says you have to eat more so we're going to buff you up. Just eat as much as you can okay."

I nodded and sat down and began to eat. I ate about a third before I felt too full. I pushed the plate away and namjoon said.

"Is there no way you could eat some more for me pretty please. "

"I'm sorry I can't I probably already ate too much."

"Fine why don't we go watch a movie"

I nodded and he brought me to a sitting room he got the remote and sat beside me and I snuggled up to him. I felt safe for once. I only got half way through movie before I fell asleep.