
Absurd school of Maahaamu

A school where many weird and absurd things happen. From zombie outbreaks to a wizard battles. From dragon supremacy to an advanced technology. As far as the god of this world can think of, the possibilities are endless.

SanderTomson · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: You’re wizard Jesse!

It is Yet another day in the wonderful school of Maahaamu. The fat person named Kyle rides with his bicycle to school, Jonathan comes in with his helicopter and Jesse teleports to school with his magic.

Today Michael brought equipment to seal off the ventilation that comes to the student council room. For some reason he doesn't trust the ventilation system today.

Classes start and professor Hagrid comes with today's lesson. He starts by saying "Does anyone know how long a unicorn penis is?" The class was stunned and no one had an answer. Except for Jonathan who lives on a farm. He said "About 50 cm." Professor Hagrid said "Of course you would know that Jonathan. But that is just an average horse penis length. The unicorn's penis is much more tiny. In fact, it is about 20 cm long." Jonathan then said to the professor "How am I supposed to know what unicorn's sizes are? I've never seen one." Hagrid just says "Well Jesse would have known if he listened in our extra classes. Now then, to the main topic."

The class about alchemy goes without any issues. Then when the class ends, professor Hagrid grabs Jesse from the hand and says "You and I have some cooking to do." Then he brings out a huge box of equipment and shows them to Jesse. Hagrid says "You see Jesse, we wizards do sometimes make a fine powder that is sold to the public. The powder is magical due to its ingredients and it will make the minds of its users a bit loopy. You see this…" He grabs a horn "This is a horn of a unicorn. We crush it to a powder and then we add this." He points at the container of some gel. "This is slime from what the living acid slime excretes. Once we make the horn into a powder, we put this slime to it, mix it up a bit, then heat it up a bit to take out the moisture. When the moisture is out, we make sure it is turned to a powder yet again and we repeat the process three times. Do you get it Jesse?"

Jesse is a bit taken back and says "I'm not sure we should do this professor Hagrid." Hagrid just says "Nonsense Jesse! This is perfectly legal! As long as the source of these ingredients isn't found, we can sell it as much as we want! Now come here and help me!"

The two of them start making the magical powder in large quantities. After they are done, Hagrid thanks Jesse for his efforts and lets him go to another class. However, someone knocks on the door to let them in. Hagrid locked the door just in case. The people outside the door claim to be wizard police and want to know what they are doing. Hagrid panics and puts the powder in the ventilation shaft as quickly as possible. Then he does a spell on Jesse and himself that makes them forget what they were doing. What Hagrid still knows after this is that there is something in the ventilation shaft and the wizard police should not know about it.

The wizard police ask Hagrid and Jesse some questions and after the questions are finished, they investigate the room. When one of the wizard police gets close to the ventilation shaft and opens it, Hagrid casts a spell to make it disperse from the bag. Now there was no proof, professor Hagrid thought, but the police quickly took a sample and put it through a test. After the test came positive, they asked Hagrid where they got the ingredients from. Hagrid of course, since he cast a spell on him earlier, didn't know where the ingredients came from or what was on that pack he dispersed. Wizard police knew however that you can cast spells that make you forget, so they took Hagrid into custody as the main suspect. Jesse was seen as an innocent student who got forced into this, so the wizard police only took his name on a record and would later ask some questions.

Now however, the magic powder was freely floating in the ventilation system. Students and teachers started getting a bit loopy as well as seeing things that weren't there. As such, nothing could be done in school after that, so the school day ended.

Kyle got on his bicycle and tried to ride it even though he was a bit loopy. He ended up crashing a couple of times on his way home with only minor injuries. Jonathan had to wait for his helicopter to come and pick him up. And while he was there, he saw some weird stuff thanks to the magic powder. He saw clowns dancing and talking to each other about lamas. Then lamas appeared and they got up to their two back legs and started talking and dancing as well. Jesse just teleported back to his house with his magic.

Michael was still sleeping in the student council room as if nothing happened until the bell rang and ended the school day officially.

I have not watched breaking bad but I have heard some stuff.

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