
Absolute Yin-Yang Desire System

The Yin-Yang Supreme Elder, Lin Xiang, a renowned powerhouse across the entire Nine Grand Worlds, one who can incite fear into any and all godly cultivators, was met with immense tragedy. His Godly Holy Land was completely annihilated! Betrayed by those in his sect and surrounded by enemies, the Yin-Yang Supreme Elder, even with powers surpassing that of other True Venerables masters, was nearly killed. However, together with his sister and a brother-in-arms, they narrowly escaped destruction. Together, the trio comes up with a revenge plan. Reincarnate into the future with the Nine Grand Reincarnation Arts! Upon reaching this new life, Lin Xiang gained an unexpected gift. A System that can fulfill his greatest desires. In this new life, Lin Xiang had many desires. A desire to not only exact revenge but to live the boundless life of a cultivator to its absolute fullest! His Desire Grand Dao will be known for all of eternity!

CosmicPrime · Oriental
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A light red-blue mixed radiance shrouded Lin Xiang's body. With a flash, he instantaneously tore right out of the lava pool.

Lava splashed all around the region, yet Lin Xiang didn't make a lick of noise. As if he was perfectly in control of his powers. He didn't even make a noise when his feet touched the sizzling grounds.

Spreading his Soul Sense, the previous battle appeared in his Spiritual Sea.

Two of the Sacred Moon School Elders had split up the Sacred Mansion Emperor group. These two utilized Crystal Ice Moon to suppress a small region of space while continually attacking the lone elder.

Glistening Ice radiance streams poured down at the lone Elder in an endless torrent of icicle hell. Particles from the icicle hell suppressed the region around the Elder.

Every speck of frosty mist bore down on the Elder's protective Heavenly Aura like a city-destroying mountain.

For his part, the lone Elder was at least keeping his life. His Law's radiance essence was intense, brighter than the sizzling pools of lava. He poured his everything into defending.

After all, it still wasn't easy for Heavenly Origin experts in the same realm of prowess to kill each other. It would require a vast, overpowering force to shatter through their defenses.

At the other side, the other Sacred Mansion Elder stayed locked in a deathly battle with the other two Sacred Moon School Elders.

Crazily bright Law radiance shook the area as their energy attacks clashed. Every energy shockwave produced an ear-piercing screech. No weaker cultivator could enter this violent storm of energy.

The Sacred Mansion Elder was just like his partner. His Law radiance appeared to be doing well in holding off his own. Its sturdy defense couldn't be chipped away in no short amount of time.

But, out of his expectations, one of the Sacred Moon School elders suddenly performed a single hand sign.

His smile was insidiously malicious, like a devil from hell as he uttered, "Transport!"

"Shit!" The Sacred Emperor Mansion Elder went completely pale.

He couldn't take his eyes off his current attacker. But his senses detected that the same Elder had suddenly appeared merely a few meters from Yin Xinya!

A very special rune marking was carved on the ground. Through that rune marking and sufficient preparation, the Sacred Moon School Elder was able to instantly teleport without any interference!

The Sacred Mansion Elder realized that their enemies were simply stalling for time because of it!

"Young master-" The Sacred Mansion Elder wanted to hurry out. But a tremendous level of danger stayed locked onto him.

Law radiance radiated along his spirit-tier sword. A beautiful multi-color storm flashed along the blade. With a thrust that can smash apart tall buildings like they were fragile glass, the Elder smashed his Spirit Sword toward the Sacred Moon School Elder.

Their blades produced an ear-piercing screeching sound. Violent airwaves that tore off chunks of the ground pulsated all around them.

The Sacred Moon School Elder viciously smiles. "Worry about yourself first."

At this time, the Sacred Moon School Elder had already gathered powerful Ice Law radiance around his Spirit Sword. Ice radiance illuminated the area. His frightening ice aura completely engulfed Yin Xinya!

"Nng! Light Rays!" Yin Xinya hurriedly surged her Qi Sea with a massive groan.

White-colored Law radiance streaked out of her body. Within the Light Law radiance, she could just barely breathe. Even for a calm genius like Yin Xinya, facing a late-stage Heavenly Origin Elder was akin to facing an enormous mountain of pressure!

The pure power disparity was just too immense!

The Sacred Moon School Elder's eyes glowered with killing intent. "Impressive to hold on. But nowhere near enough."

The Ice radiance on his spirit-tier sword spewed out blinding rays that could pierce through the eyes.

He thrust his Spirit Sword forward, tearing through the air at speeds far beyond what Yin Xinya's Spiritual Sea could react to!

The Elder even left faint afterimages in his wake. He poured his all into cleanly killing Yin Xinya in one strike!

'Noo!!' Both Sacred Mansion Emperor Elders were in utter despair.

The Sacred Moon School Elders felt great relief.

All the while Yin Xinya could only see a streak of blinding, icy blue rays engulf her whole vision. Yet, she didn't give up. Her hands suddenly clenched. Her soul essence was nearly ready to completely burn out!

But right then, beyond everyone's reaction speed, a blue-red mixed light flashed.


A metallic impact reverberated. Powerful airwaves gushed out for a second before completely freezing over.

The Sacred Moon School Elder, whose killing intent was at its highest, suddenly appeared completely confused. His spirit-tier sword had mysteriously stopped. Nor could he move his body at all.

His and everyone else eyes widened as they looked forward.

A person suddenly appeared. This mysterious cultivator merely had his two fingers pinching the edge of the Sacred Moon Elder's sword.

Despite barely using any force, this mysterious person effortlessly halted the Elder's full-power killing strike!

'Who-who is he?!' The Sacred Moon School Elders and the Scared Mansion Emperor Elders' eyes were open wide.

None of them had even sensed him coming into the field!

Yin Xinya was completely gobsmacked. Being the closes one to Lin Xiang, she could just faintly perceive an aura. Such an aura left her feeling tremors throughout her body. 'Pro-profound realm?!?'

The Sacred Moon School Elder holding the sword tried to hurriedly snatch it away and retreat. However, no matter how hard he tried to budge, the sword stayed immovable, like it was the earth itself. Even the Ice radiance covering its blade had vanished.

The Elder gritted his teeth. Powerful energy surged from his Qi Sea. "You-just who-"

"Who am I?" Lin Xiang calmly smiled. "A dead person doesn't need to know."

A sizzling fiery light spewed from Lin Xiang's pupils.

Fire Wings!

In an instant boundless energy swelled through Lin Xiang's body. His power surged to unfathomable degrees. Absolute Yang bloodline energy erupted and overwhelm the atmosphere!

Powerful waves of energy recklessly flowed out!

"Ahh?!" With a loud bang, the Elder was sent flying back like a withered leaf in a storm.

The mere release of Lin Xiang's bloodline energy produced a force that broke through his protective Heavenly energy and smashed upon his body!

At the same time, the temperature surged to blazing degrees. The ground gained large spiderweb cracks beneath Lin Xiang's feet.

Fire radiance had burst out of his back, forming into gorgeous Fire Wings. With the appearance of the Fire Wings, Lin Xiang's energy particles merged into the atmosphere, suppressing every single Heavenly Origin expert in the area!

"What?!" Every Elder and Yin Xinya felt a suffocating tightening in their chests, their breaths rapidly leaving them.

Their protective heavenly energy was chipped away, allowing the essence particles of Lin Xiang's power to pressure down on their bodies.

The late layer Heavenly Origin Elders were especially bewildered. They experienced a suppressive force slowing down their movements and power capacity! At least 20% of their full powers were suppressed.

However, the Sacred Mansion Emperor Elders weren't so quick to judge Lin Xiang as an instant enemy.

After all, he did effortlessly saved their young master. And he clearly holds the power to kill her as well, yet he chose to save her.

Of course, this didn't mean at all they weren't vigilant of Lin Xiang.

At the same time, the Sacred Moon School Elders were tremendously tense. They all wanted to lock down on Lin Xiang.

However, the moment Lin Xiang summoned his Fire Wings, he gave nobody a chance to react.

A fiery light shrouded his body as his Fire Wings flapped, propelling Lin Xiang at mind-boggling speeds!

Only a faint after-image was left in his wake. Faster than a split-second, Lin Xiang had already caught up to the Elder who got blown away like a withered leaf.

He was like an unstoppable speed demon from hell. Nobody could react to such celestial speed!

Without any Martial skills or elegant attacks, Lin Xiang simply thrust his Fire radiance shrouded palm forward.

Blinding streaks of Fire radiance filled the area. Every speck of Fire radiance drilled large holes in the grounds. This single palm was like an impossible-to-escape death grip.

The Sacred Moon Elder's vision was completely filled with hellish flaming radiance. He couldn't react. But within his soul, boundless energy surged.

A cold stream of Ice radiance essence hurled from his body. It instantly converged into a solid Crystal Moon, its radiance glowing brighter than moons in the starry skies.

Great power rippled from the Cyrstal Moon. Every speck of its essence particles would be enough to defend against any attack from a 9th-layer Heavenly Origin expert!

However, such a defense was pitiful against Lin Xiang.

An ear-piercing shattering sound reverberated. Specks of icy radiance flew like scattered leaves.

Cleanly, without any hassle, Lin Xiang's Fire radiance palm smashed right through the Elder's protective Crystal Moon!

The Fire radiance palm hurled forward with ungodly killing intent. It violently clamped right down on the Elder's neck!

Bones instantly broke under Lin Xiang's grip. The Elder's eyes went bugged eye as unfathomable pain wracked his body. Violent fire essence particles ripped apart his internal body.

In just a moment, fire essence particles melted his bones, organs, and inner flesh.

On the outside, the Elder's eyes went vacant, an expression of complete disbelief and horror plastering his corpse. He didn't even know how he died or just who had killed him.

A late-layer Heavenly Origin warrior was killed as if he was just some roach.