
Absolute Supremacy

Cao Huang's father was arrested when he was wrongly accused of smuggling drugs from China to USA. His mother, disowned by her family fell in into critical heart disease, an operation costing millions of credits. He is the only one who can provide fee for his sister's school even if he is about to be expelled from his own. Everything changes when suddenly.... A certain malfunctioning gaming equipment shall change his future for the better. He will stand above everyone else by become the first Absolute Supreme with the mark of supremacy. Cao Huang shall rise from the bottom to the top and take revenge for all the grievances suffered by his family. Marked by supremacy, he shall be the overlord of the second world of Humanity >. ---------------------------- I will also be posting this story on royal roads and scribble hub. ------------------------------ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/atifnaeem986 Gmail: Atifnaeem986@gmail.com

Atif_Naeem · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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36 Chs

Literal Face Slapping.

Cao Huang wasn't paying that much attention to anyone except Wang Gui but when he heard the melodious voice of the female, his attention was automatically drawn to that beautiful face.

She had a sculpted figure which was twine-thin. Her waist was tapered and she had a burnished complexion. A pair of arched eyebrows looked down on sweeping eyelashes. Her delicate ears framed a button nose. A set of dazzling, angel-white teeth gleamed as she blew gently on her carmine-red fingernails. It was a pleasure to see her flowing, moon shadow-black hair. From no angle did she look like a fighter. She had the makings of a model. But those eyes of her showed the a strong fighting spirit that betrayed a person's initial expectations.

"Both of stand at the opposite sides." she said.

Wang Gui was looking at Cao Huang like he wanted to tear him apart. Brat, you dare to beat my cousin, see how I deal with you. Wang Gui glared at Cao Huang, silently swearing.

When Cao Huang sensed the hostility coming from Wang Gui, he only smiled in ridicule. This act of showing disdain, infuriated Wang Gui even more.

Both were standing in a battle ready stance and waiting for the Senior Sister to start the fight but before that, "You useless brat! Come here. I don't want you to interfere within this fight. Got that?" Said the Senior Sister pointing her finger at Wang Huizhen.

Wang Huizhen had planned to have a go at Cao Huang after his cousin seriously injures him but his plan was seen through by the Senior Sister. Now, he had no choice but stand at somewhat distance away from Cao Huang.

Seeing this, Tang Tang and Shi Yan sighed a breath of relief. Although they weren't that confident in Cao Huang defeating Wang Gui but having to deal with one opponent instead of two was something they could barely accept.

"Start!" Shouted the Senior Sister.

As expected, it was Wang Gui who made the first move. He immediately closed in on Cao Huang and aimed a vicious kick at Cao Huang's stomach, wanting to end the match as soon as possible so after that, he could take his time in inflicting pain upon Cao Huang without any worry.

Cao Huang immediately reacted by making an effortless sidestep to dodge the attack. The recent stimulation he received from Vilariun and that early morning workout routine had elevated his reaction and body control to another level that was no less than a professional Martial Artist.

Seeing Cao Huang dodging his attack, Wang Gui felt humiliated. In anger, he started delivering consecutive punches and kicks at Cao Huang who once again effortlessly dodged the incoming attacks.

Seeing Cao Huang dodging Wang Gui's attack without breaking a sweat, the senior sister nodded in admiration. What an extraordinary reaction speed, although, the way he moves is still immature for a Martial Artist but he has the makings of great fighter. We could have recruited him but what a pity. Because these two brat's action, he seems to have a bad impression of the Black Dragon Dojo, thought the Senior Sister while sighing in regret.

Cao Huang wasn't someone who liked staying on back foot. Now that he had checked the evasive capabilities of his body, he decided to check the offensive ones.

He tilted his head slightly, allowing the incoming fist to miss it's target at the last possible second. This made Wang Gui somewhat startled and he was unable to react to what was coming his way.


A clear slapping sound resounded through the parking lot. Everyone was startled after hearing this. Nobody knew what had transpired, not even Wang Gui, who had bright red finger prints on his cheek. Only when he felt a searing pain emanating from his cheek, did he knew what had come to pass. It wasn't the physical pain that he cared about. It was the mental one. This one slap had clearly humiliated him to the utmost and made him absolute livid.

"You are so dead. You dare-" Wang Gui wasn't able to complete his sentence when he was struck with another slap but this one with the back of the hand.

Cao Huang didn't gave Wang Gui any chance to recover and delivered a flurry of slaps to both of sides of his cheeks. Front hand, back hand, front hand, back hand....like slap after slap was delivered to Wang Gui's face.

Seeing this scene, every surrounding person including Tang Tang and Shi Yan cringed and covered their cheeks with their hands. Although it was Wang Gui who was on the receiving end, but it were them who winced at every resounding slap.

After dozen of slaps, Wang Gui's swollen face was somewhat resembling that of a pig.

Unable to endure any longer, and was on the verge of passing out.

"Brat, don't go to far. Using such underhanded methods, do you have no shame whatsoever." yelled Wang Huizhen when he saw the heart-trembling figure of his cousin.

Cao Huang held the nearly fainted Wang Gui by his collars and spoke while laughing ,"By which dog eyes of your, you saw me being underhanded. This sister here can clearly tell that I only used the backhand and the forehand. Are you telling me that you are more capable than her?"

"This....." The senior sister didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She could only smile wryly. "I think you should let him go. It's better to leave some room for future relations."

Cao Huang knew what the senior sister said was true. Although he still wanted to continue the beating, but he had to give up this thought lest the matter becomes irreconcilable.

Holding Wang Gui by the collars, he did a overhead judo throw and sent the fainted Wang Gui flying towards Wang Huizhen, who was unable to react quickly enough and was struck by the flying body.

Cao Huang dusted his hands and asked smiling, "So it's settled then?"

I don't know about him but you won't get trouble from the Black Dragon Martial Arts Dojo. You have my word for it." Said the senior sister seriously.

"Good." Cao Huang was basking in the glory of his win when he suddenly remembered one thing. "Cao Dan! I forgot to pick her up from school."

"If it's all done, then I am leaving." Cao Huang hurried towards the exit of the parking lot.

"What's the matter? If you are in a hurry then I can give you a lift." Said the senior sister while pointing at a black Porsche parked several meters away.

"I have to trouble you than." Said Cao Huang thankfully.

Under the senior sister's lead, Cao Huang sat in the front seat.

"Oh, you guys can also come. I shall drop you home." Said the senior sister to Tang Tang and Shi Yan.

"No, it's okay, Shi Yan's father is waiting for us at the college entrance. You don't have to worry about that. Right Shi Yan?" Said Tang Tang while nudging Shi Yan.

"Yeah, right. My father is waiting for us. We should get going now. See you later. " Said Shi Yan understanding Tang Tang's intention.

A car and beautiful girl and a handsome boy. You yourself can imagine Tang Tang's intentions.

"Okay, see you later." Cao Huang waves his hands while saying goodbye.

Cao Huang and the senior sister left straight for Cao Dan's school, leaving behind the fainted Wang Gui, the aching Wang Huizhen, his lackeys and the two other guys who came with them.

After a minute or two, under Wang Huizhen's efforts, Wang Gui gained consciousness. The first thing he did was to see the state of his face in the rare mirror of a car.

"Ah, You won't get away with this." screamed Wang Gui.

"Why didn't you help me when I was getting all slapped up like that?" Roared the angry Wang Gui at the two other guys. "I thought that we had a deal."

"Do you think we have the guts, not to mention the ability to interfere when Yao Di standing was here?" Said one of them.

"With her ability, it would have been a child's play to beat us if we dared to do so." said the other one.

"Yao Di, Yao Di. Bi*ch! Sooner or later you will be screaming under me." mumbled Wang Gui.

\--------- Mean while,

Cao Huang and Yao Di had arrived at the Cao Dan's school.

"Thank you. If it weren't for you, I would have been late to pickup my sister." said Cao Huang sincerely.

"You don't have to thank me for anything. Technically, it was our fault that you got late today." Said Yao Di while smiling.

For a second Cao Huang was stunned to see her beautiful smile, forcing himself to snap out of his stupor, he thanked her again before she departed.

Cao Dan who had exited the school had seen all this. Skipping happily, she went to Cao Huang and started tugging at his sleeves. "Was that your girlfriend? She was so beautiful." Said Cao Dan mischievously.

"Don't go thinking on your own. I was getting late, so she gave me a lift." said Cao Huang while flicking her forehead. Although he couldn't deny that it was good to have such a beautiful girlfriend.

"Bad Brother. Always bullying me." said Cao Dan rubbing her head and acting all saddened up.

With this, both of them went home and when the night came, Cao Huang wore his VR Gaming Helmet and logged into Absolute Supremacy.