
Absolute Sky

Died due to an explosion, and then reincarnated into the world of tensura alongside 4 heroes of legend. he will learn that not all reincarnators start strong. [OC x harem, fluff. some trolling. NO gamer system. Multiversal travel] NOT a pokemon harem. - means that not every female will join his harem. and harem wont be huge, not sure about the limit, but definitely not more than 7 MC will not rape and no NTR.

Lucinziel66 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs

Chapter 06: training and naming?

I woke up to an unfamiliar wooden ceiling. Looking around the room I saw there was a wooden closet on the side.

{confirmed. Recovery complete}

Hearing the sudden voice, I realized that it was all real.

I died. Then saw four extremely hot heroes. And turns out I have or had an ultimate skill which hacked the throne of heroes.

Ok, the more I think about it the more unbelievable it sounds.

Librarian how long was I out?

{report. You have been unconscious for a week.}

Why the hell did I sleep for that long? Didn't rimuru only sleep for around three days after naming an entire village or something. Are you saying that I have lower magicules than rimuru had in the beginning.

{report. Goblins are low-class monsters thus they do not require that much magicules to evolve. Also, you have lower magicules than induvial rimuru according to memory analysis, the only reason you were able to successfully name all 4 spirits without dying is due to ultimate skill converting herself into magicules.}

Oh. And here I thought I was like those fanfic protagonists who gained infinite magicules. So, what happen to naming

{report. Individual Medea has evolved into a light elf. She has acquired unique skill [weaver], and intrinsic skill, [light manipulation]}

{report. Individual scathach has evolved into dhampir. She has acquired intrinsic skills, [steel strength] and [self-regeneration] and extra skill [blood manipulation]}

{report. Individual Scheherazade has evolved into dark elf. She has acquired intrinsic skill [darkness manipulation]}

{report. Individual oda Nobunaga has evolved into demon. She has acquired intrinsic skill, [material creation]}

Oh. Aren't they a bit too OP now?


Let me rephrase my question. How strong are they?

{as long as their opponent does not possess an ultimate skill, scathach, oda Nobunaga and Medea can win}

What about Scheherazade??

{report. Her unique skill will make her unkillable unless the opponent has an ultimate skill that can target souls, or completely annihilate her to the atomic level}

…isn't that too broken?

{report. Unique skill [survivors dream] was acquired due to her desire to survive, but evolved due combining with her skill [bedchamber of survival]}

Bedchamber of survival? Damn it I forgot what it does? Do you know?

[confirmed. Accessing memory archives, accessing fate archives]

[confirm. [bedchamber of survival] is a subclass of the Pheromone Skill, specialized for defense. By combining "her own charm", "the charm of the place" and "the charm of her actions" in the most suitable way according to the situation presented, Scheherazade can form and make use of "an area where she has the lowest probability of death in the World." Although it is a conceptual area, it is also another "sleeping quarter", a safety base that is just like her Workshop as well.]

Are you sure your name isn't Wikipedia?

{report. I can only give information of things you've seen or read}

Can you give me a description of yourself? And do I have any other skills and if I do could you show me them as well?


{unique skill: grand librarian

[archive]: stores everything seen and read permanently. Information in the archive cannot be erased.

[archive analysis]: analyses information stored in the archive, and recreates it.

[analytical appraisal]: The ability to analyze and appraise a target.

[thought acceleration]: Raises thought-processing speed by a thousand times.}

Sadly, I don't have chant annulment or all of creation. But this is pretty good t-

{unique skill: traveler

[instantaneous movement]: Transports the user to where they want to go just by thinking about it. It's limited to places the user is aware of and places they've been before.

[spatial manipulation]: It allows the user to interfere with space based on the user proficiency. This can be used to block others from performing spatial abilities or restrict their movement.}

looks like I have two? Not bad, sadly it's not an offensive skill.

{unique skill: the sky

[weather manipulation]: It allows the user to manipulate and utilize the weather for various means.

[lightning manipulation]: It allows the user to manipulate and utilize the element of lightning to various means.

[wind manipulation]: It allows the user to manipulate and utilize the element of wind to various means.

[water manipulation]: It allows the user to manipulate and utilize the element of water to various means.}


t-th-three unique skills!?

I have three unique skills? That's two more than I was expecting.

Even rimuru only has two in the beginning.

Wait? Grand librarian, can I go back home using the instantaneous movement?

[report. Impossible, instantaneous movement works by recording every place the user has been with the skill, while you may have earned the skill in your home world it only activated after coming to the cardinal world]


Looking back at the grand librarian skill, I look at its unique subskills, [archive] and [archive analysis], one permanently stores everything I have seen in a permanent memory and other analyses the stored information. It may not be [all of creation] but its usefulness cannot be discarded.

Especially for someone like me who has watched and…read…a lot.

Suddenly I felt an epiphany.

Wait? [grand librarian] can you analyze the space stone from marvel?

[confirmed. Opening [infinity stones] archive.]

[confirmed. Complete Analysis of [space stone] 1000 years]

After seeing that my idea was indeed possible, I tried to analyze a bunch of different magic and powers from anime to TV shows to books. Abilities such as [all fiction] which were deemed impossible to analyze and [dragon slayer magic] from fairy tail which would take 100+ years to analyze. Thinking of my current unique skills, I realized if I wanted to use this skill to its maximum potential, I will have to think smart. No matter how much I want to use it to learn iconic skills such as Kamehameha or getsuga tenshou, I had to choose to analyze things that could use my current skills to its full potential.

While thinking of ways to improve my capabilities, suddenly the grand librarian informed me of something that would have made me do a spit-take if I was drinking something.

[report. Master is currently nameless]

But humans have…names? Wait does that mean I'm not human.

[affirmative. Master's current race is [half-tengu], while retaining all human features master has wings that can be called forth anytime you wish to. Unfortunately master only has the strength of a regular human and not a tengu.]

My mind blanked. Sure, having three unique skills are awesome and sure having the ability to bring forth abilities from my favorite anime is also awesome.

But flight? That's been my wish ever since I was a child.

So, I ran out of the room, and realized that I was in an upper floor but I was currently not interested in that, so I located the stairs that lead to the lower floor and ran down it. Passing down a living room like area which was occupied by 4 heroes of legend, I ignored them and ran out of the house.

If I paid any attention, I would've seen the looks of confusion and amusement which they had.

Getting out of the house, i asked grand librarian on how to bring forth my wings.

[Medea POV]

Life sucked.

Being tricked by a blond buffoon due to that sluts' powers was bad.

Killing my beloved brother was even worse.

But both of them were the results of Aphrodite's magic.

The thing that I regret the most is killing my children.

My beautiful children.

Thinking about them I couldn't help but sigh.

I along with others watched the boy who was our new master trying to fly using his wings - which seemed to be something he just found out.

I wonder if I made the right call.

I thought back on the ultimate skill – which in this world is supposed to be a big deal, according to the boy this world was created due to an ultimate skill and also according to him ultimate skills power can even affect multiverses.

All this information made me wonder if I made the correct choice. I am free from fighting the grail war, and am able to just simply do whatever I want.

I can even focus on just making clothes, thanks to the skill I gained due to naming – which was embarrassing, to be named by a child, if sis Circe learned of it she would laugh at me – which not only uncovered my lineage from my grandfather Helios, and evolved me into a light elf, gaining the ability to manipulate light as if it was like a long lost limb but also gave me the skill [weaver], which not only helps in making clothes but also in my magic.

"YAHOOO!" looking towards the place where the boy was, I saw that he finally learned to fly.

I still don't trust him, for all I know he could be using us. But from what I've seen from the short time that he has been awake – who would have thought that he would sleep for a week – he does not seem bad, from my observation he seems to lack self-confidence, and is easily embarrassed when coming in close physical contact with us.

I walk away from the window and back to my workshop.

There were many changes that came after coming here, one my noble phantasm has turned into a unique skill, which has made it more deadly and more useful, now I no longer have to summon the dagger to activate its effects.

Looking at the mirror in my workshop I once again look at the changes that have happened due me becoming a light elf, my ears have had a slight increase in length, my height increased from 163 cm to 168 cm, my skin seems almost radiant, my hair has become shinier, my breasts have become slightly bigger and firmer, my thighs and backside also increase in thickness and size.

If the me now were to be compared to the me from two weeks ago, it would be like comparing a duck to a swan. The current me outclasses the past me not only in beauty but also in power.

Looking at my hand I flex my magic, or magicules as it is called here, to form a needle.

Light, according to the voice of the world – seriously do the people of this world lack the sense to give good names – came from my ancestry, my grandfather, Helios.

So many changes, so many new things. The only thing I lack is a husband and I would have everything I ever wanted.

My drifted to the child who summoned me here, from the looks of it he could be a good husband. But sadly, he is not my type.

He seems to be the talkative type.

I couldn't help but chuckle in amusement.

"No way in hades will I ever call that boyo my husband." Chuckling at the ridiculous thought, I delved into the mysterious of magic, Creating new spells.

[main POV]

Flying is amazing. The slight burn from the sun felt as if I was cleaned of all my impurities and the embrace of the wind felt refreshing.

Though, I didn't go too far due to not knowing where I was. The last thing I need is to accidently step into the territory of a S-rank monster or something.

Though from flying I did learn that we are on an island.

Landing Infront of the house, I went inside the house.

While flying I also contemplated a lot of things, like the fact I was no longer human and was technically nameless. So, I chose a name for myself, normally a monster cannot name itself, but due to grand librarian it became possible. But sadly, I would not get the benefits of being named due to it.

My new name will be Klaus.

Anyway, currently I'm going to meet scathach, grand librarian told me it would be the best course of action that I learn how to fight as soon as possible.

[scathach POV]

Looking at my target which was 300 meters away, I threw spears made of blood at it.

Never in my life did I ever think that I would ever be a vampire, or dhampir if one wanted to be technical.

I haven't felt human ever since I slew my own death, now I'm not even technically human anymore. But I do admit that being dhampir is not bad, I have no weaknesses yet have all the benefits of a vampire.

And blood manipulation, I have never delved into the blood arts during my life due to my runes, I'll have to admit that it is quite useful. While I still need more training for it to be battle ready, it does increase the versatility of my runes by a significant amount.

I could draw runes using the blood of my enemies, if I could increase my control, I could even draw runes inside my enemy that could curse them or make them explode. Or other fun things.

Also, my physical appearance has become much more eye-catching, my height has increased form 168 cm to 173 cm, my hair has become shinier, and eyes have become the color of blood. Unlike medea and scheherazade my breast have not increased in size, except my thighs have become slightly thicker.

Hearing a rustling sound, I turned my head towards it. I sensed my new master walking towards me. from his walking speed and distance between us, it would take around 3 minutes for him to arrive.

Another benefit of my new race, [keen senses] my senses have gotten better, all of them including from sight to touch have gotten sharper.

I stabbed my spear to the ground, and leaned on the tree while waiting for my master and possible student make his way.

I observed him, and his movement. His brown eyes scream of innocence untainted from battle, and his black hair unruly tell me that he hasn't brushed it. His gait seemed carefree, yet I could see subtle fear in it.

Overall, he seemed like he someone who would stab himself if given a spear.

That is good, all my previous students all had prior experience in fighting, but he does not. Where other would see a waste of time, I see a blank canvas, with me as the painter.

I could teach him from the beginning. His foundation would be perfected, I could make sure that he would learn no bad habits.

I felt aroused. Not due to his appearance but due to the fact of building a warrior. I can set a strong cornerstone to his skills. My skill [teacher] will also make sure that he would not waste any of his potential.

[teacher] a wonderful skill for any teacher to possess, with this skill even the most lacking of teachers could train students to become great heroes.

With a thought I used it on him.

[name: Klaus

Race: half-tengu

Talent: speed, swords, daggers

Magical talent: lightning, wind, water, weather, space]

Oh! The last time I used it on him it stated that he was nameless. Looks like he named himself.

Unfortunately, it seems that he has no talent in spears.

Looking at him I saw that he has brought nothing with him. I sped towards the house that medea and Scheherazade made.

Arriving there I saw the red-haired woman tinkering with some sort of explosive, and Scheherazade was drinking tea. I gave a nod towards them and went towards the witch's workshop.

I knocked at the workshop.

"Come in"

Entering it I saw the witch. Who raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"I need a dozen swords and daggers. each"

"mmhmm" the witch didn't ask any question; she probably knew why I needed them.

She snapped her fingers and created a 3 dozen swords and daggers. I'm thankful for the extra.

Taking them, I deposited them in a storage space that I made. Giving a nod of thanks I turned around to leave.

"Do go easy on the boyo, I don't want my new master to be broken because someone's sadistic tendencies couldn't be controlled." The witch playfully said before I left.

"I'm more of afraid what you will do to him…" I look the witch in the eyes and smirked "…afterall you seem the type to take your anger out on children" with that I left the witch's workshop, while ignoring her shouts and the sounds of glass breaking.

I took a dagger and sword, and applied a runic sentence which would increase in weight daily.

With a burst of speed, I left the cabin and appeared behind the child who was standing at the clearing that I was before leaving.

"Looking for someone, Child." I whispered.

"Ahhhh." he shouted in surprise. Note for later, need to make sure he doesn't shout every time he gets surprised.

"Uhm, yeah, I-I-I was looking for you. I was wondering…" the boy took a deep breath and asked me.

"Daggers or swords." I didn't let him continue.

"Huh." He seemed confused.

"I asked. What would you like to use, daggers or swords?"

"can't I learn to use a spear, or a scythe"

"Unfortunately, no. you don't have the talent for either of that."

"mmhhm" rubbing his chin, and furrowing his brows, anyone who saw him would think that I asked him of the secrets of the universe.

"Swords, especially a katana." The boy finally answered.

Taking out the sword that I wrote the runic sentence from the dimensional space, I threw it towards him.

Fumbling with the sword, he finally caught it.

"Give me 1000 swings." I ordered.

"Now? I was thinking about training in the noon or evening? I haven't even eaten yet. How about we train tomorrow?" The boy asked.

Looking him in the eye, I saw it.

Sloth. The type of person who would delay their work, instead of doing it.

I released a bit of blood lust and took out Gae bolg. And slammed into to the ground. The ground unable to withstand the force, cracked.

I look him in the eyes, "now." I lowered my voice.

The sloth in his eyes disappeared and fear filled it instead. Good he's not unredeemable.

The boy took a stance that would even make complete amateurs shake their heads in disappointment. I on the other hand was excited.

Hitting him with the butt of my spear, I adjusted his stance. I widened the distance between his knees, straightened his back and made him raise his arms a bit more.

I licked my lips.

I couldn't wait to break him, so I would be able to personally build him.

[Klaus POV]

It's been eight days since I was forced- I mean willingly started training with the she-devil.

Every day I would leave the training ground – scathach turned the clearing into a training ground by cutting down trees and levelling the ground using runes – with every part of my body in pain, which mostly comes from her hitting me with her spear every time I make a mistake.

Once again fanfics have lied to me, fanfic protagonists would impress their teachers in their first session while I am still stuck in swinging my sword. The only change is that instead of 1000 swings I have to do 2000. Why 2000? Because I asked her if the number of swings could be reduced. Now, I have to swing the sword – which for some reason becomes heavier each day – 2000 times, 6 days a week.

But enough about my training. When I'm not training, I'm either hanging out with scheherazade listening to her stories or being a model for medea, which to be honest is pretty cool.

Anyway, living on an island in the middle of the ocean was nice.

Which also has given me good news and bad news, good news is that I won't have to worry about any kingdom or empire trying to kill me. bad news is that we are on an island, which means I have no idea which year I am in.


From what medea told me, this island is separated into four main territories.

North is occupied by spiders.

East is occupied by serpents.

South is occupied by a village of lizardmen.

West is occupied by a village of ogres.

After medea found out about the spiders in the north, she went to turn them into her subordinates. Taking me along with her.


It was just another day, yesterday medea and I found a nest of spiders, which was made up of black spiders and knight spiders, there were at least hundreds of them.

Which made her want to turn them into her subordinates. And also wanting to name them to see if their silk would increase in quality.

So here we are walking towards a nest filled with spiders who could possibly eat us. I tried to make her turn back.

"c'mon medea, lets at least bring the others with us." I pleaded with the woman who was about to face a nest of spiders.

She ignored my plea and continued humming.

Realizing that she won't listen to anything I say, I shut my mouth and walked behind her.

Finally, we made it to the spider's cave. There were some webs which covered the entrance.

Medea walked towards it and casted a spell, which produced a high-pithed sound.

Is she trying to make the spiders come out!?

The sounds of hundreds of spiders rushing towards us echoed throughout the cave and reached us.

Spiders came out of the cave in groups of ten. After a minute or so, the entire area Infront of the cave was filled with spiders. I couldn't count but I think there wer-

[report. 598 black spiders, 46 knight spiders and 1 queen spider.]

oh. OH! that's bad! knight spiders were A- rank monsters, the queen would be at least A+ rank, maybe even S rank.

"Not bad. Now, would you surrender now, or after I leave you with an inch of your life?" medea questioned the spiders, unafraid of their numbers while I was one jump scare away from shitting my pants.

Unfortunately, the only thing she got from them were hissing sounds from the queen spider. Right after the queen spider hissed, the rest started walking towards us.

"Unfortunate, but nothing a little pain can't solve." She sighed sadly, but the grin on her face tells me that she was enjoying this.

"I must thank you boyo." Medea suddenly said. I was confused.

"Due to me becoming a light elf, both my control and power of spells have increased, greatly. So, stay back, this will be over in a minute." She sounded confident, like she was not about to face an army of B and A rank monsters along with a possible S-rank.

"Rain of cursed light: Iapetus Hyperion."

Hundreds of magic circles appeared behind her. And fired needles of light at each spider.

[report. Six-hundred forty-five magic circles]

The lights struck every spider, and they started screeching in pain. It seemed as they were vampires who got struck by sunlight.

Seeing them like that my fear turned into sympathy.

Medea walked towards the queen spider, and looked it in the eyes.

"Are you going to surrender or…" before medea could finish her sentence the queen spider nodded its head.

"Good." saying that she snapped her fingers and all the spiders stopped screeching in pain.

"From now on you will be…Sathena." Medea named the queen spider who suddenly glowed.

Wait did she just add the letter S to Athena?

Suddenly the light stopped glowing, and where there was once a huge white spider, now in its place was a…naked MILF! She had the appearance of a normal woman, with white hair and green eyes. She had eight spider-like legs coming from her back. Her breasts are a D cup and her nipples are-

Seeing a completely naked woman for the first time, I…


[flashback over]

Sigh. What else screams virgin than fainting after seeing a naked woman. An extremely attractive naked woman.

Anyway, the queen spider evolved into a Mystic Arachne queen. She gained a skill called mystic thread, a thread which could change into anything, from fire threads and even threads made out of iron and steel.

The knight spiders into iron Arachne's and black spiders into Arachne's. They were all similar to the Arachne queen, except that they had eight eyes, while the queen only has two, and the iron Arachne's had a [iron thread] skill.

Also a few black spiders evolved into silk Arachne's. which according to medea, produce silk so good that the Greek gods would have gone to war with each other for it.

Anyway, the real problem came when the others learned of what she did.

Scathach dragged me away, to the lizardman village, where she beat up every lizardman – now I'm not a cruel person, but there was something satisfying seeing other people getting beat up by her – and then named the strongest of them who was the village chieftess, Kiera. After which she evolved into a vampnewt.

She looked like the dragonewts who were under Souei, except they lacked the wings the dragonewts had. Kiera, had black hair and honey colored skin and ruby red eyes. Along with black horns and a black scaled tail. The color of the eyes, which I've come to learn is something that every vampnewt possess, though the shade of their red colored eyes may differ

Then it was oda Nobunaga who dragged me with her to the ogre village.

When oda Nobunaga asked them to be her subordinates, most of the ogres laughed at her, to which she replied by breaking most of their bones, and proceeded to beat up all the warriors.

After which she named the strongest warrior of the village, akuma. Who evolved from an ogre into a flame Oni.

All ogres of the village evolved into flame Oni, except 7, which evolved into metal Oni.

The flame Oni looked like kijin except they had red horns and had strawberry colored skin.

The metal Oni also looked like kijin, except they had iron-colored horns and light grey skin.

After which scathach, medea and I accompanied Scheherazade to the serpent territory, oda couldn't accompany us due to her staying with the Oni's for some reason.

While walking towards the serpent territory scathach and medea were trading barbs, sometimes when they went too far, I thought they would fight each other.


"…you didn't have accompany us witch, I alone am enough to protect these two." Scathach said while firing a spear made of blood towards a centipede. Which according to grand librarian was a B-class monster.

"don't mind me, I just wanted to make sure nothing bad would happen to them due to…incompetence." Medea replied while firing a beam of light towards a dinosaur like creature.

While these two were exchanging barbs – for reasons I don't know, most fanfics which included medea and scathach showed that they got along extremely well. Alas reality is much different – with each other, while me and scheherazade were walking side by side.

Scheherazade is not the most talkative of women, but for some reason all the other three act extremely protective of her – which is why both scathach and medea accompanied us – kinda like how elder siblings would protect the younger ones.

Looking at her, I saw that she had an amused smile.

"You don't think they would fight each other, right?" I asked her worriedly.

"don't worry, while they might exchange some choice words with each other, they would never actually resort to physical violence…"

"I just wanted to make sure that they were safe, unlike a certain dog who had to tie his guts onto a rock"

"don't worry about the boy, but do keep away from him. Afterall your…reputation with children make me fear for the safety of my student."

"…I hope?" scheherazade continued unsurely. I simply sighed. And decided to talk with Scheherazade to pass up the time.

While scheherazade does not seem to be the talkative time, she actually is extremely chatty. If medea is like the cool sister, and scathach is the strict sister, oda Nobunaga Is like the eccentric sister and Scheherazade is the quiet but secretly talkative and affectionate sister.

So, we were taking about stuff, from her inspiration for her stories, me telling her about some modern stories and such. While talking I Remembered a certain anime which was based on her stories.

"Hey, do you know that there is a world which is based on your stories."

"Really?" scheherazade asked me with disbelief, "an entire world?"

"Well, I'm not sure about the entire world, but I do know that main characters of that world are based on your characters" I explained to the stunned woman.

"Hmm, I wish I could see that world." She sighed wishfully. For some reason it made me sad, to see her like that.

"I'll do it." I promised.


"I'll take you there. I swear it on my name, that I'll take you to that world." I repeated.

"Yo-you don't have to do that, I'm fine." She hurriedly replied, while looking surprised.

"Well, even if you don't want to go there, I'll still take you." I told her, which made her face go through a number of different expressions.

"Thank you." She murmured quietly and smiled at me.

Which made me feel happy and cozy and all sorts of different emotions. Which also made me realize that this is the first time that she smiled like that.

A peaceful silence descended between us, which only interrupted by bickering of the duo.

[flashback over]

After arriving there, scheherazade asked them if they would like a name, to which they hissed at her.

After a few light rays and blood spears, they agreed to her request.

She named the serpent who seemed to be the leader, shahmaran. After which she evolved into a serpent djinn. Which turned the serpent into a woman, thankfully her body was covered by a pink mist, she looked human except for her long tongue, snake like eyes, and sharper teeth.

She had dark blue hair, mocha colored skin, yellow reptilian like eyes, a snake like tongue and snake made of purple gas coiled around her.

The other serpents who were surprisingly all female, evolved into lamias.

Honestly it was a surreal experience, seeing monsters turn human-like.

Spiders turned into Arachne's, lizardman into vampnewts, ogres into Onis and serpents into lamias.

Not going to lie but I'm kinda sad that I didn't get to give anyone names.

Currently the previous area we were in was being rebuilt.

Within these eight days our house has gotten slightly larger, which was surprising because I thought it would be turned into a mansion or a castle which I always wanted to live in but oda Nobunaga said that it would be a waste to live in such a big place while there were only five people, but gained 3 underground labs for medea, scathach and oda Nobunaga.

Houses were being built for the other species.

Medea was making clothes with alongside the Arachne's.

Oda Nobunaga was making all kinds of things – mostly the explosive kind – along with the flame and metal Onis.

And scathach were fighting with the vampnewt when she wasn't watching me swing a sword – I have no idea how she is not bored to death watching me swing a sword for hours.

Morning training with scathach, evening training with medea because magic is the dream of all otakus all over the multiverse, and nights were lazing around the living room, nerding out with oda Nobunaga on which weapons were the best or listening to one of scheherazade many stories.

Oh! Also, all the monsters call me young lord, while calling the others mistress or queen.

All in all, while they are no modern entertainment and while I do wish that scathach and medea would take it a bit easy on me, my life seems no longer as dull and monotonous as it used to be.

Each day is a new adventure, even if I have to swing a sword 2000 times, or having to learn the theory behind the spells.

I'm happy.

"Stop day dreaming and start swinging the sword. Now!"

"Yes mam" hurriedly taking into the stance that has become muscle memory due to all the beatings I took every time I made a mistake, I swung my sword. While being watched by scathach like I was a criminal who commit a crime at any moment.

-chapter 06 end-

Finally done, this was pretty beefy chapter, with a total of 5K words.

Sorry for the late release. I was playing genshin, and then found out a Yu-Gi-Oh game for my mobile called master duel.

FYI, pendulum summoning is stupid.

Also, next chapter will be his first battle.

Anyway, the time is currently 1 a.m. so I'm going to sleep.

Power stones for WN.

Review, favorite and follow in FFN.

Criticism is extremely appreciated.

Peace out.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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