

First of all guys, I want to thank you all for making my story go this far ahead. For some reason, I woke up this morning with it having way more comments and power stones than it had the previous days and I thank you so much for it.

Back to the story now.

Match looked up to see five masked armed men holding civilians hostage. The masked men were looking at him, wide eyed while the civilians looked at one second hopeful before those thoughts were dashed out.

"Who are you?" one of the men asked.

"Match," he answered and then walked towards them.

"Whoa whoa whoa, hold it right there, big guy! One more step and these people here will not be seeing their families any time soon," one of them said as he shoved a gun right into an old woman's mouth.

"You kill hostages, lose le...le...uhm," Match had a brain fart here.

"Leverage, sweety," Cynthia said, appearing beside him like a wraith. The masked men now looked terrified.

"Helmet Killer!" one of them said, his entire body shaking so much Cynthia knew he would fire his weapon by accident.

"Don't worry boys, I'm not here to dance with you," she told them. The armed men were relieved, so much so that one of them straight up fell on his butt after sighing.

"Are you here for him?" one asked, pointing his gun at Match.

"Yep," she nodded. "See, I want to see what kind of combat prowess he has. Is he going to mindlessly tear you from limb to limb, not dodge when you fire at him and let the bullet fall off his bulletproof skin? Or is he going to use tact? All in all, I am here to conduct a test for my prodigy here and you five are not going to be alive to hear my final remarks."

"You bitch!" one roared, aiming his gun at her head and fired only for Match to put his arm in front of her and the bullets ricocheted off of it.

Match picked up a desk with relative ease and threw it at the man. He did not even have time to dodge when the desk hot him and reduces him to a smudge on the bank's wall.

"Mother fucker!" a robber roared as he started shooting at Match who stood his ground, eyeing him. The other three joined in, wishing a miracle would happen that would make Match suddenly pervious to their bullets. But, the clone of Superman stood tall, not even letting out a grunt of pain.

'This is one of the reasons I took Match instead of Superboy. His Kryptonians DNA is the dominant one, making him much more stronger than Superboy even if they start at the same point. All he is lacking is control and experience,' Cynthia thought as she saw Match just standing there and taking the bullets.

"I'm out!" one robber shouted and the others followed. Cynthia frowned as she watched Match just standing there as he waited for them to reload.

'Maybe there's a little too much Superman in him!' she thought before she took out four kunais and threw them at their heads. The four iron weapons ripped through their skulls and brain matter before imbedding themselves into the bank's wall. The four did not even know how they died, the look of worry and rush as their bodies were still reloading thus they fell dead, clutching their guns in a reloading motion.

"Friend interfere," Match said turning around to look at her.

"Because I could not stand and see this pathetic display. You stood there and let them shoot at you!" she said.

"I bulletproof," Match said with simplicity.

"Yes, you are. Your invulnerability is making you a cocky little shit and thus, I have a training regiment for you. It will make your "invulnerability" chicken shit!" she said then chopped him by the back of his neck. It was so strong his feet sank into the floor. His irises receded up into his eyelids as he became unconscious. Cynthia turned to the civilians.

"You're all free to go," As son as those words got out of her mouth, they all ran out of there screaming.

"There it is once again, Maze!" a charming British accented man said as he looked at the city from above. His two white wings flapping noiselessly, maintaining his altitude.

"I can feel it, intentless murder!" a woman's voice said from behind him. He turned to look at her and smile. She was flying too, but with leathery wings.

"You can't feel it?" he asked. She looked confused.

"What do you mean, your Grace?" she asked. Lucifer turned to look at the city, a frighteningly charming smile adorning his face.

"Power! Unlimited, star crushing power!" Lucifer answered.

Short chapter to complete yesterday's. Thanks for reading.

Kingo_Tepescreators' thoughts