
Hongyu Multinational

Éditeur: Larbre Studio

Walking into the room, Liu Kun got straight to the point. "Mr Ling, I'll just tell you directly. Last time at the Nanrong household, I got to experience your formidable skills and develop a deep appreciation for them. Coincidentally, our company is lacking talents like yourself. I would like to extend a formal invitation for you to join our company."


Ling Chen was secretly feeling pleased with himself. He was still vexed over his lack of a job, but here was someone coming to his doorstep to offer him one.

Last time, when he went drinking with Nanrong Hao, he distinctly remembered Nanrong Hao saying that Hongyu Multinational that the Nanrong Family managed was a giant corporate entity in Donghai City. If he could manage to latch on to an organisation like that, then the rewards were sure to be ample.

"Steward Liu, what did you say this job entails?"


"Security?" Ling Chen frowned, before firmly shaking his head. "I won't accept it."

It wasn't that he was looking down on the job of security, it was just that the uniform of a security guard was simply too ugly for his liking!

"The monthly remuneration is thirteen thousand dollars, including meals but not accommodation. If you do a good job, at the end of the month, we'll give you an additional bonus."

"Cheh! Only thirteen thousand... Hmm?" Ling Chen doubted his hearing and hurriedly asked, "Wait, how much did you the monthly remuneration was? One thousand three hundred dollars…... right?"

"Thirteen thousand dollars."

"When do I start?"

Ling Chen's attitude immediately took a 180° change.

Are you kidding me? For thirteen thousand dollars, forget about wearing the uniform of a security guard, even if you asked me to go nude, I'd be willing!

It was thirteen thousand dollars!

His mind wandered to thoughts about the life of luxury he'd be able to live in the future and his lips split into an incomparably wide grin.

"Mr Ling, if it's convenient for you, I can bring you to the company immediately to begin the recruitment process."


Ling Chen hurriedly changed into more formal clothing and followed Liu Kun out of the apartment.

After half an hour of riding in a car, the two arrived outside the headquarters of Hongyu Multinational.

Gazing at the 60-storey high building in front of him, Ling Chen's eyes shone, he was unable to suppress the gleeful grin on his face.

"Mr Ling, follow me."

Walking into the lobby of the building, Liu Kun directly brought Ling Chen to the HR department and helped him to facilitate the recruitment process. With Liu Kun around, the initially tedious process was resolved in a jiffy. Not even a few minutes later, Ling Chen signed the contract formalising his status as an employee of Hongyu Multinational.

"Mr Liu, I'll now take you around the security department, so that you can familiarise yourselves with your future colleagues. You'll officially start work tomorrow."

"Alright, sorry to trouble you, Steward Liu."

The security department was located on the first floor. Ling Chen followed behind Liu Kun to the office area and just as they were about to enter, a guy opened up the door and instead exited the office. The male was clad in the uniform of a security guard and had a pockmarked face.

Noticing Steward Liu Kun in front of him, the pockmark faced security guard hastily stood upright and greeted, "Mr Liu."

Liu Kun nodded his head before gesturing to Ling Chen, who was standing behind him. "Wei Jun, let me introduce you. This is your new colleague, Ling Chen. He'll be joining us, starting tomorrow."

Two pairs of eyes gazed at each other, and both of them simultaneously jumped in shock, exclaiming loudly in surprise, "It's you?!"

"You two know each other."

"We've only met once." Ling Chen could only smile wryly.

This Wei Jun was exactly the fan that he had gotten into a scuffle with at the bar. To think that he was also working at Hongyu Multinational and was his colleague to boot.

"Since both of you know each other, then that's also good. Mr Ling, Wei Jun is the vice-captain of the security detail. Later, let him show you around the premises. I still have other matters to attend to, I'll be taking my leave."

After sending off Liu Kun, Ling Chen then passionately clasped the shoulders of Wei Jun and gave him a heated gaze.

"Big Brother Wei, we are fated, to actually be able to run into each other here. I hope that you didn't take the matter at the bar to heart!"

Now that he was a subordinate under the other party, naturally, he would strive to maintain good relations with Wei Jun and avoid future trouble for himself.

As the idiom goes, you don't hit a smiling man in the face, with Ling Chen taking the initiative to admit his fault, Wei Jun would also be hard-pressed to continue finding fault with him. Moreover, in Wei Jun's eyes, this fellow Ling Chen was someone that Liu Kun personally brought over, so his position must be rather high, he was reluctant to make an enemy out of Ling Chen.

"I was also at fault the other day. Why not we both put the matter behind us and not mention it anymore. Bro Ling, come, let me show you around the premises and let you familiarise yourself with the new surroundings."

The job of security was rather simple, involving either patrolling or acting as a sentry. What was important was to have a sense of responsibility when on the job.

Under the lead of Wei Jun, in less than half an hour, Ling Chen quickly developed a pretty comprehensive understanding of the building's layout.

"Bro Ling, it's already noon. Let's go to the canteen for lunch."


Hongyu Multinational had a canteen that specially catered to employees and it was free to dine in there. Ling Chen and Wei Jun walked over to the cafeteria and ordered two portions of food, before finding seats at a table. As they were eating, they started conversing happily.

"Big Brother Wei, how long have you been working at Hongyu Multinational?"

"Almost two years."

"The treatment must be pretty great then?"

His monthly remuneration was thirteen thousand dollars, so as the vice-captain, Wei Jun's pay must be even higher.

"It's alright, every month I get paid about three thousand dollars."

Ling Chen froze at that moment. Only three thousand dollars, isn't the difference in treatment too apparent?

But after mulling over the matter for a while, he found that it was not too surprising. After all, Liu Kun had personally gone over to his place to headhunt him. His incredibly generous salary must be because Liu Kun highly valued his talents.

Thinking of that, Ling Chen regained his calm.

At that moment, the chopsticks of all the employees dining in the canteen suddenly froze. Then the gaze of everyone suddenly turned towards the entrance.

Curious, Ling Chen followed Wei Jun's gaze and his eyes slightly trembled with astonishment. A long-legged beauty was currently pushing a wheelchair into the canteen.

Nanrong Wanqing!

Staring at the wheelchair-bound young lady whom he had only met once before, Ling Chen still had the feeling of being swept away by her beauty.

As he was busy admiring her, he felt a sharp and frosty gaze directed at him. He raised his head and met the gaze of the long-legged beauty with fury blazing in her eyes.

This lass is pretty sharp, actually noticing my gaze.

Ling Chen sneered and locked gaze with Su Lin.

Seeing his blatant disregard for her, Su Lin felt a tempestuous rage swirling inside her and thought glumly to herself, What's that arrogant bastard doing here? Don't tell me he's here to deliver something?

At that moment, she whispered something into Nanrong Wanqing's ear before releasing the wheelchair, stomping over to where Ling Chen was sitting. With a voice brimming with irritation, she huffily seethed, "Oi, Ling Chen, what're you doing here?"

Ling Chen just casually waved at her and grinned. "Miss Su, is there something wrong with your eyes? Can't you see that I'm having a meal here?"

"This is the canteen for Hongyu employees. An outsider like you has no right to eat here, get out of my sight this instant!"

Wei Jun hastily tried to mediate, "Miss Su, he's a member of our company now?"

"What?!" Incredulity filled Su Lin's face as she doubted what she had just heard.

"Miss Su, not only is there a problem with your eyes, you need to go for a hearing check-up too! Did you understand Big Brother Wei's words?"

"You… I don't care who hired you. You're fired as of this instant!"

"Big Brother Wei, what status does Miss Su have in this company? Does she have the authority just to fire anyone based on her whims?"

Wei Jun was about to open his mouth to answer him, but noticing the searing gaze that Su Lin shot him, he hurriedly shut his mouth and did not say anything else.

"Ling Chen let me tell you something. This is my territory. Even if I don't have a position in this company, I still can get rid of you!"

Ling Chen shrugged, pretending that he did not hear a single word she said.

"I heard that Hongyu Multinational was a well-known company in Donghai City, with professional and stringent work standards. To think that this esteemed organisation would actually be so casual. Anyone with connections can act so tyrannical and just fire an employee willy-nilly, paying no heed to labour regulations at all. Everyone present, you already witnessed my predicament, so remember to watch your backs. In the future, steer clear of this Miss Su. Else if you get on her wrong side, you'll die without even knowing why."