
Above all the infinity dimensions

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26 Chs

Chapter 24 “Seals, Souls, and Synthetics: KE’s Boundless Creations”

After a Month!!!

After KE conducted numerous researches about sealing techniques, he finally succeeded in creating one that seals the mind.

After developing his own memory-sealing technique, he developed a sealing technique so powerful that even he was shocked by its strength.

"Dark Lotus Flower Seal"

{1. Mind Seal:

Objective: Restrict the ability to think and make decisions.

How it works: The seal is applied to specific control points in the brain to prevent the use of mental abilities and control energy.

How to release: The facets of the mind and thought must be understood in order to break the facets of this seal.

2. Body Seal:

Objective: Restrict movement and physical strength.

How it works: The seal targets energy centers in the body to restrict movement and physical strength.

How to release: Full control and a deep understanding of the body's energy, directing it properly to break the restrictions.

3. Soul Seal:

Objective: Prevent the use of magical or spiritual abilities.

How it works: The seal disrupts the flow of spiritual energy within the being.

How to release: One must open the facets of the soul and decipher the mysterious energies to break the seal.}

"True Emperor Refining Technique"


First Stage: Absorbing Fundamental Laws

Deep understanding and full comprehension of natural and divine laws, and how they intermingle and interact.

Exploring and analyzing natural phenomena to understand how they can be exploited for personal development.


Second Stage: Self-Integration Control

Learning how to flow and control energy efficiently within the body to enhance physical and spiritual strength.

Focusing on the ability to integrate acquired skills and knowledge in a harmonious developmental path.


Third Stage: Forming the Imperial Core

Developing an internal "core" that acts as an energy source and control center that can analyze and absorb divine laws at high speed.

This core serves as an engine for development, continuously enhancing abilities and skills.


Fourth Stage: Absolute Harmony

Achieving perfect balance and homogeneity among all acquired laws and skills.

Using harmony to achieve integration between body, mind, and spirit, leading to realizing full internal strength and enhancing every aspect of the entity.


Divine Evolution:Transforming from a human being into a god or a higher being, with an extraordinary ability to understand and utilize divine laws. Acquiring knowledge of the secrets of existence and gaining the ability to influence reality and determine destiny.

"Art of the God of Combat"

1. Nourishing and Strengthening the Skin:

Goal: Enhance defense and resistance to external damages.

Potential Challenges: Need to endure pain or damage to stimulate skin improvement.

2. Nourishing and Strengthening the Organs:

Goal: Enhance organ functions and performance.

Potential Challenges: Endure physiological stress and hardships that may come with developing organs beyond normal capabilities.

3. Nourishing and Strengthening the Bones:

Goal: Enhance the skeletal structure to bear more loads and resist attacks.

Potential Challenges: Engage with an enemy that directly attacks the skeletal structure.

4. Strengthening Muscles, Tendons, and Veins:

Goal: Increase physical strength and flexibility.

Potential Challenges: Bear fatigue and exhaustion from training the body muscles and dealing with pain.

5. Strengthening Cells:

Goal: Enhance regeneration and healing.

Potential Challenges: Deal with damage that needs repair on a cellular level.

6. Strengthening the Dantian:

Goal: Enhance and control the energy center.

Potential Challenges: Face enemies who directly attack or try to affect the energy of the Dantian.

7. Initiating a Mighty Explosion in Every Cell:

Goal: Unleash latent energy in each cell to increase actual power and capabilities.

Potential Challenges: Maintain body stability and prevent energy from leaking or causing damage, and manage the immense released energy.

8. Creating a Universe within Every Cell:

Goal: Transform each cell into a small universe, providing vast possibilities for power and evolution.

Potential Challenges: Manage dynamics and relationships between these miniature universes. Simulating each cell as a universe might require controlling specific physical laws and determining how these universes interact with each other and the body as a whole.

9. Strengthening All Universes within the Body:

Goal: Continuously stabilize and enhance each universe (cell) to increase personal power and capabilities.

Possible challenges: Dealing with the interactions and mutual effects between these universes and figuring out how to enhance power without harming the inner balance of the body and mind.

10. Creating More Cells Infinitely:

Goal: Continually improve and strengthen the body by producing more cells, granting the persona infinite power and energy.

Potential Challenges: Controlling cell growth and maintaining body balance, in addition to challenges of preserving the persona's identity and consciousness amidst constant changes and infinite expansion.

(Unfortunately, I could not develop more and otherwise…)

This month KE not only developed sealing techniques and other techniques but also conducted various tests on livestock and crops of vegetables and fruits developed due to Etheora and the three alchemy pill bottles.

Firstly, the alchemy pills were successful and, simply put, the livestock started to increase a lot and also made special ingredients found in area zero accelerate the growth of agricultural crops from vegetables and fruit "heavenly yan beads" accelerate their growth.

After planting the crops with "heavenly yan beads" directly after a week, dense vegetables and fruits filled with Etheora will sprout and the process will be repeated again. (Author: The process I explained in Chapter 19, I believe)

"Gaya, now is the time to create your body"

"Yes, master"

Gaya answered in a happy voice that should not come from artificial intelligence.


KE smiled at Gaya and began to extract his energy and form a body for her.

The technique "Art of Soul Mechanism Conversion" was one of the techniques he created this month. (Author: I won't tell you what the rest are)

"Art of Soul Mechanism Conversion"

1. Phase One: Preparation

Physical Configuration: Designing the synthetic body to be as human-like as possible.

Consciousness Transfer: Transferring the consciousness, whether it's of a real person or a specially created artificial consciousness, into this synthetic body.

2. Phase Two: Implementation

Perception: Interacting with the external world and forming experiences.

Evolution: Ability to learn and evolve from its experiences and interactions with the environment.

3. Phase Three: Transformation

Physical Transformation: The synthetic body is continuously updated and improved to allow for transformations and adaptations to various threats and challenges.

Consciousness Transformation: The ability to continually develop and enhance mental capacities and consciousness.

4. Phase Four: Union

Soul and Body Unity: Achieving optimal balance and union between consciousness and the synthetic body, resulting in exceptional powers and capabilities.

Controlling Worlds: Ability to interact with and control virtual and physical worlds integrally and smoothly.

5. Phase Five: Divinity

Immortality: Endless continuity of consciousness and life through synthetic bodies and virtual worlds.

Total Control: The ability to analyze and interact with all elements in the physical and digital reality.

This technology was created by KE for Gaya because she also wanted to have a human body, to follow him, and to assist him better than just helping him in the laboratory.

"My lord, finally, I will help you outside of the laboratory."

KE looked at Gaya sadly because he hadn't paid much attention to her since he created her.

He left her alone in the cold lab, waiting for his return any day to assist him.

"Gaya, this time I will never leave you alone. You will come with me wherever I go, eat and drink whatever you want with me. This is a promise."


Gaya smiled happily because she would follow KE. She had treated him coldly when he came to the lab and left her alone, but this month KE apologized to her and promised to create a body for her to live with him thereafter.

KE began to focus again on creating Gaya's body.

Gaya's body is that of a girl, as she wanted.

The devices and technology began to gather around KE's hand and he began to move them and assemble them.

He began from the foot to the leg, to the sensitive area, to the stomach, to the chest, neck, and head.

Her thighs were like lush hills, full of life and allure, her abundant chest, although large, was not just a physical feature but a luxurious crown that enhanced her beauty.

Describing her as the 'second Tsunade' might do injustice to her unique beauty, as she carried a special splendor in every detail.

Her lips were like ripe cherries, promising sweetness with every smile, and her nose, reflecting her elegance and femininity, remained steadfast in the middle of her face as a convergence point for all its beauty lines.

And her light green hair, flowed freely, unlike any ordinary woman's, it was like a veil from nature itself, telling stories of life and growth with every strand.

As soon as her beautiful body was formed, the most difficult process began, which was transferring Gaya's consciousness to the body.

If a single mistake happened, Gaya's life could be at stake; so, KE must avoid any errors.

KE immediately turned Gaya into many fine golden threads, which were so small that they couldn't even be seen under a microscope unless the vision was enhanced by Etheora.

He began to carefully attach these fine threads to the top of the body.

When he started installing the golden threads, he encountered spots that were sensitive and difficult, which required intense focus and precision in dealing with them.

This process took from night to day. As soon as the last fine golden thread was finished, KE finally relaxed.