
About a Certain Vampire Girl

2:51 AM, the vampire hour. For days now, Dawn Riftwalker, a teenage girl student at Eve's Anathema, has quite the problem. A strange girl with glasses breaks into her room every night without any warnings. That would be one big problem by itself, but the girl in question just had to be a vampire too. Nonsensical, forceful, flirty, that girl is just the kind of person the introverted Dawn has hardest time to deal with. But under all that, she discover someone she enjoys being around as well as a new side of herself. That being said, the world around them is not exactly the most logical place there is and the vampire girl she knows might hide a past and a mind too alien for her to even hope to understand. Amidst all of this, can Dawn finally realize her feelings and convey them properly? Thus begins an heartwarming – albeit slightly twisted and nonsensical – love story about a certain socially awkward girl, and a certain vampire. *** There will be about 4 to 5 chapters per weeks starting on Wednesday or Thursday.

FalSe_sMile · Fantaisie
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34 Chs

About Meeting the Vampire Archd— About Finding Dawn – Part 1

The vampire Archdukes. Aside from the vampire Monarchs whose existence is discussable except for one, they are known as the strongest existing members of their respective bloodlines. They, like Judges amongst the Curse Eaters, are considered like walking calamities or natural disasters at least juridically. They are demigods whose true power and true nature are beyond not only human but vampire's understanding! Or so the armored woman explained to me to justify sending two other people into the sea before excusing herself along with the other vampires except Miss Garlic…

Well, at least she was right about one thing, they survived seemingly unscathed and only complaining that the water was cold. Aside from that, they made no mention of how violent her behavior had been. When I asked her about it, Yakatarina just chuckled and shook her head.

"Violent? I guess that by human standards she was violent and yes, it was painful but it was nothing unexpected," she explained.

"But you complained about being shot at by me before," I asked, my eyebrows furrowed.

"That is because I can feel pain just fine, you know? Besides, recovering from direct brain damage is really difficult to pull off! I didn't mention it, but it was so difficult that I felt like giving up on life at times!"

"Aren't you exaggerating a bit?"

"No. Mistress YAKATARINA is right," intervened a young woman with curly white hair held in high pigtails. After a few seconds, I recognized her: it was Blue Bridge in a pink halter one-piece with elephant motifs.

"Healing from brain damage is unbelievably hard due to how little is known about this organ," she continued. "You see, while regeneration is an automatic process for vampires, it can only be accelerated and free of errors if somehow controlled. Most vampires can regenerate a limb or two without thinking too much about it thanks to proprioception, or how they feel their bodies if you would. However, it is a bit more complicated to control the regeneration of internal organs since, like humans, we don't really feel them. This can be compensated with training, a good bloodline, and mostly knowledge. However, when it comes to the brain this loses all relevance."

"You can't train unless you willingly hurt your brain. Just like humans whose life expectancy is comparatively lower than other mammals because they never had the chance to adapt to long lives due to their predators, none of the vampire bloodlines developed any ability to heal brain damage because, well most were killed by it if not crippled," added Yakatarina looking up as if she was trying to remember some sort of lesson. She then looked at me with a little smile, "As for knowledge, isn't it a bit sad that your memories are stocked into your brain too?"

"... It was so hard?"

"Mistress YAKATARINA is a genius to be able to heal from this sort of damage. Had it been anyone else and you would have killed a Vampire Archduke, Mistress Riftwalker."

"So easily?"

"Impressive, right?!" exclaimed Yakatarina. "To think that the only thing that allowed me to survive was the choice of weapon! Had she used a more powerful gun, maybe I wouldn't be here to talk about it!"

"Yes. Truly impressive for a normal human," replied Miss Blue Bridge, nodding with a smile.

"But most humans can shoot too. It wasn't anything special."

The two looked at each other for a few seconds. Then they dropped their shoulders and shook their heads. What was that supposed to mean?

"Well then, Mistress YAKATARINA, Mistress Riftwalker, it seems like my rightful requires my services. If you would excuse me."

With those words she moved closer to the sea where Miss Garlic was standing, her feet immersed as she tried to squeeze her T-shirt out of all the water in it… or maybe out of all its decency, I wasn't sure. I just hoped the bag Miss Blue Bridge was holding contained some decent clothing.

"Make sure they don't catch a cold!" yelled Yakatarina to the maid who replied with a simple nod. "Ah, decent. She is a decent girl indeed if she can acknowledge your greatness."

I pressed my lips together. Sure, I understood that they were genuinely (?) praising but I couldn't really get happy about it. No, to be honest, a part of me was happy to be praised about almost killing a vampire with a title as cool – albeit a bit cliché if I must voice my opinion – as Archduchess of the Crimson Roses. In an alternate reality where she didn't survive, I am sure I would have been honored to hear that even if it was from the mouth of another vampire out for my blood.

But my reality was different. I was that girl's friend and she was the one I had feelings for. Even if it didn't represent much to her, her presence changed my life more than I ever expected it could.

That's why, that's exactly why hearing her praise me for almost killing her was so difficult to stomach. That is also why I couldn't help but do something counterintuitive like pinching her cheek.

"... Ouch," she said.

"Your jersey is drenched. Are you going to catch a cold if you keep it?"

"Hm? Do you mean what I said to Blue Bridge? Joke. Of course, it is a joke. You know I wouldn't get sick from something like that!"

"So you could have died? Those times, I mean…"

She looked up, "Well, as a general rule, shooting in a vampire's brain is a good way to kill regardless of bloodline. If it doesn't work, then the brain is simply not where you think."

"Did you… Could you fully heal?"

"Hm. Good question. I don't think my mental facilities have been that affected but I can't remember a few little things."

"... So it had consequences."

"Everyone forgets things eventually. If anything, I am grateful for that!"

She was downplaying it, but if she noticed that she forgot a few things, then they must've been important to her. Such important things that I took away without realizing it.

"Hey, Yakatarina, what exactly do you eat?"

"Why asking me that so suddenly?"

"You drink blood, don't you?"

"Obvious. That is pretty much all we noble can gain nutrients from."

"I never saw you do it though. Are you… Do you not want to do it in my presence?"

She stared at me for a few seconds before opening her mouth.

"... Heh…"

Her smile grew wider. I knew it wasn't a good sign.

"Why, yes," she replied.

"Why? It's not as if I don't know what you are. You don't chase living people, right? As long as you don't do anything repressible, I won't have any problem watching you do it."

"Ah? Is that so? Question. Do you remember how you felt when I kissed you?"

"... Huh?"

Another weird question. I had to prepare for the worst if I tried to push on.

"What kind of question is that?" I replied, letting go of her cheek.

"Allow me to explain but a bit out of order. We, vampires, enjoy our meal in more ways than one. Do you see what I mean?"

"I am not sure I want to understand but go ahead."

"If I drank blood around you, I might not resist the urge to bite you. It is hard already without it, let's not add more temptation, please!"

"You… want to bite me?"

She closed her eyes, her smile still on her face.

"I am barely stopping myself from doing so."

Her words sounded like an invitation to something she knew was beyond just dangerous. It was as if she was begging me to not push any further for our sakes.

"... Do you want to do it this much?"

"See?! That is why you shouldn't touch me!" she said, hugging her body. "Just imagine what would happen to you if I lost control! You would hate me your whole life for it!"

"I see…"

Even though she seemed to never be serious about anything, I could understand that she was thinking about my safety here. She probably didn't want to hurt me.

However, I could also understand something else: I wanted her to hurt me. My reasoning was a bit blurry but even without my love for her, I was convinced I somewhat deserved it for everything I made her go through even if this was her fault originally.

I needed her to take revenge on me. In fact, I was eager for her to do so. That being said, I knew she would keep her distance as long as she thought I was against it. She needed my consent, she needed me to say it out loud. Yes, I needed to make her understand that I wanted her to do it too.

"Huh, Yakatarina, actually…"


"Huh, well…" Go ahead! Go ahead!!! "I… I wouldn't mind if you—"

"Now then, Kate! The time has come!"

Before I could finish my sentence, Miss Garlic interrupted me with her over-the-top call and her subsequent over-the-top boasting.

"Feast your eyes on those perfect curves! There's not too much, nor there is not enough, just what is needed where it is needed!"


My eyes unconsciously rested on her chest. It took me a few seconds, but I ended up noticing that it indeed went down a few bra sizes. Also, it seemed she changed into quite a nice swimsuit black and yellow swimsuit. Something she was sadly aware of…

"What do you say, Kate? Aren't I worthy of the famed beach goddess title?" she said, approaching us with the most menacing hip swing I ever saw. "Look at this skin-tight racerback swimsuit worthy of the greatest athletes! Do you know what it means?"

"Strange. You are acting strange, Garlic. Did you get a sunburn?" asked Yakatarina.

"Do not worry about that. A vampire who doesn't use solar cream must be a masochist or a Sun-blessed. Being neither, I will ask you this."

She pointed at a point behind Yakatarina.





Nobody looked. Nobody looked but to think someone would really try to use that in real life. I mean sure, pink elephants could exist on Arca and even if they didn't, being asked to look in a specific direction somewhat compels you to do it, you know? That being said, mentioning the famed pink elephant was a bit…

"Huh? Wait, Dawn!!!"


Before I could understand the meaning of her warning, I felt myself getting lifted up by something. When I tried to turn around to see what was happening, I realized I was held up by bird-like feet.

"Ah!!!" I yelled before understanding it was probably nothing too serious. "What is going on now?"

"Good question, Mistress Riftwalker," I heard a voice behind me say. It was a familiar one – it was…

"Miss Blue Bridge?!"



But it was impossible. Down, close to the sea, I could still see the white-haired young woman and her pink swimsuit. Whatever was lifting me couldn't possibly be Miss Blue Bridge!

"Oh! Impressive! Truly impressive! Your copying skill has reached this level?!" exclaimed Yakatarina, looking at Miss Garlic with shining eyes.

"Kate. If you tried contacting us during the last 10 years instead of spending your time hauled up in that laboratory, I am sure you would have learned a lot of things. We wouldn't even have to do this," said the blonde-haired girl still pumping her chest proudly even though her smile appeared as the patronizing type.

"Have to do this? What exactly?"

"Why, kidnapping your princess obviously. Can you imagine the shock we had when we learned that you left your research every day to talk to some human girl? The Archduchess of the Crimson Roses! Not researching! Can you imagine what they said?!"



Yakatarina raised her hand, "Question. What do you people take me for? I can do other things than researching, you know?"

"No, I don't know, and the others too. Which is why you will prove it to us. Mane Mane Blue Bridge?"

The Miss Blue Bridge on the ground approached Yakatarina and gave her a folded parchment.

"This map contains the location of six castles we built before your arrival. Mistress Riftwalker will be held prisoner in one of them until into one for the duration of our stay. If you fail to rescue her before 6 PM in 3 days, the master of the castle she was hidden in will claim her as her own forevermore. Additionally, you won't have the right to meet with her until the next meeting of the Vampire Archdukes in 10 years. Do you understand the conditions?"

"Eh, I don't even have a choice?"

Miss Garlic slowly shook her head, "Your betrayal was too deep, Kate. What we need is compensation."

"What about the meeting?"

"We settled for 6 PM in 3 days."

"Eh~... Well, why not?"

"Why not what? Can someone explain what is going on to me?" I asked, not really expecting an answer.

"We are kidnapping you," said Miss Garlic.

"I am the one doing the kidnapping," I heard Miss Blue Bridge (?) say.

"You are being kidnapped, apparently," said Yakatarina.

"Look, I like how none of this makes sense and nobody seems to care, but…"

"Please, Dawn, can you bear it for now? If Lord Bannerworth or the twins agreed to put up with this farce, it must be because it must be somewhat important. I am sure they will take good care of you so please?"

People say life is unfair because it is true. Parents don't love their children equally even though they will never admit it, beautiful people are less likely to receive harsh sentences than ugly people and of course, cats can always get away with piercing your nails with their teeth. This is how unfair this girl's plea sounded to me.

"On three conditions."

"I am listening."

"Firstly, find me."

"Evidence! I won't let you fall into their hands matter what happens!"

You ARE doing exactly this, though?

"Secondly, listen to me once this is over."

"Yes, of course."

"Thirdly, do something I ask without asking any questions."


"If you don't agree, I am leaving with Miss Blue Bridge forever!"

"Mistress Riftwalker?"

"My, is this the rumored NTR?" asked Miss Garlic.

"Shut up, you two."

Yakatarina took her usual thinking pose and tilted her head.

"I am okay with it but was the NTR part necessary? Garlic will be sad, you know?"

"Kate, there is nothing between… Oh well, if everything is settled, let's begin with the first edition of 'Finding Dawn'!"


The Miss Blue Bridge on the ground used a party popper probably to emulate a firework.

"... First edition?"

"If the audience is pleased, we might do it again at our next meeting in 10 years!"

"No, please. Anyway, can the one holding me put me on the ground? It is painful to be held up by your arms like that. Also, I need to go to the bathroom."

"Ah yes, excuse us. Right away."