
About a Certain Vampire Girl

2:51 AM, the vampire hour. For days now, Dawn Riftwalker, a teenage girl student at Eve's Anathema, has quite the problem. A strange girl with glasses breaks into her room every night without any warnings. That would be one big problem by itself, but the girl in question just had to be a vampire too. Nonsensical, forceful, flirty, that girl is just the kind of person the introverted Dawn has hardest time to deal with. But under all that, she discover someone she enjoys being around as well as a new side of herself. That being said, the world around them is not exactly the most logical place there is and the vampire girl she knows might hide a past and a mind too alien for her to even hope to understand. Amidst all of this, can Dawn finally realize her feelings and convey them properly? Thus begins an heartwarming – albeit slightly twisted and nonsensical – love story about a certain socially awkward girl, and a certain vampire. *** There will be about 4 to 5 chapters per weeks starting on Wednesday or Thursday.

FalSe_sMile · Fantaisie
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34 Chs

About a Certain Transfer Student – Part 6

"So… you are saying her role is to test second and third-year students," I asked, not sure if I understood what all this was about.

"You surely know that our school's objective is turning into Curse-Eaters," Miss Tru'nembra began. "A Curse-Eater's job is to fend off the figurative 'curse', that much you know already. Now, can you remind me of the three ways one can do that?"

"Huh?" A surprise interrogation? Here? "Huh… Studying, Using, and Destroying?"

"Precisely, first-year student Dawn Riftwalker. As you might know, proficiency in all of these is necessary for a Curse-Eater. Sadly, a single person only has that much talent. Starting in the second year – and even first year for a few – students choose one or many of those disciplines and become specialists. I believe you know that much."

"I knew…" I trailed off. I heard many students talking about it but I hardly saw it as anything but a way to avoid some classes in the future.

"What you probably didn't know is that those choices aren't made by students alone. If they show insufficient abilities in their chosen fields, we redirect them elsewhere. You should be aware of how dangerous a Curse-Eater's job is; without the proper competencies, we might end up with, at best, a crippled student just like Miss Atols. In our line of work, every danger cannot be prevented with a reinforced uniform. I am sure you understand."

I did and that was the most scary part of all of this. Even if there were measures taken against it, the mortality rate amongst students was way higher than in a normal school. Besides, you would be hard-pressed to find a school where one of the risks of attending was to lose your mind at any point. I heard that about 1/5 of students ended up Curse-Eaten or dead in the span of those three years. That is without taking into consideration the stats of the middle school, superior cursus, background, species, categories, and so on. Long story short, the chances that someone like me with high resistance but no uncanny ability or traits wouldn't make it through those years were about 1/3. A bit high if you ask me.

"That is why we need powerful people like field-on-examinator Iovanna Domenica Cassini A-Lua to use her abilities to put the students on edge. By gauging their reactions, we can assert whether or not they fit into their chosen disciplines."

"... I understand that but… You mean that all that about her throwing herself from the roof was—"

"It was a test," Iovanna replied. "The objective was to see those who could acknowledge that they were being manipulated and those who could not. But I can see how it might seem as an attempt to throw myself off the roof."

"Field-on-examinator Iovanna Domenica Cassini A-Lua here has in her possession powerful evil eyes of fear inducement. You could say they even compare to those of the legendary Medusa of Greek mythology," added Miss Tru'nembra. "As long as her eyes are open, everything she looks at, or who is looking at her, is struck with fear but not just any kind of fear! They start getting paranoid and link together unrelated events making her seem particularly threatening. Most likely your image of her is probably warped by their effect, first-year student Dawn Riftwalker."

"In order to affect the highest possible number of students, the vice dean had me borrow the keys to that roof and stand there with my eyes open," Iovanna said. She then furrowed her eyebrows before continuing with a snarky tone, "This operation was a success or so I was told."

"Now, now, field-on-examinator Iovanna Domenica Cassini A-Lua, I understand your opinion on the matter, but we already talked about it."

"Apologies. I was not trying to argue."

"Well, then I think this covers it. Do you have any questions, first-year student Dawn Riftwalker?"

"... Is everything you said true?"

That was the only question I could think of at the moment. Sure, it was one the most trustworthy people in this school telling me that Iovanna wasn't dangerous but I couldn't help but see it as some sort of trap. Paradoxically, that was the proof that she was telling the truth. There was simply too much doubt in my head to be the fruit of a normal and coherent thought process.

"Excuse me, Miss Tru'nembra, but I do not think she is in a state allowing her to think properly," Iovanna intervened with her tone as calm as usual. "Maybe we should report this to a later date?"

"My, what a political way of saying you are against it."

"I would not say that I am against it, no. But you greatly overestimated her value as a potential assistant."

"How unusually judgemental of you. Could it be that you don't like her?"

"Please, do not over-interpret. I am just being objective."

"Oh, but you aren't the most straightforward person I've ever met, examinator Iovanna Domenica Cassini A-Lua. Anyhow, I will take your opinion into account."

"Please do. Oh, and about the factions—"

"Oh no, I thought you didn't want to argue! Listen, students have the right to work together! This is also part of the experience!"

"I understand but—"


I stayed silent as those people discussed things I was unable to grasp. I was too wary of Iovanna to even listen. Finally, those two settled on asking me whether or not I wished to serve as Iovanna's assistant on a later date just like the latter proposed. Having dismissed us, Miss Tru'nembra's Antechamber closed its door behind us as we found ourselves in the school corridors.

For a few seconds, Iovanna and I stood next to each other without saying anything. I was still disturbed by her presence but it got down to tolerable levels – low enough that I didn't wish to shoot her and then run away. That and the fact that I now realized some of my earlier suspicions regarding her were a bit far-fetched, pushed me to break the silence and interrogate her.

"So you manipulated Miss Tru'nembra too. Good job getting engaged here even though you don't need to work. You stalker."

Yes, I was getting more rational but there was still room for doubt and I intended to voice it.

Iovanna exhaled loudly, her face showing a hint of exasperation.

"I will not lie, I did integrate into this school for the purpose of observing you. However…"

Suddenly, she stopped and hid her mouth with her hand.

"Ah, a snake has tempted me again."

"Do you really expect to get away by saying random nonsense?"

"I am sorry if it sounds like random nonsense to you," she said calmly. "You do not seem to like me very much and I respect that. I will try my best to not get involved with you more than necessary. Take everything I said to you up until now as a simple joke. I simply wished to observe your reaction to different things."

"And why for exactly?"

"... What exactly are your feelings toward my sister?"


A surprising question. She was asking me about my feelings toward her sister? Why? Was it because she was contemplating whether or not to continue to pursue me?

"Why… exactly are you asking me that?"

"Are you in love with her?"

"W-Wha—! No! No, I am not! She is just my friend!"

"Your friend."



That flat tone. From the sound of it, she clearly wasn't believing me but who could blame her? I was stammering with my eyes laid on some random point that had the only benefit that it was her face. Also, I was pretty sure I was slightly smiling and the thought made my nose feel hot. Cursed body language!!!

"Well, if you say so…"

"I am not… saying so! This… er, there is nothing between us!"

"That I know."

"It doesn't mean I am going to marry you though!"

"It is fine. Like I said, I am no more interested in marrying you than I would be interested in eating garlic soup."

Wow. That stung a bit.

"... Sore loser, huh?"

"I am just dropping the act, that is all," she said, shrugging. "I guess you did a good job resisting me. It means you are probably not interested in my sister because of her money or her body. You have my blessing."

"Your blessing for what exactly?" Besides, what was there to resist when you are so…

"By the way, I guessed that you must be lonely without my sister around so I used my relationships a little. She should be able to return to you soon."

"Ah! Wait, where is she?! You didn't do anything to her, did you?!"

Iovanna "stared" at me a moment before crossing her arms.

"Hm, if you count making her work day in and day out for me as me doing 'something' to her then yes."

"... You are making your sister work for yourself? How horrible are you? You don't even need money, do you?"

"Business is business, human."


I could see the whole black-hearted CEO thing now. One thing was sure, she was amongst those people whose heart allowed them to succeed in highly competitive fields but to always fail in their personal relationships. I truly pitied both her opponents and future "husband".

"Jokes aside, you look calmer now. As if your suspicions disappeared," she remarked.

"They didn't," I replied, shaking my head. "I just decided not to treat you as a criminal unless I have solid proof."

"I see. Well then, I will have to bid you farewell."

Abruptly dropping her farewell, Iovanna started walking down the corridor before turning to me again.

"Ah, about my sister. There is something you must know."

"Something I must know?" I parroted.

"You should not grow too fond of her. Cognates are, by essence, really close to humans but at the same time, really different from them. We are stronger, live longer, and are essentially smarter. This superiority has more consequences than you think."

I furrowed my eyebrows ready to lash out at that arrogant idiot of a vampire but she stopped me before I could even open my mouth.

"I can guess what you are thinking now," she said, nodding. "Do not misunderstand. I do not wish to say that cognates are superior to humans on an absolute scale. Many humans are stronger and smarter than me for instance. What I am trying to say is that, generally, we are superior. Do you see where I am pushing you?"

I shrugged, not hiding my annoyance, "All I understand is that you are way too arrogant for your own good. That inferior human here saved your life, didn't she? Yet, all you have been doing is annoying and frightening her."

"You do not understand."

"There is not much to understand here, we think."

With her fingertips, the red-headed girl thoughtfully twisted her hair.

"Let us put it otherwise then. Human, what do you think of ants?"

"Oh come on, you won't tell me that you see humans as ants, will you? That is plain offensive."

"No, but… you know what they say, the mind is sometimes a slave to the body," she said, in a low voice. "Even with your best effort, it is difficult to consider people you can crush as easily as ants as your equals. They are curiosities tolerated on a whim at best, and simple food sources at worst. That is how we cognates see you humans."

"Talk for yourself. Listen, don't think because you see things in a certain way, it means that everyone sees it the same. I can't say I know much about your sister, but she was never as disrespectful with me as you are." I pointed at her chest, "Maybe you should stop trying to justify your bad habits by saying that all vampires are like that. You are the only one responsible for your twisted self."


She didn't reply. To be honest, I spurted all of this out of anger towards her. I knew it wasn't okay just to blame someone for their personality for they aren't the only one responsible. She probably grew up thinking she was some sort of superior being and nobody corrected her, but that didn't stop me from getting angry at her. I am not sure why, but she was truly infuriating.

However, she was right. If so she wished, she could crush me relatively easily and not just physically. Angering her wasn't the best thing I could do. No, it was the worst. Her long silence made me realize this more and more. Just because of this conversation, just because I opposed her, my life could turn into a true hell if not simply end.

"... I understand. I will try… behaving, or rather speaking… no, I guess both? Yes, I will try to behave in a way more appropriate for a human… I will try."

That is all she said. With a subdued voice and hesitant wording, she all but apologized to me and promised to try to do better next time. Needless to say, I couldn't find any reply at the moment. She looked too… vulnerable. Just like a fragile porcelain doll.

"Miss… Riftwalker," she said, with clear difficulty.

"Y-Yes?!" I replied, startled.

"I will take my leave now. You should do the same. Ah, I am not trying to command you or anything! What I meant is that *cough**cough**cough*"

As she started coughing, Iovanna turned the other way and covered her mouth with a handkerchief she promptly pulled from her breast pocket.

"Cough cough?" I asked.


"Is everything okay?"

"*cough* Argh… Such… a disgrace," she said, pressing her neck with her fingers. "I *cough* ugh, will leave now. Er, well then, excuse me."

"Eh?! Wait, I—"

Before I could stop her, Iovanna was already far away, almost as if she was running away. I am not sure if I saw that right, but she looked really distressed. So much in fact, that this time I grew truly worried.

"I hope… I wasn't too harsh…"

I looked through the window; the night was already here and the school was mostly deserted. Even students who lived there probably returned to their dormitory now which made me envy them. If I lived at school, I wouldn't have to walk all the way until I found a taxi since I missed the bus. Not that it was a problem per se but I never left the school so late before.

"I expected a long day but this is not much…"

Letting out a last sigh, I resigned myself. Mondays truly are horrible days.