
1. Abomination

'' I was called an abomination all my life a monster not worth of living but I didn't care as long as my wife was save'' a middle aged many with black hair and bright red eyes like blood with a tall build and muscles shouted to the horder of people in front of him.

But the people remained silent but the silent was quickly interrupted by a huge laugh '' hahaha do you khow how many of our family members have you killed mammon'' a man who was a gold hair and eyes that shine like the sun wearing all white.

'' hahaha you ants my wife was the only thing keeping you alive I will kill all of you ant'' mammon shouted with a crazy look on his face a long sword appeared with a red handel and black from top to bottom mammon didn't waste time he charged straight to the horder of people he looked at the man in all white a with longing to kill but he kicked the man to the side and cuted the head of the man beside him and started doing the same to the other.

After a few minutes the horder of people turned to only be mammon and the man dressed in white '' it only me and you mammon'' the man dressed white sad with a look of happiness on his face

' '' Why did you do this brother'' mammon said with clothes sokked in blood

' '' shut up you were supposed to be be the villain I was sopposed to be the people savior that why we were made'' the man in white robe said while taking out his sword that shined to the extent that the sun light pales in comparison the light quickly blinded mammon but for a few seconds which the man with the white robe used to attack mammon but the sword broke

''arc my brother I am disappointed only the weak wish to serve destiny and follow the path made for them you don't deserve to share the same blood as me '' mammon said whith a cold look on his face as we risen his sword to cut his brother starting from the legs to the hands blood was every were as arc scream can be heard from the heavens until the was just silence

'' I hate this world I wish for it to burn but I want to see my wife more'' mammon thought to himself as he was stabbing him self in the heart in his last moment he saw only darkness' '' darkness hahaha I was told i was the rule of darkness but now I am being consumed by darkness I am sure my mother would love to see me like this '' mammon opened his eyes he was in a room full of darkness he couldn't move' '' I am died'' mammon ask with a clueless look' ''

Writer: this is my first time writing something so please give me you suggestions