

Abel is kidnapped and is attempted to be used as a sacrifice for the magical power of mages. Due to some twist and turns he escapes and begins his journey to the deep unknow. Will Abel reach his given conclusion and what about his family will he forsake them.

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8 Chs

A Night Of Escape

"Let's introduce ourselves. I'm Reah."

'So, her names Reah.'

Abel hadn't asked for her name yesterday.

Over at Abel's table, the red haired girl had started a conversation.

"I think we should get to know each other better, as a way to improve our relationship and bond with each other."

The rest of the group were apathetic to the idea.

The first to go was a youthful boy, he had green hair with a dash of white… "I'm Ethane. I'm an Royal from The Nature Kingdom." He gave a curt smile and sat back on the table, the rest began introducing themselves. "I'm




They answered with no zeal.

Reah spoke up. "According to the accounts recorded by the Nesters, it shows that we have to undergo training, to be able to use our blessings, or manifest to an extent. In other to be able to pick the fruits of koah."

Everyone kept silent, they all knew what it meant, the dark magicians who had kidnapped them had brought them to the death level, land of Woarse. It was a land of Sea-Desert monsters, pilgrimage and Death, it was more than that, there was no beginning or end to it.

"The magicians need us to pick the fruits, if we can't, they will kill us and use us to nourish their powers or as a ritual to their gods."

"Any questions?"

"Why are you acting like you're our boss?"

"Me needing to answer that means that you're a hopeless mess."

"The rooms need to have a representative to handle issues, and since you all don't seem to be up for it. I decided that I should take the lead."

"What made you decide we haven't come to terms, and what can a lower half like you even do?"

"Yes, we can't subject to a girl."

Just then, two boys began to approach the table.

"You guys are?"

Beeve and Cheeve walked up to table 2W250L, as they had grouped the kids in the pigsty for easy control.

The last 10 rooms had the weakest and useless fodder, the table was 2W250L, so he obviously looked down on them.

"Hey you there, come lick my shoes, and I'll let you off," he was referring to Abel who had laughed earlier.

"Who the hell are you?"

"I'm … Ahhh!"

Before he could say a word, Reha had already sent him flying with a punch.

"Ah! much better, I swear guys these days, they just get on my nerves."

"What were we talking about again?"


No one made a sound.

Ethane smiled, Abel didn't care and the rest shuddered.

The kids came out of the Food hall and went to bed. Tomorrow would be the day that starts it all, it would be to day to determine how they might live or die.





Fat liked his prey running, it energized them, made them hot, and ready to eat, mixing the flavour everywhere. With the type of torture applied, he could mix the flavours and change the texture of the prey.

Somewhere at the other side of the camp.


"His coming"

Tat, tat, tat, tat.

"I don't even know where we're going."

"I think we're lost."

"I think we should go back, we might still have a chance."

"Nonsense, they'll kill us. They'll make a big example out of us and then kill us."


"Why did we run away, we didn't need to run?"

"We can't stay here dickhead."

"This is the death lands, Kowah."

"We'll die the longer we stay her?"

Tat, tat, tat.

"I'm tired, I can't run any more."

"Should we rest? He hasn't caught up yet?"

"Idiots, we need to keep moving, the moment we stop, we're dead meat."

"This is ridiculous, utterly ridiculous."

"I can't run any more, I'm going to stay here and wait. We'll die at this rate, and my soles are cracked. My Mummy is really powerful. I'm sure she'll send Daddy to deal with this ignorant bastards, how dare they touch me?" The princess yelled.

Everyone in the group looked at her like she had gone insane, probably from running too much.

Those that agreed with her stayed back, and those that didn't kept running.

A few moments later, "Stand down." Fat ordered the wild animals in the field to leave the runaway children, "they're my prey."

Fat followed after them. He tormented the runaways until they all died, he especially tormented, and mutilated mummy's girl the most.

The rest of the runaways had arrived at the edge of the forest, there was a boundary, and outside the boundary was the endless night.

"Quick, hurry."

Tim tried to touch the fence but turned into a bloody mist and was sucked into the boundary.

The rest were stupefied. Their hopes were crushed until the leader stepped forward.

"Boundary Complex!"

He created a boundary, and layered it one atop another. They used it to construct stairways that led to the outside. The moment they crossed over and stepped foot on the ground. Large colossal monsters, began to appear from the wet sand like it was a lie. Death was before them, they began to wonder if they should have just stayed back when they had the chance. Fat appeared and began to recall the monsters, he scared them of with his over whelming power.

Then he turned to the kids, "did you think you could run away, from The Belly Tum-Tumz?"

"Pfft," all the kids burst into laughter, they couldn't believe that the name of the organization that had plagued the villa's and pillars of the world was the, Belly tum-tumz?


"Tsk" fat sighed, "what's so funny? It's a grand name symbolic of our greed for power."

He killed them all, in more gruesome way than was imaginable, yet they never stopped laughing till the very end.

Fat absorbed the blobs of food before him.

The kids died, but they all felt it was worth it. It was refreshing.

Finding out that ridiculous name was worth any kind of death.

" Are you going to keep standing there," one of the remaining children came out, he had not been willing to leave, so he had stayed when the others left. "I wanted to kill you, but since I decided to let you all live. I'll let you live, go back." The boy began to run without looking back.

The boy didn't know what was happening, but it appeared that this was his only chance to escape. He ran frantically, falling every few steps.

Fat didn't kill them immediately because they had something special that no one had. They were probably among the few who could perform their duties properly, but so what? There were other kinds as well, they weren't the only ones.

He probably killed them because they had laughed. The boy had bit down on his tongue, and didn't make a sound in order to survive, that was most likely why he hadn't been killed.

"Why didn't you just kill him?" Muscles appeared covered in blood, it appeared other kids had tried to escape.

"What's so good about that? I've had my fill." He could absorb the kids and their powers and make it all into his. He feared no one. Still, their powers were strong, and he was full, he might as well let the food go back if it was capable. The kid's dying was heart-breaking as they needed the manpower, but so what. They would just work the rest to the bone.

He might have let the rest live for the sake of manpower and labour to be done, but they had gone too far at mocking the group's name.

Muscles though that Fat was capable, if only he didn't have a weird taste for names. 'The Belly tum-tumz.' Just thinking about it made his toes crawl.


The night was dark and cloudless.

Fat smiled,

"I hope the children are getting along well, the fun was only just getting started."

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