
Chapter 4:

I silently obeyed the request of my mother not to harden my heart of what she and so many others are going through. This just because I honour my mother as a woman. However, do have this thoughts in my head that is ruling everything at the moment. I am going to finish this story of the great king soon and this need must be before his death or perhaps how I will finish him. Days passed and I have not heard of the great king. Until the six day of the week. Where I was summoned by Abigail whom I gave my obeisance, "yes my queen lady you called!"

" Yes I called Son of Ribqah, you seemed to take long to answer my call why is that?"

"I have been busy with a request from the very woman you have addressed me by, my Lady!

I am here now you may speak."

" I do not understand the way you speak almost as my equal. I know you are hiding things well. All I ask is that you do not harden your heart against my Lord and King because I can see it in your eyes when he addresses you. I am warning you your anger will be your down fall. I can only say it will be as bad as my former husband's. He died because he turned his heart away from my Lord."

"I have not come to hear your warning but to hear how can I be of service my Queen?"

"You will see someone at the side of the King but I would like to warn you against your feelings for the King because it is his last days with us and we just want to make him happy."

"I will try my very best, as you wish, my Queen. Will that be all?"

"My Lord King is awaiting your return he has so much to share. You may go Aaronas son of Ribqah!"

I am irritated by her calling me by my mother's name, she knew my secret and wanted to make me aware of the fact. I walked in while a very young and beautiful woman tries to make the king very comfortable and I turned as fast because of what I assumed will happen. She got up as fast too and I can see her nakedness through the exposed garment, which she covered-up very fast. I cannot believe that this old man is doing it to another woman again and my hatred doubled-up. I had to suppress it. I can see this beautiful woman was in total shock.

"Come over here Aaronas I have called you, long enough. Sit down! Do not worry about the Temptress Shulamite!"

"As you wish my Lord King…"

Somehow very distracted as I look at this woman. Is she as young, I wondered, or just appearing to be much younger than I. My eyes might be playing tricks on me. All my attention is focus on this girl as hers is on mine. I dislike her immediately because of the feelings that she evoked in me.

This feeling is as powerful almost as close to my hatred for this old man she is trying to seduce, clumsily, very aware of me. I looked at the old man who now is dozing off. I know for a little while for he did that to me often. I cannot comprehend why he would put up with this when he is on his last. Always taking a woman even in his old age.

My hatred must have been very visible because she looked at me but I can see that she is very protective over her master and covered him with her body while she dismisses me.

I walked around close to their resting place and this move made her very aware of me .

I will not be dismissed from her, a concubine. I demanded her name but she still ignores me. I change tact and soften my question and this seemed to work.

"Who are you?"

"I am Abishag and you must be the writer? You may go now I am sure the King wants to rest, she said shyly".

"He will wake again don't worry I said. He will even wake far quicker than normal with you being so exposed. I believe he is too old to be satisfied by you go and tempt someone your own age!"

She adjusted her garment and said with firmness.

"Are you volunteering perhaps my Lord?"

I came walked around not knowing what my own intentions were but at that very moment the King woke.

"Why are you so angry young servant"?

I had to contain myself very fast. The temptress was at it again but was dismissed very fast. She got up not worried that she shows off to much. This time almost like proving a point to me. She got to me and now I will never be able to get that view out of my mind as she walked off to cover her properly. All this by having her hips swinging to music, which must have been only in my head. I shook my head around to get the vision out and to drive the thoughts I have away.

I needed to focus on my task.