
Chapter 28

"Father.. father.. wake up!!" Rick was woken up by the sharp voice of a little girl. Someone was pushing him on his side, trying to wake him up. Opening his eyes he turned around but found no one there. But when he felt the push again he sat up to check. Amazed at his findings, he saw a little girl. If he can call her that. She was truly little. It was no human. The girls flew up and sat in his lap, giggling "hehe father you are a very heavy sleeper you know. I have been trying to wake you up for so long." At the end of her sentence she puffed her cheeks showing her discontent. Rick git the chance to properly analyse this alien being. The closest she could relate her to his previous life was the fictional fairies in the stories. Barely a foot tall she had transparent wings in 2 set. She was draped in glittering blue dress of her size. Another interesting thing he found out was that she had a different body shape than the normal humans. He can only see 2 shapely breast on her chest and also she didn't sport any tail. In short she was same as a normal human from his planet. He turned his gaze away from the fairy to find out that he was no longer in the mini-world now. The area around him was totally deserted barring a thick pillar that felt like it was thrusted directly into the sky. Apart from the large pillar there was a smaller one too. The difference being Rick can see someone bound to the smaller pillar. But before he can take a proper look the fairy from his lap flew infront of his face arguing "Huh ignoring me already? Mother told father will be kind to me..."

Saying that it felt like she was going to burst into tears right then and there. And Rick was always weak against those so he hurriedly comforted her, taking his role of a father "It's not like this.. mhhh.. daughter. Its just that father has been to this place for the first time, so that's why I was not able to control my curiosity. Forgive me." Whoever this fairly was he had a strong instinct that she would have all the answers to his questions. Once he gets her all comforted then maybe she will answer him. The girl swirled around in the air visibly calming down as she again rested back in his lap "ohhh.. is that so. Then you should have told me earlier only na." Rick tried to get the information out if her "So, sweet daughter of mine can you tell father where exactly is this place." In response she began giggled "haha father you are really clueless. Aren't you?" He nodded back at her. She sighed a heavy breath like she had to take care of her parents insted of the opposite "huuuuhhh.. Okay then. I will tell you. But. But, but, but you need to promise to feed me up." She chimed in a playful manner. Rick agreed as they still had their last portions of meat left. "Okay. Listen up carefully then. Right now we are in your mental plane." Her answer made him more confused then earlier. He questioned her further "Baby, can you explain it a little. You see father here is not a learned person like yourself." "No need to praise me like that. I will tell you about it anyway." She tried to brush his praises off but the smug look on her face made him aware how to manipulate this little fairy.

"You won't understand even if I tell you. But in layman's terms you can saw that we are inside your head right now." He further questioned her "But from what I have read there is only soul sea in our heads. How come we are here?" From the descriptions of the books, if they were in his soul sea then they should have seen a large blue sea. She shook her head explaining further "Yes, you are right about the location of Soul sea. But this is a higher mental plan than that. Multiple plane like this can exist within someone. For now your body have two to speak off." So it was nothing but another soul sea like existence in his head. He got a fair amount of idea. Moving onto his next question he asked "And how long have you been here? Why did I only found out about you just today?" She patiently spelled out her thoughts "I myself am not sure about it. I just woke up a day back I guess." Next Rick asked about the shadow of a lady bound to the pillar with chains "Okay. And do you know who is she and why is she bound like that?" The little her smirked at the lady "Huh she is the invader mother captured. She came to steal mother away from father. Huh huh humph.. I am still so mad. Bad girl."

The more she explained theore complicated this situation was getting. Someone tried to invade his fucking mind itself and he was unaware of it? That was too dangerous. And who was this mother thing she kept refering to as all he could see in here expect him was his so called 'daughter' and the prisoner. "Baby, can you tell father where is your mother? Pardon me as I can't see anyone other than us in here." She laughed again flying up towards the large pillar, hugging it she exclaimed "Haha stupid daddy. You can even see mother when she is right here." This pillar was his mother? No. Tht shouldn't be. Is there someone trapped inside the pillar? That must be the case. In his curiosity Rick walked towards the fairy slowly putting his hand on the pillar to try to sense if he can feel anything. Blank. He was totally blank. There were no visions, voices or anything of that sort. Maybe, the personality inside didn't want to connect to him or it might be that he was too weak to hear her. "No use. Mother only talk when she wants. Even if you stand there for the whole day she might not speak anything." Rock nodded and moved away from it. Turning towards the prisoner they have captured. It looked very close but the distance were very large in contrast to the outside world here. The fairy followed him at first but then just sat on his shoulders "Father. You remember your promise na?"

Rick nodded as he tried to pry mire information out of her "So you told me she was an invader here. But when did she attack me? I didn't saw or felt a thing." "She is way out of your league father. You are just a junior soul cultivator. How will you detect an attack from an immortal?" Rick gulped at the last part of her sentence. Suddenly he wasn't too interested in the identity of the invader anymore. If this girl was telling the truth won't she just kill him with her gaze itself? The fairy can somehow sense the hesitation in his mind "Don't worry father. You can believe in me. I have placed the slave seal properly on the orders of mother. She can't escape it. If she could she would have done it long back. Now she is nothing more than a sitting duck. Whenever Rick had thought about immortals there was a visage of some divine being in his mind but wasn't it too underwhelming if an immortal got captured by a mother daughter pair with such ease? He was not exactly presentable right now, being effectively naked, still he walked towards her believing in the fairy's words. The lady was wearing a skin tight red and black dress that hugged her curves perfectly. Her top was cover with the red leather shirt while her pants were again made of same leather but in black. She was sporting high heels and a black cape. She looked more like a crime fighting hero, rather than a cultivator of this world.

She was different than normal humans here in many ways. She was wearing a large crown representing a red rose. The crown was covering her upper forehead including her eyes. She was very similar to the fairy in shape of her body, only missing the wings. She was very similar to normal humans at earth with only a single pair of breasts. Well, he didn't have to take up much effort to count this melons up as two huge yet perky bare breasts were attached to her chest. Strangely her dress was not wrapping around her melons at all, like she had given them a free reign. Looking down he can see the same thing with her bare pussy too. In short this lady had worn the clothes which hid all her body parts except what actually had to be covered. It was hilarious if she had done this on purpose. Once he got close to her she moved. She might have heard him as Rick can't see any way she could have seen him coming with her eyes hidden under her strange hat. "You tricked me boy!!!" The anger in her voice was pretty evident. Instantly, Rick froze up. He had definitely heard this voice. Yeah, in the mini world when he had found the tree. He heard someone speak to him but he was not able to track anyone. All he saw was a red shadowy figure vanishing into him. Suddenly everything was clear to him.

She was the thing what his body was looking for so desperately. She was the one who might have been resting in this place and was awoken by his presence. Right then she had attacked his mind sensing the existence of 'mother' inside him, ending up getting captured instead by the little fairy here. Rick looked in reverence towards this fairy. If she could make a small work of an immortal like this then won't he have a free pass in this world if he got her on his side. She saw the greed in his eyes and instantly flew away "Oii father. Why are you looking towards me like that? I will tell you at once. Don't try to bully me otherwise I will tell mom." The immortal looked at the bantering of the duo angering her. "Release me from here boy. Otherwise, you know what will happen if I have to do it myself. You are just a kid don't get yourself involved in the fight between the immortals." Rick fell in thought but dismissed her threats. He was not so naive as to believe her. The fairy too heard her threat laughing at her boasting. She took her seat in her shoulder teasing her "hah hah hah.. And what will you do once you get released from here? Can you really do anything with that thing on you?" She pointed at the seal at the back of her hand.

Angel Rose had been one of the angels who had ascended to the immortality. She was one of the handful of angels in this world. Except a few angels she no one else can make her feel threatened. But this overconfidence of her became her undoing. When the boy approached her in her personal cultivation world, she didn't think much of it trying to threaten him to leave. But then she found out an immense source of energy in him, simply up for the grab. The one thing the angels at her level looked most was to further their cultivation and reach to even greater heights. The size of the energy reserve was so large that she believed it might even help her breakthrough to some unknown higher realm altogether. It's not like she was stupid and didn't anticipate any traps but roaming in this world for centuries without anyone who can contest her, had made her conceited. What's the use of traps at her level? She can simply overwhelming anything in her path. Also, the greed of achieving an easy breakthrough was too much to handle. All these factors combined made her jump face first to her doom. Entering the mental plane of the boy with ease she rushed towards the massive pillar that was emitting the energy. But alas, the energy was not free as she had believed at first, rather it belonged to a consciousness so powerful that she doubted that it originated in this world at all.

It would have been hard for her to resist the assault even when she might have had all her gaurds up. So it was one sided slaughter once their consciousness collided with each other. She was knocked out of commission. When she woke up bound to this pillar this darned fairy had placed a slave seal on her body. She had seen many types of slave seal in her life but she had seen none that could bind even immortals. It must be some kind of ancient techniques that were lost to the civilisation if this world or it might originate from a different world all together, she was not sure. Either way now the reality was she was a slave to the boy whose body they attached her to and she had no idea if this seal can be undone at all. Thus, she was right. She can't do anything even if she was released from this pillar. Her life was in the brats hand completely. She won't be able to resist any of his commands. On top of that she was still recovering from her last clash. Whatever thing was inside that pillar was now using her like a sponge to absorb this world's soul power. The only thing she knew about the entity was that its consciousness was certainly damaged and it was using her power to somehow try to repair it up as it can't actually absorb the soul power directly out of this world without a medium.

"Haha What happened? No words. You can try all you want but you can't break the seal in any way." Rick too was intrigued by their talk "What is this seal? Can it let you control her somehow?" The fairy flew back to his shoulder rubbing her face on his cheek affectionately "No, daddy. I can't command her. She is not my slave. She is yours to command." Rick blanked out at her answer. His to command? Won't it be too amazing if he had an immortal serving him? As far as he knew not even emperor was an immortal. Won't that mean he can easily subvert the whole nation itself? He can't believe it. Watching her dad blank out the little girl decided to impress her father more "Wait father, I will show you at once." Rick saw her put on some hand seals like a ninja and the chains binding immortal lady loosened up. Just as she got free she flashed. Right when she vanished from her spot Rick's heart stopped from the dread. He wanted to curse this little devil. She didn't even ask her before pulling this stunt. But today was not his day to die it seemed as the instant she appeared beside him he can see the struggle in her eyes. Her gloved hand was extended towards him but it still didn't touch him. She dropped her hand after fighting within herself.

The fairy was rolling in his shoulder laughing out loud. "See. See. Did you see that daddy. She can't do it. Now di you believe me?" She stood in his shoulder with her little hands on her hips, the look on her face saying 'Now praise me.' Although, Rick was extremely mad at her for giving him an absolute heart attack but he can't afford to antagonise her at all. "You are incredible, baby. It was just too good to be true. It's just that can you please warn your dad before doing something like this from now on. You see your dad has a very a very weak heart unlike you." She nodded back before saying "Now father you can try to command her. You can ask her to do anything." Anything? The only thing in his field of view right now were the immortal lady's pinkish nipples and those jiggling melons. What better way to test her resolve than this? His bare cock was rising up at the thought of fucking an immortal. He surveyed her from all sides. Her hair were clinging to each other like yellow vines. He came back to her front giving her his first command to test it out "hmm... Let's first start with introducing each other. I am Rick. What is your name?" Reluctantly she answered him "I got no name. The closest to a name I got is my title of Angel Rose."

Yeah, Rick can totally see why she was named like that. With that massive hat of her shaped like a rose it will be crazy if they called her something else. "Okay. So, Rose. I will call you that from now on. Why don't you take off your hat for once. It is really awkward talking to someone with their eyes covered like that." He saw her face turn red. From embarrassment or from anger he didn't know exactly but was this matter really that serious? Right then her heard his fairy daughter laugh uproariously. He found her rolling on the floor beating her hands on it as she was totally cracking up. "Ahhaha... Hahaha.. hahaha.. You are so funny daddy. Ahahaha.. Take off your hat he says ahhaha Yes miss angel go ahead and take off your hat now hahaha." Rick was certainly missing something here he looked towards Rose fir answers. She took a deep breath, maybe to calm her anger down "It's not a hat. It's my body itself. And I am blind. I can't see anything." He was both amazed and saddened by her response. Isn't it so disappointing that someone can't see even after becoming an immortal in life. Also, he git closed to her touching the petals over her head and she was totally right it was really connected to her body. Now he can get why the fairy was still laughing at his comment, she must have know it already.

"Pardon me then. I didn't know about this." He politely asked for forgiveness. So what he was her master now but he should maintain basic
