
Chapter 26

***3rd day of the hunt. Evening.***

"Hufff hufff.. pesky little things." Talia and June had single handedly massacred the leftover wolf pack. The hunt had come to a early halt as the leader of the senior students decided to end the expedition after she was unable to contact Helen. In total 3 people were missing including their teacher Helen along with the silver haired girl Stella and the green haired buy Rick. Anticipating that Helen must have faced some difficulties in getting rid of the wolves she commanded the 3 boys under her to search for each student and bring them to safety while she and June searched for Helen's whereabouts. All three seniors and Helen were equipped with a contacting soul crystal with which they can talk with each other. But she can not establish contact with Mrs. Helen since the afternoon. And it can only mean two things. Either her crystal had be destroyed in a fight or she is out of the range of the crystals communication limit. Looking for her they ended up facing against this suicidal pack of earth wolves which attacked them madly trying to get revenge for their dead leader. It was not very difficult for Talia and June to get rid of some junior level beasts but they still did not find Helen.

Talia was beside the pool of cum, smelling it. "This is certainly beast semen. But why?" There were traces of blood in the pool, Talia swiped some cum on her finger to taste it "It's fresh." Right then June called up on her "There is so much blood Talia. Come here." They found very large quantity of blood sprinkled all over the ground like someone fought a bloody battle here. Taking a look at the dead alpha wolf nearby Talia was able to guess everything quite accurately "The wolf had already been heavily injured before it was engaged in a fight by one of the students, killing it and injuring themselves pretty badly in return. With the scale of the damage to its body we can be sure Helen was the one who attacked it first. But where had they gone?" June's face was horrified as she came to a conclusion "Were they eaten by the wolves?" Talia slapped the back of her head "Less nonsense Mrs. Gloom. Get to work it is possible that Helen might have been injured somehow and was hiding with the two students somewhere. We need to find them" After just a few minutes they had followed a blood trail which ended up in the lake. They found a single footprints possibly of one of the students followed closely by the wolves. Now even Talia was not sure if they had really managed to lose a student under her watch. This will not reflect well over her clan's name. Frustrated she dived down in the river to atleast find a body of nothing else. But she was not successful in that too.

Having searched the whole lake multiple time she still had no clue what happened to the student. June watched a disappointed Talia return from the lake as tears threatened to fill her eyes "Did we really lost all of them?" Talia came closed to her giving a bright smile she patted her head. "Little girl we didn't find any bodies. Doesn't that mean, they might still be alive somewhere? We have done enough for now. We need to inform the school authorities at the earliest. Help me take this message to them. You can leave now itself we will bring the kids in the morning." Talia told her what she needed to inform them and June transformed into a large slender cat with camouflaged fur and jumped into the shrubs running towards the capital. Talia on the other hand met with her team and informed them of the 3 persons fate. She tried to give her findings a hopeful turn but still all teh students gasped as they realised even their all powerful teacher had gone missing. The condition of Monica was specially bad after hearing the news of a lost Rick. Maria tried to console her asking her to remain hopeful but her own eyes spilled tears. Even Jhon was feeling bad. Even though he didn't like the guy one bit but still he knew he was only jealous because all the girls in the class gravitated towards him but that didn't mean he wanted him dead.

"Get ready everyone we are leaving in 10 minutes. We need to get out of here." Many students including Maria and Monica protested her decision but she didn't budge from her position. They wanted her to wait the night out, maybe the missing people might have gotten injured and will travel to their base once they are able to walk. In truth that's what Talia had thought at first but possibility of one scenario made her change her mind. What if there was a beast powerful enough to injure Helen herself? There is a good probability that they had mutually wounded each other and that's why they have not come in contact with the beast. What if the beast recovered first? Can they take on it? Absolutely not. They will be like sitting ducks. It was a difficult decision to make but in the end the lives of these students took precedence over the missing people. She can't risk everyone's life on a hope that they might return. She silenced the opposition with a heavy hand and the kids too understood that there was probably more matters involved then meets the eye. One of her teammates transformed into a rhino like beast with multiple horns and pulled the caravan at a fast pace towards the capital.

***In the alternate dimension under the lake.***

Rick had placed Helen under a tree and he was desperately dressing her wounds. Cultivators of higher realms had tencious vitality, helping them recover from even life threatening wounds and Rick was counting on that. He had brought Helen to the first treeline on the shore of the lake. He can't take her any deeper otherwise he will run the risk of losing his way back to the lack. But he can't place her on the shore too as in case the wolves attempted to cross over to this dimension he will have enough time to run inside the forest. He sat against the tree trunk waiting for any motion in the lake but even after half an hour no one emerged. He let his gaurd down a little and his exhaustion took over his body as he slumped against the tree. The whole forest lacked any fauna so that added in his uncaring sleep.

Rick woke up after a few hours rubbing his eyes. It was always bright in this place so there was no way he could tell the time. He recalled his condition and hurriedly turn to try to find Helen. "Dammit.. where is she?" He got up looking around. *Thump* something fell down behind him. It was none other than his maroon haired cultivation teacher "Helen!!!" He practically jumped in her arms for a tight hug. "I was really scared for a while.. haha it's so good that you are alive." He was not lying, from her condition he was not even sure if she could make it and now finding her recovered he was overjoyed. Helen hugged her back, smiling wryly at the contrast of that man wolf savagely raping her pussy against this cheerful kid. She knew he didn't remember anything after the soul takeover of his consciousness. But this guy was giving her surprises one after other. She had no credible answer as to how he was able to recover from his earlier condition on his own without any external help. Was his will power so strong such that it overwhelmed the beasts leftover concious? It was terrifying indeed. "I have recovered greatly thanks to your help Rick. But where did you brought us?"

Rick told her about the whole chain of events. He kept matter about the force showing him way to this dimension under wrap. Instead explaining to her that he accidentally stumbled upon this place. Right then Rick tried to look for the lake all around him but strangely there was no sign of any lake. What the fuck? He had specifically take care of that by not moving too deep in the forest and keeping the lake in his viewpoint always. He checked on the tree and it was definitely the same tree, which was even more bizarre. Did this whole tree moved? Helen saw him frantically looking for directions. She sighed, explaining their situation to him "It's no use we are effectively lost in this mini world. That the reason I had climbed to the top of the tree. This whole world is moving like a puzzle." Rick had a streak of understanding. So the last time his body was running zigzag even after being guided by the force not because the thing he was looking for was moving but rather this whole place is moving. He slumped against the tree as there was nothing much he can do. Also, atleast he had Helen with him so it should not be too difficult to find their way out.

He sipped water from his pouch and surveyed his body. He was completely naked. He had previously not realised this but he didn't even had a thread over his body. Only things he could gather was his water bottle and his spear before running with Helen to this place. Helen sat beside him patting his head "You did well kiddo. Rest for now. Leave the rest to me and we will find a way out of here." Rick nodded and asked the burning question in his mind "Sure Helen. But there is one thing I can't understand. Who did that to you? The last thing I can remember was you running towards me trying to warn me about something... Hmm.. I can't remember it" Helen's face turned red from shame. Not only she was defeated by the beast but she was fucked by him as well. She cleared her throat, replying to him "I was attacked by another more powerful wolf. He was more than a match for me that's why I was injured so badly." Rick was not convinced with her answer. What kind of a beast is interested in raping women after defeating them? Atleast he had not read about this kind of behaviour in books. He asked her about it "But why would a beast.. I mean rape you like that. You pussy was in very bad condition I must say.. causing most of your blood loss." Helen's whole face was red like a tomato but she still replied "Yeah.. there are some beasts in nature with peculiar interests. I waited for it to cum when I made my move and severely injured it saving my life."

She didn't know how much this will convince him but she can't come up with anything better at the moment. Rick nodded at her explanation. There were still many doubts in his mind and also why was she so embarassment about it. He discerned that she might not be sharing all details with him and he was okay with that, everyone have so me secrets they don't want others to know. "Haha I remember it Helen. I captured the beast soul of the earth wolf before passing out. Can you help me out in how can I use it?" All the trauma of her pussy walls getting ripped returned back to her and she instantly held his hands. "Stop it kid. That exactly what I was warning you about. You should not have captured the beast soul that exceeds you in cultivation by so much." Rick was taken aback by her reaction explaining his reasoning "Yeah. I know that but I guessed if Stella can capture it then so cab I. Isn't it so?" Helen realised it was not this guy's fault after all. He can't see the cultivation of the alpha, same was the case with Stella and that's why they misjudged it's level. It was due to some bizarre coincidences that they ended up like this. "Yes, but the wolf was injured by me previously. That's why you guys were able to kill if of. But that doesn't change that it's cultivation realm was out of your leagues." Rick asked in confusion "Then what was it's real cultivation level? Wasn't it a junior realm beast."

Helen smirked at his naiveness "Huh.. junior realm? Stupid kid remember this lesson well. Never try to conquer a beast soul unless you know the real cultivation level of your prey. These things are not to be assumed, ever. Just to give you an idea it was an earth level wolf." She can hear Rick gulp his saliva down. He looked very cute when he was scared shitless like this. She had to punish him for putting her through so much of pain. She smiled deviously at Rick, questioning him "Little Rick didn't I tell you to not cross out of the red zone?" He knew something was up when he saw her smile, shifting his butt away from her a little he tried to argue "Yes.. Helen. But I only crossed over to save you.. you se.. " He realised the flaw in his argument. He has told her that he had explored the lake previously when he cane across this dimension. "Haha Helen... How is there day everytime in this dimension when there isn't even a sun?" He shamelessly tried to shift the topic. But alas Helen was not taking anything "Come here I will tell you!!" She didn't wait for him and grabbed him by his hands pulling him over onto her lap. "Pahhhh aiiiiiiooooo pahhh.. wait.. Helen I can expl... Pahhh... Ahhhhhh... Wait... Wait.. pahhh.... Aiiiiii..." For the next 10 minutes only two sounds echoed all around. First was his cries for help and next was Helen's hands landing on his naked butt one after the other, turning his tush in a burning mess.

***Thursday morning at Rose Mary School***

Agnes was in her room when Anya visit her. She apeared with a orange swirl of soul aura. "What happened? Is something the matter? You look serious." She asked her folding up her book. Anya sat on her desk "Talia was looking after class 2A during their hunt. She reported 3 persons missing." Agnes had a bad premonition at this, she interrupted "Does it involve Rick?" Anya was fearing for this. But she had to inform her either now or later. She nodded. She saw Agnes clench all her four fists as the air surrounding her rippled with under extreme stress of her soul power release. Her chair broke apart and she stood up. Anya had released her own power to save this room from getting destroyed by her, she had to console her as there was no dead body so the brat might still be alive. But before she could say anything, she saw her calm down instantly. Agnes, in her extreme rage had forgotten that she had prepared for this situation. She extended her hand a box appeared, which she opened and began smiling after a deep sigh. Anya too was intrigued and took a look inside to find a soul crystal with strange patterns on it. Combining those patterns with Agnes's calm composure she identified it. These are the kind of soul crystals prepared in pairs. Till the time the person who is attached to its other part is alive it will remain glowing. If somehow the other crystal is not able to detect the life energy from the host for more than an hour, the crystal in this side would have been destroyed to show that the person is dead.

One more trick these crystals can perform was to allow someone to locate the host. "I think I sent those rescuers in vain. Since you are going to leave then help me look out for Helen too." Agnes kept the box and frowned at the news "How is it that she too is missing?" Anya shrugged "Not sure. But best guess will be that one of the beast might have evolved to sky realm and took her out." Agnes nodded and asked her last question before leaving "What about the third person?" Anya shook her head "No need to worry about her. I got the news that she is safe." Agnes didn't wait anymore and vanished on the spot. "Ahhh.. love. Sometimes I am intrigued to find out how it feels to care about someone huh.." she slumped over the desk resting for a while.

***Back in the alternate dimension***

"Hahahaha... Why so sad kiddo? It's one of my duties to teach my students a good lesson that they remember for all their lives." Helen tried to talf to Rick who had puffed up his cheeks and not willing to even look at her, sitting against the tree with his head on his arms. "Shut up you stupid cow.. you are a barbaric woman!!" He cursed making her laugh uproariously "Hahahahaha.." She was really enjoying her sweet revenge. The way he cursed her was so entertaining that she wanted to keep on teasing him. "Let us walk kid. How are we going to leave this place if you refuse to move?" She got another furious response "Go away. I will leave on my own." He still didn't look at her. She have had her fill of fun with the brat now it was time to console him up. "Okay.. okay.. What do you want? Your master will buy you a lot of candy once we get out of here. How about this?" She laughed once again watching him not respond to her teasing. "Okay.. this time for serious. Here you can slap me back." She knew her trick will work as Rick looked up to find her bare butt after she pulled her pants down. "You sure?" He confirmed. "Hmm.. hmmm.. do it fast we need to move." She nodded. "Pahhh okay now you will do what I will command." Helen accepted his condition but didn't see the devil in his gaze