
A wonderful cry

I like simple synopsis so I’ll keep it brief for y’all. Our MC died (kinda obvious) and was reincarnated into the young justice world to live out his dreams what those dreams are well you can find out in the story. The mc isn’t gonna be cold an unfeeling, he isn’t gonna be obsessed with sex, yes one of the tags is harem… no he will not have 30 different women throwing themselves at him at most he will have to balance a relationship between two maybe three women anyone who thinks they are capable of more then that is ridiculous since it’s hard enough to balance one on one relationships. If you stuck around to read all that congrats now go read the book you might find it interesting! Disclaimer I don’t own the young justice or dc franchise or the characters other than the ones I create nor do I own any of the art work I use.

Treeisbestmc · TV
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Wake up and smell the jailbreak

<p>[July 4, location unknown]<br/><br/>****proj****W****<br/><br/>As I slowly come to consciousness I can hear something but it's muffled almost as if I'm under water it's weird but kinda cool. A sudden in flux of information redefines the situation from cool to slightly terrifying.<br/><br/>' I'm in Cadmus… and I'm a CLONE!!! Alright calm down let's think this through. I died no doubt about it but after that it's fuzzy I know who I was but after I died it's weird, i woke up here but I also have the 'memories' the g-nomes feed me based on those I know which genes were used in my creation but one of them doesn't make sense?<br/><br/>Never mind that for now though i need to get out of here.'<br/><br/>Opening my eyes I looked through the glass casing of a pod and saw a slightly glowing flesh red room. It was in a word… disgusting to look at but I didn't have much choice in order to find a way out to escape. Looking around I noticed a African American women in the classic scientists lab coat, she was watching the panel in front of my pod and taking notes on a tablet.<br/><br/>Upon noticing my rise she pressed a button on the panel in front of her before looking at me in a dead almost unfeeling way like how someone looks at a hammer as nothing but a tool. As she took her finger off the button the pod opened and she spoke. <br/><br/>"Alright project LI we're going to do some tests to see how your powers are coming along." She pointed at the door which was my signal to start walking towards it, thankfully I had the memories of this clone body so I knew the drill she would take me out of the room we were in down the hall to the training/testing room. <br/><br/>Walking out of the room and down to training area I combed through the clone or I guess my memories for a review of who's clone I am and what powers I had. <br/><br/>' It appears I wasn't wrong when I woke up earlier I am definitely a clone but the difference between myself and superboy who is on the floor above mine is that my genes have the signature of three different people not two and one of those people shouldn't have even existed in this verse. Those three signatures belong to Wonder Woman, Black canary, and Fabian Cortez the last one confused me the most as from the memories of my past life I know that Cortez was a marvel character not dc. While I was confused about the choices for my dna I'm not exactly complaining since I know the powers of my three genetic donors.' <br/><br/>Entering the testing room I stood in the center waiting for the tests to start I knew which tests it would be since while going through the clones memories about who the donors are I saw the regular tests that Cadmus had him do and which powers he's manifested so far. It's safe to say I have access to all of wonder women's powers except her divine abilities though I'm hoping they just manifest later. Its possible I also have Fabian's power set but the only power the clone has used was healing as of yet , black canary's cry however is definitely the most interesting though as I felt something like a roar build up in my throat as I waited for the test to begin. <br/><br/>Over an intercom I heard the scientist say something but I wasn't really paying attention as a door opened on my left and four robots came out to attack me. Not giving them a chance as I was too excited to see if I really had superpowers I turned towards them and yelled as loud and as hard as I could and watched as sonic waves came rippling out of my mouth ripping up the ground in front of me and shattering the robots in its path. My eyes went wide as the sonic waves kept going tearing into the wall and blasting a hole in it.<br/><br/>It was a that moment I realized I was an untrained super teen with devastating abilities and no control. As I closed my mouth to finish my scream i did my best to take deep breaths and calm down so I don't let out a random sonic scream. I also made it a point to keep silent until I could guarantee I wouldn't randomly sonic blast things when I spoke. The scientists didn't seem angry when I looked back at them above me in a glass box they just released more robots for me to fight which I happily obliged trying to treat this as a way to find out the extent of my new abilities in practice for what I knew was to come. <br/><br/>[A few hours Later]<br/><br/>I had put my powers through the ringer aside from Fabian's since I couldn't experiment with his unless I used myself or another living being. I'm really glad I got this practice though since I got a tentative grasp on the flight and super strength I got from Wonder Woman so now I don't look like a new born walking when I fly but you can tell I'm an amateur at it, and I had basically refused to use canary cry again until I could meet her since I get the feeling if I open my mouth I'm gonna blast whatever's in front of me to Smithers. <br/><br/>As I delivered a flying punch to the last robot the scientist woman came over the intercom again. <br/><br/>"That's enough for today project LI return to your pod."<br/><br/>I nodded like a good little clone and walked out of the open doors heading towards my pod but I did so slowly very slowly waiting for my cue and like the fates aligned just for me I heard the alarms going of when I was halfway down the hall. A smile spread across my face as I took off flying down the hall I had seen an elevator at the opposite end of the hall from the training room so I headed towards it intending to blast straight through the doors a blast through them I did! <br/><br/>Going through the doors I was in the elevator shaft so I flew straight up reaching the top in short order I realized the first floor was blocked by the elevator but that doesn't matter when you have super strength. I punched straight through the bottom of the elevator and ripped a hole in it floating up through the hole I then ripped through the doors. As I left the elevator conveniently fell to which I shrugged my shoulders I mean not like anyone was gonna use it after tonight. <br/><br/>I didn't see a hole in the floor or a giant blue Desmond fighting super boy up here yet so I guessed they hadn't made it up yet. This gave me some time to think and look around I had plans for this world and the team the first plan would be joining them, walking towards one of the windows facing the outside I noticed my reflection and for the first time in this new world I saw my new self and damn was I good looking!<br/><br/>I stood at six feet tall with flawless ivory skin ,piercing ice blue eyes and knee length long blonde hair that faded into black towards the ends. My body looked like it was chiseled from stone with lean muscle and truly insane definition though currently covered in a black spandex suit similar to super boy's had a symbol of a canary in the center of a lasso on the chest you could tell I was built to be a weapon. <br/><br/>Before I could continue admiring myself and admittedly making my ego even bigger I heard a loud crash behind me as I turned around to see super boy exchanging blows with Desmond now blockbuster. I huffed at getting interrupted in my ogling *cough* appreciation of my features, knowing that it was now or never seeing as blockbuster had just thrown super boy at kaulder I flew forward and punched Desmond as hard as I could causing him to fly into a wall. <br/><br/>The team stared at me for a moment before Wally let out a groan and cryed out.<br/><br/>"Not another weirdo!" <br/><br/>I just turned my head to the side and arched an eyebrow. <br/><br/>"We appreciate your assistance but who are you?" Kaldur in his usual calm demeanor asked.<br/><br/>In response ,cause I still didn't trust my mouth to not let out a canary cry first chance it got, I just pointed to the insignia on my chest. None of them got it immediately except the boy wonder who opened his holo-computer and exclaimed.<br/><br/>"Ha! I knew I had seen that insignia before; he's project LI or project Lost island he was a floor below super boy I didn't have time to go through the records earlier but I saw that symbol on the file!"<br/><br/>At this the other four looked at me in shock I just nodded before looking towards blockbuster who was getting up. I held up my hand to the group motioning them to wait I had wanted to try Fabian Cortez other powers since I got here but i didn't have a viable target until now, so no way am I gonna let it go. Flying straight towards blockbuster I delivered a punch straight to where his nose used to be knocking him back down before he could rush me. Grabbing his neck to try and force him in place I thought about the power I wanted to use trying to feel it and will it to activate.<br/><br/>Feeling something attach to blockbuster where my hand was around his neck I felt an energy of some kind be transferred from blockbuster to me following a pathway leading to my heart. The energy kept flowing into me for a long moment before it suddenly cut off and power stopped and cut the connection to blockbuster once it was finished I punched blockbuster in the face knocking him unconscious. Standing up I dusted my hands of on my suit though there was no dust on them then I looked back at the team and bowed. <br/><br/>They all looked suitable shocked at my little display. I smiled which may have looked somewhat menacing since i didn't know my eyes were slightly glowing. Wally was the first to speak after I got up from my showman's bow.<br/><br/>"What just happened?!" <br/><br/>" I do not know but it would be wise to call the league now and ask our friend some questions." Kaldur said a somewhat hesitant look on his face like he wasn't sure if I would try to fight or run at the mention of the justice league. <br/><br/>I nodded my head and started to drag blockbuster outside before sitting on him to wait for the league.<br/><br/>———————————————————————<br/><br/>Ayt y'all this the first chapter I'm gonna try and get through all four seasons of young justice with my character but we'll see what happens also don't be to hard on me is my writing isn't up to snuff I'm trying on the only way to get better at writing is to write so that's what I'm doing. <br/><br/>Ps let me know who should be the 2-3 he goes after romantically I knew for a fact that I'm gonna have him go for Zatanna cause best girl but who else.<br/><br/>Artemis<br/><br/>M'gann<br/><br/>Cheshire<br/><br/>Halo<br/><br/>Etc(whoever I didn't mention put them here)<br/><br/><br/></p>