
Chapter 19: Baby Steps

“So you’re telling me that while we hung out with Scott and got to know him, you got to hang out with one of Scott’s friends? What kind of reversal is this?” Leo said in between his laughter, followed by Viola’s smirk and Laurel’s chuckles.

“Ruben found me, not the other way around!” Lance whined in response as he dropped his head into his hands.

He missed hanging out with his friends, and sister, like this of course but he definitely didn’t miss all of their teasing and jokes. But he also knew that it was all in good faith.

On a normal day, Lance might have found himself busy with school or planning activities for his classes. Or busy with a new book.

Viola would be busy with work, she worked as much as Scott did after all or taking care of Percy. There was no doubt that Viola and Scott got along perfectly, given their circumstances and just how alike the pair were.