
The Demons Living In the Mortal Realm

"There is something wrong with this grave..." Keo said in a low voice, as Sora got up, ready to leave, Sora was stunned at her words, and turned and found that she had appeared over the grave.

"sense closely," Keo said seriously, Sora's eyebrows were raised, but he sensed closely, and his eyebrow instantly tightened. but why he senses the aura of divinity there? what was here?

"Open it," Sora said calmly, Keo's eyes twitched at Sora's words. was he ordered her to dig this grave open? With a snort, she flashed, returning to Sora, Sora frowned slightly, it had been a while since someone went against his orders.

With a thought, the earth moved to reveal the coffin underground. the order of divinity was even stronger once he did this. Sora got closer as his eyes narrowed,d he knew this aura... Ankhseram? but why would he be doing this here?

opening the coffin, there he saw the coups of his mother, but it suddenly jumped to life and attacked him. her rotten body was almost all bones, she was no longer his mother but more like a zombie, she tried to claw at Sora, but Sora calmly dodged while looking at her in shock,

"Mother?" Sora called out softly, he wanted to see if a bit of her remained within there, and indeed there seems to be a part of her remaining within as she froze in mid attacks. she looked at Sora, seemly sizing him up to see if this was her son.

"So-ra... you big boy, no small..." She said softly while reaching out to try and touch Sora, but her hands were shaking, seemly she was fighting something her instants to kill, leading to her body to start falling apart,

"Why is your soul incomplete?" Sora asked with a frown while looking at her body which was falling apart,

"gods angry, gods seek body torture.. only small piece of soul remains. you hide, gods no good." She said as her palm touched Sora's cheek for a moment, only for her to explode the next moment as a powerful aura came from the sky.

"So you live." a mocking voice came from the sky, Sora slowly looked up and saw Ankhseram looking at him with cold eyes.

"Where is my mother's soul?" Sora asked in a low voice, Ankhseram sneered at Sora's words, before he smiled seeing Sora's body shaking slightly.

"did you think you can kill our people and get away with it? your mother shall suffer the punishment for giving birth to you. the punishment of your actions, and more. walk this world for the rest of time with that seal, it's not like you can do anything to save her. we can't kill you as you are within this realm, but that doesn't matter. live every second of every day for the rest of time, knowing your mother is suffering. know that for the past hundreds of years, she has been begging for death. know that it's all your fault." Ankhseram laughed, but his eyes widened as a powerful amount of magical energy exploded off Sora, but chains appeared around Sora, chaining him up and leaving him unable to use magical energy.

"Truly you are powerful, but what is having that power if you can't save her? Haha," Ankhseram laughed as he disappeared, leaving Sora standing there.

"..." Keo and her sisters were uneasy, years of work of self-improvement can be thrown out of the window within the blink of an eye. No one liked the gods, they had been with Sora for so long and knew how much work he had put into himself, yet for him to find his mother like this... he could become unstable.

"I will not kill the gods, once I break this seal... they will dream of death," Sora said softly as he turned and headed back home, he was lost with nothing to do. but he now had something pushing him for power. once he breaks this kiss, he shall become the most fucked up being in existence

After smoking a few packs to calm himself down, Sora left and return to his bar he began his training, the 3 sisters ran the bar, it was a way for the two to ease their bored while he simply seats down all day and training,

As years passed, they of course were not willing to simply stay there, so they went back and forth from the Casino. So, before Sora knew it, it was the year 784, by which point Sora could cast magic using the energy in the air and it would have about 30% of the strength as when he cast it using his energy.

this was a huge improvement, as back then, was far less than 1%, but after the self-improvement, it's when he began reaching 1%, and after many years, he reached 30%.

"those fairy wizards are back at it again. Your daughter made a guild filled with freaks... by chance, you didn't move over here just to secretly protect your creation." Keo said with a smile while readying the newspaper in her hands.

Members of the fairy tale guild had destroyed the annual meeting of the Guild Masters. this newspaper company was personally created by Sora, he of course wanted to know everything happening around him.

So, for the past few years, he has been up to date with many things, he knew many things, and one of the reasons that the powers were not so hard on the fairy tails guild is that they knew he was secretly backing them.

Sora ignored Keo's words and simply drink his tea with closed eyes, Keo pouted slightly before she turned the page to a red-haired teen.

"you even have them aim most of their attention on her, why have you not approached her after knowing she is your daughter? to think you are afraid that the gods would target her as well," Keo said with a sigh,

"what do you want?" Sora asked calmly, Keo sat on the balcony railings they were on, and looked at the huge fairy tail building far away,

"I don't know, I'm just speaking my thoughts. she has all of your armor, you could just take them back. the strength they would give you should be enough to weaken the seal to a good degree. Yet you avoid her. Is it because she is Irene's daughter and looks a lot like her? maybe it's because she carries the same spirit Irene held, along with your recklessness, and talent. maybe you fear that nearing her would get her in danger, or maybe it's all of the above." Keo said softly while looking at Sora.

Erza had found most of Sora's gear... well, she found the bigger pieces, the small ones were lost. like Sora, she was not that talented in learning many forms of magic, so she needed the armor which fill in for this shortcoming. but unlike Sora, she was more skilled at Requip. allowing her to almost instantly change her gear mid-battle without a moment wasted.

her Telekinesis was also powerful, allowing her to do things like to take control of hundreds of swords which she could control. Sadly, she hid behind the armor, and never control this field much.

Upon first sight, Sora knew this was Irene and his daughter. what amazed him more was her luck with finding his armor, he pretty much gave up on them, but she found them. of course, no random person can equip his armor, but since she was his daughter she was able to use them

"sigh, so what do you plan on doing with the demons?" She asked softly, a few days back Sora saw that demons were living in the mortal realm. they lived on a small island. for some time, Sora had been spying on these demons to see what they were doing here.

they took on human form and seemed to have lost their memories, Sora was sure this was a plan from the underworld, so he was going there to see what was up.

"you are a clangy father you know..." Keo said with a shake of her head, the only reason Sora found out about the demons was that every mission which the fairy tail guild got, he secretly went through.

"you are oddly chatty today," Sora said calmly, Keo sighed softly, can a bored talking just talk? why can't he treat her right and listen to her chat away? others would die to listen to her charming voice, but no, he was indifferent,

'With the full moon around the corner, I should use a blood sacrifice to open a portal to the demon realm. But first I should go and check and see what the demons are planning.' Sora thought as he got up and went downstairs, as he did the people in the bar's eyes landed on him.

"Sora, you are just in time." Uta who was talking to a short old man said as she turned to look at Sora, but the short old man instantly froze upon seeing Sora. memories of about years in the past lashed through his mind, before he became the guild master, the former guild master showed him an image of this man, the man who claimed to be Mavis's father.

although the memories of when he attacked the former guild master were faint, he was only 1 year old back then, but the impact and fear he had that day were still engraved within his mind. but why did he look the same as back then?

"What is it?" Sora asked calmly while looking at the short old man who was at level 90, his aura he seemed to remember somewhere, but he couldn't put a finger on it. and he didn't care much to try and remember an ant,

"the fairy tail guild wishes to buy some of our alcohol to throw a party," Uta said with a smile, Sora looked at her for a moment and back at the bar which was filled with both males and females. the males came to hit on the 3 sisters, and the females came to hit on him. most single or those unhappy with their relationship status would pop up here.

"we going to be close for a few weeks, so just give it to them for free," Sora said calmly, as his eyes landed on the white-haired woman who stood behind the short old man.

"you know you have a girlfriend right?" Uta said making Sora's eyes twitch, was he not allowed to admire beauty?

"you don't have to give it to us for free, we are more than willing to pay." Makarov the current guild master of fairy tail said with a smile. but he froze as Sora's cold eyes landed on him, Makarov felt as if a demon was looking straight at him.

"If I give you something, you shall accept it," Sora said calmly, leaving Makarov speechless, what did he do wrong?

"he is just trying to support the guild his daughter made. it's hard for him to show care toward others. since Mavis saw the guild members as family, to some degree that makes him your grandfather." Kashi said while coming out of the basement with a few wine barrels,

"..." Makarov didn't know what to say, but the woman behind him was confused. how could this man be the first guild master father? shouldn't she be over 100 years old? Makarov was 88 years old something was not right here.

"excuse me." a young lady walked up to Sora, before bowing slightly towards him. Sora calmly turned to look at the young lady, who went on to shyly hand him a letter while her face was pointing straight toward the ground.

"another heart is about to be broken," the females said with sighed seeing this, many asked Sora to go out with them, and many were rejected. it turned into a show as every time he came downstairs someone would be ready to try their luck.

Sora calmly opened the letter and upon seeing it was just the girl asking him out, he flicked the paper into the trashcan.

"get ready to close the bar down for the upcoming few weeks or months," Sora said calmly, stunning Makarov and the woman behind him at how ruthless this was. at least lessen the blow or something, but he straight-up ignored her existence.

"Sigh." the woman who gave Sora the letter sighed softly, before walking away with a disappointed look. as ruthless as this was, in her eyes, Sora went easy on her. one should see the other ladies Sora rejected using words, some fell into depression, and others changed their whole life around to try and change Sora mind.

"where are we going?" Uta asked softly, this is the first time Sora wanted to go somewhere, they had to come up with vacation plans. But Sora didn't care enough to say a thing, making Uta pout slightly,

Makarov's palm grew in size as he took the barrels, before leaving after thanking Sora, who simply nodded while looking at the white-haired woman. he felt like he saw her somewhere, but he couldn't put a finger on it. meanwhile, the other ladies within the bar threw daggers at Sora, what was sure special about her?

Sure, she was Mirajane. and was a model for Sorcerer Magazine. so what if she was a beauty who many wished to date, they did see any of that. just a woman who was trying to steal their dream crush who had remained pure all year long.

"Master who was that?" Mirajane asked in confusion while seeing how everyone was throwing her looks as if she stole their treasure or something.

"I don't know, but he is someone who claims to be the first guild master's father. although I don't remember that far back, he arrived at the guild 87 years ago, and defeated the second guild master within a single move upon learning she was passed on. he was helpless before his strength." Makarov said softly, stunning Mirajane

"it's best to stay away from him, he moved away years ago, but he had returned. I wonder if he is immortal or something. to live long and look the same as in the past." Makarov said softly, while in deep thought. he was on guard against Sora, the former guild leader told him that there was a chance that he was Mavis's father, but there might be a chance he wasn't. so they shouldn't so easily trust him.

a few minutes later, the bar was closed. before they left, Sora went to the store nearby and bought a few books.

"Sora, at the rate you read these books, they can't write them as fast as you read them. but then again, you can read the easy releases before they are even released." the book store owner said with a smile seeing Sora looking around. Sora liked reading in his free time, but he gets bored at times, and he found himself reading more and more lately.

"I heard new sires were coming out," Sora asked calmly, the bookstore owner smiled as he pulled out a book he has been saving for Sora.

"It's a story called the princess and the beast. one of the best erotic... cough, I mean romantic novels that came out this year." the bookstore owner said with a smile, to which Sora nodded slightly, he was interested.

after getting all of the books he wanted, Sora headed off toward the island later that night. he took his time to arrive at the island, leading to him taking a day more than was needed. this lead another party to arrive at the island ahead of him,

Natsu Dragneel, and Lucy Heartfilia. these too were the unique ones, Natsu was a dragon slayer sent to the future 400 years ago, and Lucky was well... from the Heartfilia household, they were both a part of the fairy tail guild, but they were not the only ones heading to where Sora was heading.

A talented young youth known as Gray was also heading there, along with Erza who was heading over to catch the two as they took an S-rank mission without them not being S-rank mages. Erza was already an S-rank mage, in fact, she became one at the age of 15.

She was stronger than irene back in the day when Irene was 15, She could already fight a saint with her current strength, and she was 19. she was stronger than Irene before she and the others spent months training within the fairy king forest.

of course, this was expected, She had Sora's blood running through her vines. at the rate she was going, she might even reach a level of power allowing her to suppress Sora, this area was stronger than the past humans, although there were some overly powerful humans such as Roubaul who have grown stronger thanks to the energy in this world reaching its peak.