
Orsato was as quick as lightning throughout the entire journey. When he pushed on at full speed, all one could see was a blur. Besides that, Orsato no longer went through remote areas but sped along with all his might on the main road.

This went against Merlin's expectations. On the road, his massive frame was too eye-catching but if he had reversed his shifted state, he would be unable to catch up to Orsato.

This was a problem indeed, but merely a small one.

"Trying to lure me into the crowds?"

Merlin immediately discerned Orsato's intentions. Nonetheless, once they joined the crowds, Merlin would indeed be attacked, but would Orsato not suffer a similar fate?

Therefore, the danger faced by both parties was the same.

"Bong bong bong."

In the nearest city to their left, someone had already noticed the commotion outside the city, instantly sounding the alarm. Many contenders started to shapeshift.