
A Wisp new life

Grillby died in a wildfire, he was normal at almost everything he was doing, be it violin, his job or his relations. In his final moments he started hallucinating, a voice granting his desires. Or was he? In the Wrath ring in hell. A tiny fire started developing, it was first nothing but a wisp. Adopted by one of the Seven the little fire grew stronger. Here, we're gonna follow the fire adventures.

Lazy_mf · Anime et bandes dessinées
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2 Chs


Hot. That was the word describing Grillby situation. Not even two hours ago he was still serving customers at a restaurant so how did he get in this situation? This was not important.

But Grillby didn't said a word, his car was almost completely on fire, all the vegetation around was burning creating a cage. He knew he would die here. Already feeling himself falling short on oxygen.

So still without a word he got to the back of his car, opening it there was a violin coated in bubble wrap , he didn't have enough money to buy his friend a case.

He wasn't particularly good at it, like most of the things he was doing or has done in his life, Grillby was just average. After taking off the bubble wrap, he picked the violin and in silence started playing.

A/N: You should play Audio machine Wildfire(extended) here.

It was beautiful. A symphony that could describe his end. His greatest moment at his death. He was immersed in his own music dancing at his own rhythm. A missed step and his prosthetic limb made of wood caught fire.

The temperature was rising, the strings straining in front of the fire. Even feeling the fire on his body wasn't enough to perturb Grillby. The strings started coming loose. He had to kneel as his prosthetic limb had been eaten by fire. Only then did he stop the now broken symphony.

His vision started getting blurry, he was gasping for air. Now that his last performance as ended he could think about other things. 'Aaah.... If only I had been this good for everything'

[Request detected, Granting the innate abilities <Inherent Wisdom> and <Uomo Universale> Request as been granted]

'I always had a shitty life, I hoped I had more opportunity...'

[Request detected, Granting the skills <Golden rule(Body)> and <Golden rule> Request as been granted]

'I didn't ask to be born in this world... If only I was born in one of those magical worlds where there's no pollution.'

[Request detected, changing location of birth to <Vivziepop: Hell> Request has been granted]

[Due to the change in the place of birth, customer need to change Specie]

'Am I hallucinating? Then take something against my situation.'

[Request is not detailed enough, request changed to "Something, Fire." The race <Keegan> has been granted]

[Due to the specie <Keegan> being part of the demonic spectrum, <Uomo Universale> as been changed to <Demone Universale> No Request can be granted anymore, will start the transfer immediately]

'Oh... seems like it was all my imagination then...'

His mind faded along thoses words. As his soul was transported somewhere else.


In the Wrath ring of hell. A tiny fire started in the house of Satan the embodiment of Wrath. Against most people expectation it was a calm man. He was currently reading newspapers about the newborn of the Magne family. 'I wish I had a family myself....'

Contrary to most sins he was in search for a family, a wife or a son. The fact that he was a sin embodiment made it all but impossible for him to adopt someone. He would be the laughing stocks of all newspapers. Not mentioning how no one would want to date the sin of WRATH

Sighing to himself, he slowly rose from his chair and got to the room where he sensed something heating up. As a demon with origin tightly linked to fire he could probably feel one at kilometers, not mentioning in his own house.

But when he arrived at the room he was meet with a pleasant surprise. There was a baby not taller than 50 wrapped in a white sheet, there was no fire. Or to be more specific the fire was the baby itself.

Looking at the newborn in front of him Satan was overjoyed not even thinking about how it could be in his house. There were to many spells for even Lucifer to enter here. He could feel that the baby was looking around with incredible intelligence. If some babies had a glint of intelligence in their eyes then he had the goddamm galaxy.

Picking the baby up he could feel the heat past the white blanket. A card slidded of the side and on it was the most beautiful writing he had ever seen. Inscribed with this style were the words 'This is a gift from nowhere, his name is Grillby.'

"Well aren't you a cute little one~" Satan took the baby with him and the two of them got to the living room where Satan was reading newspapers. "This little girl is born the same day as you, isn't this incredible~! You should conquer her! To make dad a ruler of hell." Satan was currently full of pride, who wouldn't be? His baby or at least the one he had adopted now was incredibly intelligent. It was nothing to scoff at!


'It seems I have been reborn in Hell. As of what version... Magne, isn't that a Vivziepop character?' Grillby was calmly assessing the situation. How? Demone Universale granted him a form of parallel thinking that could extend infinitely, making him immune to the most perturbed situations. As he could assess what was happening almost instantly.

He keeped the number at 10 for the moment as he didn't need more. Having already analysed most thing in this house. From the decorations, chairs and other things like that, it was safe to assume he was born in a Wealthy family.

His "new dad" had three blood red eyes, charcoal black skin and long retracted wings touching the floor. From the looks alone it could be said that he radiated the word "powerful". He started getting sleepy. While slowly dozing off he thinked

'...This second chance seems a little better than the last one.' before he closed his eyes.


Just in case, next chapter will be a time-skip for the people that wanted to see his childhood in details.

I know I should continue the other things I started but, you know. Just felt like writing this.