
A Week Like A Rainbow

Nishant(male protagonist) was a former badminton player who used to play for his school. But due to some unfortunate incidents, he was accused of doing 'match fixing' by most of his classmates and friends. As a result,he thought that the last year of his school life would be the worst year, as most of his friends didn't trust him and thus, he became all alone. But his colourless life was again filled with colours when a girl named Aisha (female protagonist), his junior, asked his help as she was representing her school in the Women's Inter-School Badminton Competition Final, which was in about a week. Those 7 days coloured his colourless life like the 7 colours of a rainbow........ But what happens when Aisha suddenly disappears after those COLOURFUL 7 DAYS? Will his life again become colourless or he will find a new light to enlighten the path of his life?

RexThunder_YT · sport
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9 Chs

#Day 5 - In A Ray Of YELLOW Sunshine, I Found My True Happiness

Next day, early in the morning, the doorbell of my house rang. I looked at my wallclock with sleepy eyes. It was 7am in the morning. I knew grandpa has already left for his work and therefore, I have to open the door.

Nevertheless, I got up, went downstairs and opened the door. To my surprise, it was none other than Aisha!

- "Good morning, Senior! Did I disturb you ?"

- "No, it's ok. I am just gonna wash my face. Anyways, why are you here so early? And from whom did you get my address?"

- "Prakash sir gave me your address, and he thinks that it's better to practice early in the morning. Also, he told that he will do something new today. So I came to pick you."

- "Ok. Just give me a minute. You can come and sit inside if you want."

She came inside and sat on the sofa. I went to the bathroom for brushing my teeth. While brushing, I thought something;

"How did Prakash sir got to know my address? I don't remember telling him the address of my grandpa's house, all he knew was my previous address."

Well, I didn't find the answer to that question. I hurriedly finished brushing, washed my face and dressed up. "Let's go.", I said.

We left for practice. On the way, I asked," Did he gave you any hint about what he's planning to do today?"

- "Umm....no. He just told me to call you and that, he will do something important today."

- "You could have just gave me a phone call. I don't think it's ok for you to use your legs so much when you just had an injury in your legs yesterday!"

- "Yeah, but I thought that it will be a bit boring to wait for you at sir's house. Besides, I also wanted to see where you live."

We reached Prakash sir's house. He was working on his laptop. As he noticed us, he said," Come and look at these, Aisha."

- "Who is she?"

- "She is the one with whom you will compete in the finals. Observe her techniques!"

I came inside along with her and watched those videos. I remembered that, even during my practice days, sir used to do the exact same thing.

"Observe your opponent's techniques and advantages, they might become your advantages as well.", he used to say.

"Nishant, you observe them as well. After watching, you will be training her accordingly.", he told me. I replied, "Ok sir."

But deep inside, I knew that it was a very tough challenge for me. I couldn't think of how to do it. I calmed down a bit, closed my eyes and tried to make my mind clear.

After watching those videos thoroughly, I had a rough idea about what to make her do. I took her to the lawn and her practice accordingly.

At first, it was a bit tough and confusing for me. But slowly, I got to hold the rhythm and started enjoying it.

Those drop shots and smashes made by her, and her smile in the yellow sunshine after success; all those seemed like I found my true happiness. I found it not in the sport, but in the training.

After a few hours of practice, sir gave us some food to eat. Aisha has a tendency of eating alone, so she went in a different room.

Me and Prakash sir sat beside each other and discussed about the games while eating. He asked me, "You have still got the spirit in you, you know. Even after you quit playing badminton, you still remembered each and every techniques. Not only that, though it's your first time, but you are teaching her well."

- "Thank you sir. To be honest, I also enjoyed today's training."

- "I think you would be a better coach than me one day, if you try."

I blushed a bit. I was having butterflies in my stomach. Suddenly, I remembered something and questioned him," Sir, may I know that how you got to know my recent address?"

- "Sorry?"

- "No, i mean, Aisha told me that you gave her my address to pick me up...."

- "How can I give her your address? I myself don't know it. I told her to call you, but she said she will visit your house and pick you."

- "Oh, I see."

I became a bit confused and tensed. Was she stalking or following me? What is her intention behind all these?

So many negative questions popped in my mind. But even though, I didn't felt insecured. It seemed like, I was slowly beginning to trust her.....