
A Voyage Of The Unlucky Anomalous Mage Across The Boundless Realities.

(A/n: There's also a spin-off on Tristan's Girlfriend... She went through a lot, and the story is called "A Formless Dream That Awaits A Hopeless Princess.") Once upon a time, a young man had so much to look forward to in the future; now, it had been ripped away in the blink of an eye in a matter of a day, including those who were close to him while he survived—although he thought he was going to survive. Now reborn as a baby again, Tristan Devroop Akvash is tossed into a seemingly ordinary world with fragmented memories of his past life that he refuses to piece together. I mean, why would he when this new life of his is fantastic!! Yet, everything seems to fall off again as awakens to what this world had always been from the beginning, where another tragedy will unfold where young Tristan can only watch and be transported off to a deserted field of snow. Through that brief period of tragedy, he was held at a crossroads of what he'd become. But an annoying voice in his head and an odd entity of unknown origins had somehow kept his mind "mostly" intact, and he would meet strange people as his caretakers who had prior dealings with his parents. He will explore his new abilities in this world and possibly discover parts of himself that he hasn't known about, even from his last life in this World Of Darkness. I want to say that this story starts out completely dark, not the first chapter but the second. It's also not fast-paced, as the focus will be on other characters, too. (Anyway, things won't go wrong for Tristan again until he is 10, so he will have time.) (I do not own the World of Darkness or any other potential worlds. The World of Darkness is a role-playing tabletop game that doesn't have to be completely accurate, and there will be OCs and tons of bullsh*t happening in it with all the entities within. Kind of similar to the SCP world but with 30 years of lore continuity.) (Also, this story might include World Travel too. I haven't decided yet, but if I were to choose, then his next world should be wholesome or the complete opposite of grim and dark to create a new challenge for him) (I do not own any of the Pictures, Cover: Scpishka.) Extra tag: Romance Main World: WOD Second World: ???? Third World: SCP Fourth: The Fuck Is This?!?!?!? (Warning: Read Auxiliary before reading the story to be less confused and give a review to motivate me.)

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A Short Melody Of Sorrow Through Awakening

~3 years Later~

(POV: Julius Akvash)

Well, throughout these three years, it seems this energy has stagnated in quantity, but its quality has increased pretty well, if I say so, but not so much as my last time when I was close to death three years ago.

I guess the usage of my energy has increased the most. I am close to being ten years old, and I cannot wait to see what they do for me this time. Sadly, I never heard that voice again, but I have a feeling that the voice will appear once more.

Last year, we all actually visited Paris for my Birthday. Well, it's always been a bit of a secret of mine, even though they probably knew, but I actually wouldn't care much about where we're going because being with them has always been enough for me. And I can't wait for their next plan.

~Tomorrow Morning~

(POV: Tristan Devroop Akvash)

I was able to wake early today for my Birthday, around nine in the morning... But I felt that there was something extremely wrong here; I don't know what, but I needed to see my parents. I jumped out of bed immediately, and then, as quickly as I got out of bed, my Dad swung the door open. And he immediately said to me. "Let's get started, Shadey Boy?!?!!? Your mom's already at the kitchen table waiting!!!"

I guess I didn't need to find them, but I still felt that something was really off with today. Am I reading way too much into this? Maybe I am. I walked to the kitchen table. And they had a new table for dinner, a more circular table that was made of white marble. We sat together as the food was already at the table, and Dad began with his... Why is he giving out a speech this time? Why do I feel horrible?

"Well, let's begin my little speech; from the time I got to know you, Tristan, you have been a blessing to me and your Mother. 

And no, it's not because you're a hidden gold mine, as I have only been joking around with that, but because you have truly changed us for the better... D-Dahlia, do you have anything else to say to our Little Shade?" My heart felt like it was stopping at this moment. I had no words to say; I couldn't speak, and my mother carried on with her speech after my Father.

"Well, you know Tristan... You have been our pride and joy, and there is absolutely n-no one who will ever take that away from us. We love you. Dearly." And as if my Mother felt something arriving... My god, please... I don't want this to happen again!!!! At this point, I was shaking from a certain dread; a possibility that I ignored was coming to haunt me, but I didn't want to overthink this!?!?!? 

And then the next words hooked me even harder. "Julius, it's time... Take Tristan as far away as you can, and be careful not to use too much magic and be as stealthy as possible. I want you back to your former self during WW2 as an assassin." I never had a say in this at all, did I? Dad didn't say anything else but picked me up onto his back, went over to Dahlia, and kissed her on the lips.

"Goodbye, my sweet little Dahli." My Father said to her. She said something else back to her with a tear in her eye.

"You have been the bestest, best husband to me, darling, now get going!!" My mother gave his Pa a light tap on the cheek and then stared at me, saying her last final words to me.

"Now b- be free, my little MUNCHKIN!!!!!" 

And with that, both of them disappeared while Dahlia remained seated within the house, waiting for her arrival.

(POV: Third Person Dahlia Akvash)

She was finally alone, now waiting for that accursed Fae to arrive, which felt like forever, but things started to warp around her house as it was slowly torn apart. A glowing grey appeared in front of her just six feet away. The entire house disappeared, leaving only Dahlia and her chair and the foreign invader. All of their happy memories in that house were now gone.

(A/n: The Anomalous effects that were used through that weed farm or anything else came back to Tristan, but it won't take effect just yet.)

Dahlia gave a long sigh and then said, "I guess we meet again, Mother." that grayish abomination was Dahlia's Mother. After the long, awkward silence, that thing finally spoke with indifference.

"I see that you've grown a bit, Dahlia~" As soon as the corrupted Fae said that, Dahlia sparked a trap that blew the surrounding area sky-high with a pillar of white light, destroying the once beautiful snowy terrain, now leaving an area of destruction. Sadly, that abomination was left unharmed. Dahlia, who still had the same cold-blooded look toward this thing which was her mother, told her.

"You should watch what you call me~ As you don't even have the right to say my name~ I mean, hell, your very presence has been a bore to me still to this day~."

The Fae became amused when Dahlia said that and said. "Oh really now~ that last attack did absolutely nothing to me~ it makes me wonder what you're actually trying to do~." Dahlia, who was apathetic before, gave a huge wicked smile and said.

"Honestly, your arrogance is your downfall [Mörkthor De Imprisonism]." As soon as the spell was invoked into reality, the white energy from before appeared all over again and began to forcefully compress itself to the gray entity, forming her into a white compressed ball, a temporary prison. Dahlia spoke again but with a gloat as she started mocking her mother's entire existence.

"Honestly, Mörkthor, you really thought that I wouldn't be able to prepare for you? I mean, I don't know if you were arrogant or just downright retarded? I had hundreds of years to prepare, and finding your name was fucking easy, you grayish glob of pasted glue; I mean, you were always a glorified slut that fiddled around with humans just posting your name down in the picture books all over the place. Finding your name was easy, but to kill you truly, I have had to reach deep for that part, and now you're done for; I have already won before the fight even began. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!"

Dahlia began to cackle in a twisted demeanor as her smile grew even more unsettling; the Fae known as Mörkthor began to rip herself apart through rage for the first time in her long life. She was beyond humiliated by her pathetic spawn as she began breaking through like a cornered beast.

"RAHHHHHHHHHHHHRRRARRRARRAR!!!!!" and with that, her once grayish unknowing body became that of a mortal. She had grayish skin that had scales covering her body, twisted wings that looked like they were ripped apart, an elongated neck, and a face that looked like a snake, with pale emerald eyes, sharp claws, and bipedal legs.

Mörkthor's entire focus was just to kill, and she lunged toward Dahlia without a moment of hesitation. Still, sadly for Dahlia's mother, Dahlia was relying on that straightforward motion, as she popped out a domain instantaneously when her claws were only a few centimeters away from spearheading Dahlia's jugular. [Faeries Domain: Judgements Fall] 

And with that, both of them disappeared into another reality as one of them was about to be judged.

(Personal realm)

Mörkthor was in the middle of a multi-color sea washing around her, and she looked around, entirely confused. She tried to use one of her abilities to get out of this place, but nothing happened. That's when Dahlia's voice abruptly appeared, echoing everywhere. "I don't think you even have the slightest understanding of what I meant by preparing for this very moment, you damned 'cock'roach. I mean, you are a worthless slut; your life literally is as valuable as a summer ant; I'll just keep stomping you to the ground until I crush your meaningless ego; you absolutely serve no purpose at all.

You failed as a mother. You violated, murdered, and raped all that you could get your worthless slutty hands on! The only worth you have is that there will be more oxygen for others to breathe after I grind you to paste." Dahlia emphasized each and every word to humiliate her even more.

"I had so much time to do my research on Fae, and with a long enough time, I have learned quite a bit about you; your literal mind, body, and soul had been corrupted, or in your mind blessed by one of the three Triats, and with that you were actually able to ascend above the normal Fae, but in the end, you're just a Fae with the same old weaknesses. Sure, in normal conditions, the True Fae are technically unkillable... Unless one has the resolve to destroy A Fae's true name, mother.

As Dahlia said, the multi-color domain transformed into a darkish crimson red, and the once peaceful sea of color became a violent torrent crushing Mörkthor in all directions. The pressure was so great to the point that Mörkthor couldn't scream, cry, or beg.

Finally, Dahlia's body started to appear out of nothing, and her body began to transform with two white horns on her head; her skin was completely red, and her original blue dress transformed into a beggar's clothing.

She reached her hand towards the agonized form of her pathetic sight of a mother. Dahlia's unsettling smile on her face now had needle-like teeth as her blue eyes glowed dark red. She began to speak, "This is time for your judgment day, Mother~ This is your time to pay~ I have made a sacrifice, and now it is time to pay with your Ⱡł₣Ɇ, [True Domain: Judgements calling]." With Dahlia's final life vow, that dark red sea devoured everything from Mörkthor, and finally, the corrupted Fae ceased to exist.

With everything calming down, Dahlia was all alone, floating in her domain. And that transformation gave out, and with it, she was almost fully intact except for her mangled arm. When they both teleported to the domain, Mörkthor caught Dahlia's left arm instead during the final confrontation. She looked at her once colorful domain turn into a landscape of dark red, and slowly, her domain started to fall apart as her body began to disappear. Her final words were made as she looked to the sky. "I love you, Juli, and I love you too, my little Munchk-." And that was it. In a snap of a finger, she was gone.

(POV: Third Person)

As Julius and Tristan were far enough away, Julius steeled himself to keep moving forward. After a moment of quiet between them, there was an explosion behind him, something akin to a nuke but with a white pillar going up in the sky. Julius forced himself not to look back; if he did, then his resolve to keep moving would dampen, and Tristan, the poor fellow, had to see that explosion and could only think of the worst. Julius has always been confident that she would win, but not without giving up her life. Julius immediately shook his head out of his negativity and walked stealthily. The destination of his friend's house was a far walk from there.

~Few hours later~

Julius finally made it to the halfway point. Still, his trouble had finally arrived or was close to arriving as a group of Kindred were forming somewhere, and Julius's guess would have to involve himself for some reason.

Julius, at this point, wishes that he wouldn't have caused so much trouble, but that would be denying what he is.

He still had some time before they arrived and gently settled Tristan off his back; he kneeled to be eye-leveled to see him one final time and gave him his best fatherly look before hugging him tightly and whispering to his ear. "Hey, my Little Shade, I know this will be hard, but let me show you a magic trick, just like what you did five years ago when you duplicated that money in front of me... I'm not really a master at this teleportation crap, unlike your mom, but you will be able to get closer to the place I tried walking you to; all you need to do when I teleport you there is to keep moving north, and the direction you'll walk to might still be a forest sadly. I love you, my fantastic little Shade, and remember to look into that necklace, Shadey. And goodbye."

Before Tristan could get a say in anything, Julius tapped him on the forehead, and his magic took form immediately, teleporting him to a safe place. Sadly, Julius's magic alerted the vampires to his vicinity.

Julius began his preparation to kill as many of these vampires as he could, scimitars already in hand, and instantly stepped through his time magic to hide his presence to begin his mass slaughter.

From the looks of it, the vampires that had reached his original location in the snowy forest were about 250-strong.

Most of them were low-level vampires, but unexpectedly, there were four elder vampires and twelve Revanents gouls exclusive to the Tzimisce... Now Julius was wondering what he did to earn the ire of The Clan of Tzimisce.

But he will have to kill off those two Elders first before they realize that they are in a trap. He started by speed-blitzing toward the two leaders in the back of the group and successfully decapitated the first two elders with his scimitars, but the other two elders narrowly dodged his space rend. And now, Julius has lost his only advantage and began his life-and-death struggle. 

(A/n: Julius was actually working on his space magic or what some of the nerds from the field called Correspondence; I mean, using space magic alone can't cut a person, so he was weaving it with forces and matter to make it work. And it was because he wanted to make himself seem like the flash for Tristan that the combination worked out with that space rend.)

Every other vampire in the proximity lunged toward him with voracious speed. Julius went and retreated at a higher speed with his magic, but luckily, the elder vampire gave him a bit of information as he began to retreat.

"EVERYONE, OUR ONLY GOAL IS FOR CAPTURE. DO NOT KILL, I REPEAT, DO NOT KILL." This gave Julius a bit of an advantage, leaning toward him, as Julius will only go all out, and he would rather die than become some flesh toy in their cathedral of Transylvania.

So he fought to kill every single one of them till his body gave and immediately used the mark Caliel gave him in full effect, as his tattoos covered him in a dark green, transforming him into a green-horned Nephilim.

So he began to pick off each vampire that got close to him, and for hours upon hours, all that was left were the two elders and the eight revenants. Julius was beyond exhausted, but the mark kept him going.

The two Elder vampires were only waiting for him to become exhausted enough to capture him alongside their revenants, but what they didn't account for was a hidden ability that all Nephilim possess, especially one that forcibly transformed into the highest version of a Nephilim, they can wield a particular concept similar to Angels. Julius was growing stronger the more he reaped each of their unalived souls.

With that, Julius used his final move to create one colossal ball of an explosion that incinerated everything around him. In the end, the Clan only lost because they were ill-prepared to capture someone who would use any means to fight, and just like most vampires, they were too arrogant when preparing. 

Julius may have won, but he did so while sacrificing himself as he was standing still, barely even alive; he began looking up while spreading his arms wide triumphantly as he whispered his last worst towards the sky, "Run f-free now my little Shade, a-and keep moving forwar-." Julius's eyes began to dim as he stood there, gone from the world. Soon enough, his entire body evaporated similarly to his wife.

(POV: Tristan Devroop Akvash)

'Why... WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY is this happening to me AGAIN!!!' Tristan's thoughts were heavily chaotic; he was on the cold, hard grass in the snowy forest, and the more he thought to himself, the more he blamed himself, and his memories from his past life were beginning to seep in, and that was when he finally began to grieve for his very first time since these past ten years, as he collapsed to his knees violently and started yelling to the top of his lungs.

"RAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" After that yell, all that could be seen and heard was that of a ten-year-old weeping in a fetal position for an unknown amount of time, shivering in the cold; shadows from countless trees slowly seeped toward Tristan, slithering their way, and those lines of shadows began to morph into something akin to hands comforting their master from the pain he's feeling right now as Tristan was more focused on his pain he didn't realize that shadows were surrounding him.

And didn't realize that his mysterious energy was finally beginning to grow at a normal pace without any stoppages. And slowly but surely, those shadows slowly wrapped him into a cocoon and helped him fall asleep.

~Another 4 hours later~

When Tristan woke up, he felt a sense of warmth, like a warm blanket wrapped around him, but all he could see was black in his vision. What makes it weirder is something cracking through that black surrounding him, and then a figure wrapped her arms around him, giving Tristan a different feeling of warmth.

That figure was a tall, pale white woman with deep raven hair that looked like it had thorns alongside it; some were protruding kind of like antlers to the side; those thorns felt extremely soft even though they should hurt; she was adorned with a darkish gray one-piece dress that heavily accentuated her well-developed body along with a black thorned crown, she had red eyes that looked like stars, and a warm and haunting smile familiar to Tristan, as she finished her tight hug she began to place her hands on Tristan's cheek, and placed her forehead upon his and said to him as she was now kneeling with both of her knees to the cold, snowy ground.

{It's alright to be sad when you need to; sorrow can only be temporary, but as long as you keep moving forward step by step, then I'll follow you every step of the way~ My Prince} When she said that, he felt touched but also confused, and he asked, "Um? I'm sorry, Ms., but do I know you from somewhere??" Truly his first thought when she saw her was, 'Is this a fucking scp? And why is there one in this world?' And then she said in a cute voice as she stopped hugging him and spread her arms wide.

{You meant Miss, right~ And also, I am supposed to be a let me wait for the drumroll, please!!~ YOUR VERY OWN FAMILIAR!!!!!} Tristan needed more information, and then that same voice from three years ago appeared again.

<I'll help with that. She is supposed to be a spirit that helps guide your soul avatar, but she couldn't even do that and is now saying she's your "familiar"... On the plus side, she's a very powerful spirit, even if weakened to a degree.> That statement did annoy him a bit.


'Oh lord, here we go again,' thought Tristan, but then his annoyance turned into confusion as he asked her.

"Wait, you could read my mind?" She then giggled violently while trying to answer Tristan.

{HEH-HEH-HEH~!!! MWHAHAHAHAHAHHAH!!!!!!! N-no sweetums, your face makes it rather easy to read, a-and you were looking at me like I'm a f-failure. And I know exactly what a face full of disappointment looks like towards mwah(me)~} She tried saying that seductively as she pointed to herself, but that just came across as depressing. And what makes it worse is the fact that she was blushing heavily red and breathing like crazy... Tristan quickly decided to ask this mysterious Familiar.

"So... What name do you go by? I don't want to be rude and just to call you a familiar." Tristan asked genuinely, and she went back to normal from her flushing face, and her smile grew softer.

{Well #- I mean Prince, you can call me Ana if you want~ And only you can call me that~.} Tristan, when he heard that, felt a part of himself strike a long chord; this memory from before his reincarnation was a happy memory, but he decided to shake it off. and spoke to his new familiar, now named Ana.

"Well, Ana, you could call me Tristan." When he said that, Ana started calling out his name over and over in a trance while giggling to herself.

{Tristan- Tristan- Tristo- hm- hm, hm- Hmmmm hi-hi~ Tristy~.} Now, his skin felt like it was crawling. And then Ana went back into a depression.

{I'm sorry, Tristy, but even though I'll be able to stay with you, I won't be able to hold on to this physical form... But as long as you become stronger, my physical form can also stay longer!!!} As Ana said that, with a bit of positivity at the end, the voice in Tristan's head began to speak again.

<She's speaking half lies... Sure, she can stay in that form as long as we become stronger, as she is permanently linked to us, but she should have other ways to become stronger without us... But she does seem genuine when wanting to help us, but there is something that's bothering me, and you should feel that same thing, too.> Again, the voice was right, and it's all because of her familiarity other than looking like an SCP anomaly. If she had the same abilities as her counterpart, then it should be easy for her to do so.

Still, in the end, he did the same thing as he was always good at with experience: he put it in the back of his head for later, as he remembered his Dad talked about the necklace. He touched upon the silver necklace with the blue and red stones and closed his eyes to focus on it, and it gave a bright glow of colors, showing his parents together, smiling. He was surprised and happy to see their faces again, even if it was only a hologram. As he called out, "MOM!?!?! DAD?!?!?" the hologram didn't listen, and they talked

"Hey there, my little Munchkin!! If you are getting this message, then that means. We are gone..." Dahlia said, and Tristan followed up.

"Yeah, what Dahlia said... We were able to put our souls in this thing in order for this message to work, and I want to tell you about the dangers of this world you are in. Dahlia taught you a bit about Faeries and the concept of magic, and I talked about the choices of how one can awaken.

Still, this world is so much deeper than you realize, and there are mainly Vampires, Garou, hunters, and what we consider ourselves as, which are Mages and Changelings." With that announcement dropping me by the side of the head, I just realized, "Holy fuck... I'm in the World Of Darkness, aren't I."

Just about everything just flipped itself like a table for Tristan and memories of his time learning about a few of the factions from that world, but Tristan didn't think he was entirely screwed either. He has his advantages in this world. All he needs to do is learn more about it, adapt, and overcome. And then Dahlia's voice rang through the hologram.

"I- I really wanted to tell you about our situation, and I hope you get this message. We both knew that our lives were going to end, but we were selfish enough to keep you with us till the end.

We didn't exactly have a long life span to begin with and we wanted to spend our ten years seeing you grow, and as soon as you were born, we knew that you were extremely special... you had no strings of fate on you, and you could move beyond fate...

Also, this shouldn't come as a surprise, but we know that you reincarnated, even though that's really nothing compared to being fateless." This came as a surprise to Tristan anyway; he thought he was able to hide that secret. And the voice came back and said.

<Are you joking, Tristan? In the literal first few hours of your birth, you already screwed yourself up within a few hours, excluding the fact that you were much bigger than normal children, you had so much cognitive ability they were able to guess you freaking novice>, And Ana who stayed quite said the word gasp in a sarcastic tone alongside with the voice in his head, just like a comedy duo.

{BUH-BUH-BUH-BUH-BUH-BUH, Le GASP!!!!!!!! Who would've known that they would be able to figure you out when you have facial features for days on end that are SOOOOO easy to read? I know I wouldn't know} Ana's sarcastic tone with her crossed arms and her head shaking in disappointment, adding on with the voice in his head, is going to be the death of Tristan.

Julius finished the hologram off and said to Tristan one last time, "If you hate us for what we did, then I wouldn't be surprised either, but we will always love you, Tristan, and you will always be my little Shade, no matter what, and the hunter taking you in he is pretty nice, and that is when you will start an actual school... AND MAKE SURE YOU GET SOME BITCHES WHEN YOUR OLDER SHADEY BOY!!!!!" With that statement at the end, Ana started raising her arms in the air and yelling out

[OH OH OH- OH OH OH!!! THAT'S ME~ THAT'S TOTALLY ME, RIGHT TRISTY~ I'M YOUR BITCH RIGHT~ RIGHT?~ YOU'RE SOOO LUCKY THAT YOU BAGGED ONE EARLY, RIGHT?} Tristan only looked at her with a blank face; he felt a part of himself die a bit alongside that voice in his head. Tristan even thought he heard a groan from his head, and he stared back at the hologram screen to focus on something else.

And Dahlia yelled out. "I LOVE YOU MY LITTLE MUNCHKIN." And with that, the final message ended. and he stood still for a while, holding on to the necklace, and decided to give his power a try, and focused and used what he called anomaly energy upon the object, giving it enough power for their souls to live on longer, so that someday they might be revived...

Through his time using this energy, he has learned that it came directly from the user's imagination and that energy itself is able to give said objects anomalous effects similar to an SCP.

He hasn't tried giving himself anything else just yet but only gave it to physical objects for now, which gives time for this energy to grow larger. Its qualities have taken a huge leap of growth, and now, finally, Tristan realizes that the progress of its size was finally free from that constraint.

He imagined the necklace giving off an almost inexhaustible amount of energy for the soul fractions not to disappear. Because the necklace was small in size, it was relatively easy. Now that was done, Ana said.

{We should get going now, Tristy. I'm guessing you know where to go, right? And I am about to go back to my spirit form, too... But maybe you could also make a necklace, or maybe a bracelet for me too, Tristy~... And also stay safe too, I'll be watching~} As Ana said that she disappeared from Tristan's sight, that comfort Ana gave Tristan disappeared along with it. The voice added on

<She's right, you know. We are only wasting time at this point> Tristan took a deep breath and began his journey North.

And now Tristan's Journey Into The World Of Darkness finally begins.