One man who has everything still feel's something is missing in his life. Until he has a vision that change's his world forever.
As evening fell, Jacob retired, still restless from another fitful day. He lay staring into the gathering gloom, slipping in and out of uneasy dozing, his dreams fractured and nonsensical. Slowly, heaviness overcame him, his vision darkening into blackness.
When awareness returned, Jacob found himself standing amidst a landscape unlike any he had known. Towering crags rose all around beneath a roiling sky, shadows writhing at their bases. The air smelled of ash and brimstone, heat billowing in waves that scorched Jacob's lungs with each breath.
He squinted into the murk, making out jagged cliffs and fissures spilling a fiery glow. As his eyes adjusted, Jacob realized, with mounting dread, that faint cries and moans echoed from the depths. He edged closer to a crevice, peering over its edge, and recoiled in horror.
Far below writhed a seething mass of human forms, skin sloughing away in patches to reveal muscle and bone. Their limbs scrabbled uselessly against sheer walls as they were tossed amidst the press, every movement eliciting anguished wails. Some were snatched by taloned beasts to be torn apart, innards spilling as the wretches fought over strings of viscera.
Jacob fell back, retching drily as sweat slicked his skin. This place was sheer torment, some nightmare realm where souls were condemned. But why was he here? As he backed away in panic, Jacob's foot slipped on loose shale. He windmilled helplessly at the precipice, then froze as realization dawned in a flash of cold clarity.
This was no dream. Jacob stared down at the human detritus clogging fissures far below, recognition dawning. Faces twisted in agony looked vaguely familiar—people he had crossed paths with during his decades in power. Men and women whose lives he had bargained away or ruined in pursuit of ambition.
They screamed their hatred and accusations up at him now, clawing at the walls to ascend as Jacob scrambled back from the edge. He turned and fled across the jagged plain, terror driving him heedless of injury as shredding rocks sliced his feet. All around loomed ominous silhouettes—more souls consigned to this place through Jacob's machinations.
Reaching a crag, Jacob pressed his back against its heated stone, panting in raw fear and helpless guilt. His every move had led him here to this inferno. As he stood trembling, a new sound arose—a keening as of souls joined in misery and rage. Jacob peered around the pillar of basalt to behold a vast canyon stretching into the murk.
Its floor swarmed with dismembered shapes colliding and coalescing in grinding agony. A maelstrom of bodies seemed to seethe and roil, spilling over rocky ledges only to be pulled relentlessly back into the mass. There was no distinction between individuals any longer—only a collective torment. Jacob clapped his hands over his ears but could not block the din coiling inside his skull.
He slid to the ground, hugging his knees as dry wretchedness overtook him. By his deeds, Jacob had condemned untold lives to this realm of utter desolation. How many more beings languished here because of the compromises and manipulations that secured his position? He had never stopped to consider the true toll; he had let ambition drown out conscience.
Now it was too late to undo past wrongs. Jacob was left only with the sum of his actions—this nightmare place reflected in the soul. He sank deeper into hopelessness, waiting for the maelstrom to overtake him and consume him as well. Let it be quick, he prayed distantly. Anything to escape this endless agony.
A faint glow penetrated Jacob's despair, growing steadily against the roiling darkness. He looked up slowly to behold an orb of radiance approaching, banishing shadows before it. As it drew near, Jacob gasped to see a figure shrouded in brilliance—a man of serene mien, regarding him with compassion.
"Rise, child of dust. Your sins I know, yet in me is hope eternal." The voice was like music, soothing Jacob's frayed nerves yet carrying an authority beyond any earthly potentate. Uncertainty and awe filling him, Jacob climbed, trembling to his feet before the shining one.
Golden light outlined a visage both sternly majestic and warmly welcoming. Eyes deep as the universe's heart held no accusation, only mercy that shook Jacob to his core. Here was Divine Perfection coming to judge—and finding him worth redeeming. The radiant one extended a hand, light spilling from his palm in ribbons of comfort.
"Come. Walk with me awhile, and let your burden lighten." Unable to refuse, Jacob grasped the offered hand. An embrace of boundless love engulfed him, tears of release streaming unheeded down his weathered cheeks. As they moved through the fiery wastes, wails of torment faded into the distance while Jacob hung on to every word of his companion.
"You stood adrift too long, denying your innate worth for fleeting satisfactions. But in me, purpose goes beyond all rulers or systems. Walk now in my light and heal the wounds you inflicted through ignorance." Hope rekindled in Jacob's breast, purposely awakening where cynicism had calcified. This sublime being beside him accepted all yet condemned none, offering instead a chance to renew purpose in service of eternal hope and compassion.
All too soon they reached a place where two paths diverged—one leading back to the cacophony, the other opening onto a luminous horizon. "Here our ways part for a time. But should you accept redemption's call, know that through me all souls find mercy and solace," spoke the radiant one.
Jacob glimpsed, for an instant, the innumerable lives redeemed through boundless love, healing in paradise what corruption had broken. Tearfully, he grasped his companion's hands. "My lord, my life is yours. Lead me from this place and teach me your ways, that through me also others may find hope."
A gentle smile shone upon him. "Go in peace, child. Your sanctification has begun." With a last embrace, the shining figure receded down the golden road until only its glow remained to light Jacob's steps. He walked slowly from that place, his heart swelling with a purpose too vast for one lifetime yet calling him ceaselessly onward.
“But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5)