
A Vampire Love Affair

Amanda is a clear example of NBSB. "No boyfriend since birth." even though she has everything; wealth, beauty, and brains. She never had any chance to have a man in her life until her father's death came along. She can only get her inheritance if she marries before her 21st birthday. The problem is that it is a few months away. Amanda is ready to face her new life but meets Matias Apollo. A wealthy bachelor from the other town. She was offered to be his bride, and she accepted it. Unwanted feelings started to grow as they became husband and wife. Will a vampire full of rage finally fall in love with the woman he has hated for a long time? And will the mortals trust the man who cursed their family for a long time?

Ameiry_Savar · Urbain
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15 Chs

Chapter 1

It's getting late again and I'm still in my room. I don't know what to do now. I am like a bird whose wings have been cut off. Papa just died from lung cancer because he didn't listen when I told him to stop smoking. He just died without me being able to say goodbye. I just graduated from college. He didn't even go to the ceremony because he was tired. I still thought I could catch up with him. It's really hard for me now because my only companion in life is Papa. Mama died when I was born, so I only saw her in my pictures.

"Amanda. Your dinner is ready. Eat now."

I looked at the door of my room when I heard Nana Josa calling. She has taken care of me since I was little. She said she never got married because of me. But she's not blaming me because of it and considered me her daughter. It's the same for me, she's like a mother to me. Honestly, we spend more days together than Papa does. Nana Josa was also with me in Manila while I was studying.

I bit my lip and stared at the ceiling. I still don't feel like eating but I'm sure Nana won't stop knocking until I answer. Especially since I still haven't eaten since last night.

"Yes, Nana. I will come down," I replied.

"Alright. I'll eat with you, Amanda. Get down now, huh?"


When I heard Nana's footsteps going away, I stood up. I was wearing a white dress with long sleeves. There are raffles at the end like dolls. I faced the big mirror attached to my dresser. My eyes are still swollen from crying all night. I was not really prepared for the sudden loss of Papa. I quickly wiped my eyes when I felt tears starting to fall again. I took my comb and straightened my long black hair.

Papa really wants my hair to be long like Mama's. So it's always up to the waist. He said that I looked like Mama especially when I was young. Even my behavior is said to have been acquired from her. I believe it because she really looks like me in the pictures in the photo album. From my round eyes and long eyelashes. As long as my nose is moderately pointed, we are the same. We only have different eye colors because I got them from Papa. Papa and I have the same brown eyes. I sighed. Now I'm an orphan. No parents. I know Nana Josa is there, but it's still different if your real parents are here.

I left the room and went down to the first floor. Our house is big, made of cement on the outside, and the inside is almost completely furnished. Papa prefers something simple but strong. So from the floor to the second floor and walls are all made of solid wood. In Nara, to be exact.

I immediately saw Nana Josa in the kitchen preparing our food. After we mourn for Papa, we bury him on our land on top of the mountain next to Mama. I let all of our maids on vacation. I even asked Nana Josa to go on vacation but she doesn't want to. She said she was worried about me. That's why we're the only two in the house right now.

"Oh, hija. You sit here so we can eat." Nana Josa waved at me.

I smiled at her and came closer. "Hmm. It looks delicious you cooked it, ah," I said while still sniffing. My stomach immediately lurched when I smelled the smell of freshly cooked marinated chicken.

"Of course. You know I'm very worried about you. You haven't eaten since last night. I thought I had to break down your door just to get you out of the room."

I smiled a little at what Mom said. "I know that's why I came out."

"That's good."

Nana Josa has already put rice on my plate. Then she also put a dish. I smiled. That's right, at least Nana Josa is still here with me. At least she still hasn't left me. Maybe I will still be happy. Maybe I'll fix the hacienda instead of going back to the City. I will take care of that so that at least I can feel that Papa is still with me.

I can do this.

After I ate I went back to my room to take a shower. I will go to my parents grave. I dressed in a skirt that reached half my leg and a white blouse with long sleeves. It's afternoon and at this time it's cold here in the province of Magallanes. I partnered it with my one-inch-high slippers. I let my hair down and just wore a round summer hat with a red ribbon on the side. Then I left my room.

We have a large yard and many different types of flowers are planted. Mama's favorite is flowers. It is said that when she was still alive, she was the one who planted the flowers and arranged the design of our yard. That's why Papa didn't move it even once. I also have no intention of changing the layout of our yard. The landscape that Mama made was so beautiful that I liked it too. Also, this is my only memory for Mama.

"Nana, I'll go visit Papa and Mama," I said goodbye to Nana Josa who was already sweeping the opposite side of the mansion.

"Huh? Are you sure?" she asked with a worried tone.

I smiled at her and nodded. "Yes. I'll be here before six." I approached the cluster of red rose flowers. Papa said that among all the flowers, this is Mama's favorite. Maybe we are really the same because this is also my favorite. When I see roses, I immediately smile. I picked two there.

"Will you use your car?"

I turned to Nana Josa and nodded. "Yes."

"Oh, okay. Be careful. Don't stay there too long and it's getting late."

"Yes, Nana."

I walked to our garage. If Mama likes flowers, Papa likes cars. He has more than ten types of vehicles. All of them are limited edition and three of them are vintage. Just like this red Volkswagen Beetle. This is the first car I ever drove. Papa also gave it to me when I got my driver's license. I got in there and drove to the top of the mountain. There is a wide flat surface in the middle of the mountain so cars can go up there. Trees are encircled around like a barricade and in the middle, there was one big tree and a newly planted gingko tree. Papa meant it that way because Mama's favorite place was the top of the mountain. Yes, Papa loves Mama very much. So my dream is to find someone like him. But I'm unlucky.

After a while I reached the top of the mountain. I parked my car just a few meters away from the big tree and then approached their grave. I immediately smiled when I saw their trees. There is a picture of Mama stuck on the big tree, but nothing of Papa yet. Papa still doesn't have a tombstone, but Mama's does have. It is cemented to the ground. I sighed and sat in the middle of their graves. It's still sunny but it's shady at my place because of Mama's tree.

"I miss you, Pa. You too, Ma." My tears started to fall again. "Until now I still can't think straight. What should I do now? You left me too early, Ma." I looked at Mama's grave. Then I looked at Papa's grave. "And now you too, Pa? I'll be alone forever." My tears have flowed. Again I felt very sad because of the thought of being alone. I'm also the only child of Mama and Papa, so I really have no one to sympathize with except for Nana Josa.

I spent a few more minutes there. I told Papa a lot even though I knew that he wouldn't listen to me. But even so, I feel better because of that. It was getting dark when I thought about going back home. Nana Josa was sure to find me so I hurried to leave. But when I came to us, I was surprised. There were two cars right in front of our door. The gate is also open and has not been closed. I don't know the cars and I don't remember anyone visiting us. I quickly got out of the car and went inside.

"Wait a minute. Amanda isn't here yet. You can't send us out of here."

I immediately heard Nana Josa's protesting voice. I saw her in the living room and she was talking to three men in formal clothes. I frowned when I saw Attorney Mark Santiago.

"Attorney?" I called him. They immediately looked at me.

"Amanda!" Nana Josa rushed at me. It was like she was relieved when she saw me.

"Amanda, it's good and you're home."

The Attorney also stood up and smiled at me. I approached them together with Nana Josa.

"Why? Is there a problem?" I asked worriedly.

Attorney winced slightly. I have known him for a long time because he is also a comrade of Papa's. He has become our family attorney. He takes care of almost everything we need when we need an Attorney. I don't know why, but I suddenly felt uncomfortable seeing him here. But it's not like my father won't leave me anything.

"Sit down first." Attorney pointed to the single seat.

We sat together. I kept looking at the three of them while waiting for the Attorney to speak. He took a bite and opened the black bag that was already on the table. He took a paper from there and handed it to me.

"What is this?"

"That's your father's last will and testament, Amanda. I'm sorry, but you have to leave this house."

My eyes widened and I looked at him in surprise. "What? Why?" I looked at Nana Josa whose expression was full of confusion.

The Attorney spoke again. "Your father has a condition, Amanda."

"What is it?"

"You have to get married before you can get your inheritance."

My mouth dropped. I suddenly remembered my conversation with Papa before going to college. Does that mean he was serious when he said he wouldn't give me my inheritance if I didn't get married?!