
A Vampire Knight's Destiny

New Novel: Nexus Bloodline "They fear my kind, but in their hearts, they know I am the shield against the terrors that lurk in the night." -Chase Haemas. "I will become the strongest knight even if I'm the most hated creature" -Chase Haemas, an epic journey in a world of swords and magic, where the main protagonist Chase finds himself reincarnated without the inherent magical affinity possessed by his mother. Raised in seclusion within the depths of a mystical forest, far from society, he trains rigorously to fulfill his dream of becoming a knight. When Chase finally ventures into the kingdom of Talia to participate in the knight tryouts, fate takes an unexpected turn, he awakens an extraordinary power known as "the strongest knight system." This newfound system imbues him with unparalleled strength and skills, making him a formidable knight, but something happens that turning into the most hated creature during the war. Now, Chase must grapple with his dual nature, torn between the remnants of his humanity and the insatiable thirst for revenge. As he embarks on a quest for vengeance, he discovers unlikely allies and confronts the true meaning of sacrifice and redemption. In a world teetering on the brink of destruction, he must harness his newfound powers and confront the forces that betrayed him. Every Ally has their own side story of their past life or current/future. Currently, I have five allies, stories already plans There is another Mc in this current world, from my other novel, both will learn a little different thing about the world, but I want to finish this novel first. Maybe in the future, you will read some Easter eggs about the other Mc. Other Novel: Remembering Christmas, The New Santa, Apocalypse Operation Apex: 5 Demons, do check them out if you want Thanks for reading my webnovel 30 Powerstones: 1 extra chapter 70 Powerstones: 2 extra chapters

Danger_God · Fantaisie
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96 Chs

Trial of the Labyrinth Part-5

As Chase and Ava ventured deeper into the labyrinth, they found themselves standing before the final stretch known as the Guardians' Gauntlet. The air crackled with anticipation, like static electricity in the atmosphere, and a formidable sense of challenge hung in the air, heavy and foreboding. Their hearts raced with a mixture of excitement and trepidation as they beheld the sight before them, like explorers about to step into the unknown.

"Ava, what's that?" Chase asked, his voice filled with shock as he stared at the imposing figure in front of him.

"It's a stone golem," Ava replied, her tone steady and filled with knowledge.

The stone golem stood several meters tall, constructed entirely from solid stone or rock, like a colossal monument carved from the earth itself. Its dark stone eyes pierced through the air, emanating an aura of strength and invincibility, like a guardian of ancient legends.

"In the books of trial, there is some information about the Guardians' Gauntlet," Ava explained, her voice carrying the weight of accumulated wisdom, like an ancient sage passing down sacred knowledge. "We have to defeat two elemental guardians, each possessing their own unique natural power."

As if in response to their conversation, the ground trembled beneath their feet, accompanied by resounding booms, like the earth itself awakening to the challenge ahead. They realized they were about to face a series of elemental guardians, each representing a different aspect of nature's power, like guardians of the elements awakened to test their mettle.

"Chase, get ready," Ava said, her voice filled with determination as she drew her axe, preparing for the impending battle, like a warrior preparing for the clash of titans.

Chase followed suit, swiftly unstrapping his spear from his back. "I'm ready," he declared, his resolve evident.

-Stone Golem-

-Beast Rank: Lesser

-Level: 8-

-Strength: 50-

-Agility: 40-

-Physique: 45-

-Skills: Avalanche Slam, Stone Shard Barrage-

-Avalanche Slam: The golem raises its massive fists high and brings them crashing down, causing a cascade of rocks and debris to rain down on enemies in a wide area.-

-Stone Shard Barrage: The golem regurgitates a barrage of sharp stone shards from its mouth, shooting them towards enemies with deadly precision.-

The stone golem slowly started to advance towards Chase and Ava, each of its steps causing the ground to quake beneath it. It's towering figure and impenetrable exterior radiated an undeniable aura of invincibility.



"Do you know how to defeat it?" Chase asked Ava, a hint of uncertainty creeping into his voice as he faced this formidable opponent for the first time.

Chase stepped forward, wielding his spear, and carefully examined the golem's stony exterior. Ava responded, "I don't know the specifics, but we will discover its weaknesses during the fight. We must remain vigilant," like detectives investigating a complex case, seeking clues and unraveling the mysteries that lay before them.

"I will search for a weak point while you distract it," Chase suggested, his determination shining through, like a master tactician devising a strategy in the heat of battle.

"Okay," Ava nodded, understanding that they could only overcome this challenge by finding and exploiting the golem's weak spot, like a partner trusting in her companion's expertise.

Ava circled the stone golem with her dual-wielding axes, providing Chase with cover, while he darted around the golem, meticulously analyzing its movements and structure.


Suddenly, the stone golem opened its mouth, and tiny, sharp stone shards shot out with a precision trajectory towards Chase and Ava.

"Ava, dodge!" Chase shouted, urgently warning her about the golem's Stone Shard Barrage.

Chase and Ava swiftly maneuvered, moving left and right, evading the tiny stone shards that landed on the ground and created small holes.

"Thank you for the save," Ava expressed her gratitude to Chase as they regrouped, like a grateful friend acknowledging a lifesaving action.

Chase nodded, acknowledging her words, like a humble hero accepting praise for his bravery.


With a shout, Chase charged at the stone golem, thrusting his spear towards its body, creating small cracks in its defenses. Simultaneously, Ava continued to study the golem's movements, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. They recognized the necessity for precision and strategy in defeating this formidable foe, like master duelists engaging in a deadly contest of wits and skill.

Ava ran forward, and as the golem swung its large stone fist at her, she swiftly dodged, slamming her axe into the golem's arm and dragging it along its surface, leaving a long line in her wake, like a dancer weaving gracefully through a storm of boulders.

The impact of the golem's fist sent a shockwave through the ground, propelling Ava backward.

"Ava, are you okay?" Chase shouted concern etched in his voice as he saw her being flung through the air.

Ava balanced her body mid-air and landed gracefully on the ground. "Yeah, I'm okay," she reassured Chase.

Ava quickly regained her composure and seized an opportunity with the golem momentarily distracted. She delivered a flurry of powerful strikes, exploiting the golem's vulnerability. Blow after blow landed on its back, gradually chipping away at the stony armor.

Chase, realizing the synergy between their attacks, also targeted the golem's front. Together, their coordinated assault weakened the guardian until the golem fell to its knees.

"Ava, move!" Chase warned, backing away from the golem while aiming his spear at it, like a guardian urging his comrade to safety.

"Let's do this," Chase thought, feeling a surge of excitement, like a thrill-seeker facing an exhilarating challenge.

Chase infused his spear with a surge of his war power energy, then launched it straight into the golem's head. The spear tore through the golem until it finally crumbled into a heap of rubble, like a warrior delivering a decisive strike to shatter a mighty foe.


The stone golem collapsed with a resounding boom, its imposing figure reduced to a pile of stones, like a fallen giant now returned to the earth.

"Nice," Ava said, a wide smile lighting up her face as she high-fived Chase, like a victorious adventurer celebrating a hard-fought triumph.

Encouraged by their victory, Chase and Ava pressed on, eager to face the next challenge. As they proceeded, they encountered the second guardian a swirling water elemental with parts of stone mixed within its body. The rest of the golem's form was composed of water, with one eye made of stone and water combined.

"It's a water golem," Ava identified the creature.

"How do we defeat it? Should we follow the same approach as with the stone golem?" Chase inquired, seeking guidance from Ava.

"I don't know," Ava admitted, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

-Water Golem-

-Beast Rank: Lesser

-Level: 8-

-Strength: 50-

-Agility: 45-

-Physique: 40-

-Skills: Liquid Beam, Watery Grasp-

-Liquid Beam: The golem's eyes emit focused beams of highly pressurized water, shooting powerful streams that can slice through obstacles or enemies with precision.-

-Watery Grasp: The golem extends tendrils of water to ensnare and restrain its enemies, constricting them and restricting their movement.-



While Chase and Ava deliberated, the water golem began to approach them, its eye glowing with a captivating blue hue.

"Move!" Chase shouted, forcefully pushing Ava away.

The golem unleashed a powerful water beam from its eye, striking Chase and engulfing him in its watery grasp. He held his breath as the water carried him and sent him hurtling back into a nearby stone wall.

"Chase!" Ava's voice echoed with concern.

"I'm good," Chase assured, flicking the water off his body. "Just focus on the water golem."

"Alright," Ava replied, her determination reignited as she ran toward the water golem.

Ava struck the stone parts of the golem, slowly chipping away at its stony armor while Chase followed suit, targeting the same weak points. However, the water golem fought back fiercely, sending surges of water crashing towards them.

Undeterred, Chase and Ava stood their ground, their movements synchronized in perfect harmony. Amidst the intense battle, the water golem sent forward an arm of water that managed to grab Ava, squeezing her within its watery grasp.

"Ahh!" Ava screamed in pain, dropping her axe onto the ground.

Chase squared his shoulders, his grip on his spear tightening as he infused it with his war power. He sent the spear hurtling through the water golem's arm, effectively disconnecting the watery hold and dropping Ava to safety.

"Chase!" Ava called out, requesting his assistance.

Chase swiftly ran beneath Ava and caught her, ensuring she landed safely.

"Thanks," Ava said, her voice filled with gratitude.

Putting Ava down, Chase charged back towards the water golem, infused his spear with war power once again, and unleashed a series of thrusts and slashes. The golem gradually began to fall apart, turning into splashing water that created a wave that washed over Ava and Chase.

As the water golem dissipated, Chase and Ava shared a sense of accomplishment and relief. They had overcome yet another powerful guardian in their journey through the Guardians' Gauntlet.