
A Vampire Knight's Destiny

New Novel: Nexus Bloodline "They fear my kind, but in their hearts, they know I am the shield against the terrors that lurk in the night." -Chase Haemas. "I will become the strongest knight even if I'm the most hated creature" -Chase Haemas, an epic journey in a world of swords and magic, where the main protagonist Chase finds himself reincarnated without the inherent magical affinity possessed by his mother. Raised in seclusion within the depths of a mystical forest, far from society, he trains rigorously to fulfill his dream of becoming a knight. When Chase finally ventures into the kingdom of Talia to participate in the knight tryouts, fate takes an unexpected turn, he awakens an extraordinary power known as "the strongest knight system." This newfound system imbues him with unparalleled strength and skills, making him a formidable knight, but something happens that turning into the most hated creature during the war. Now, Chase must grapple with his dual nature, torn between the remnants of his humanity and the insatiable thirst for revenge. As he embarks on a quest for vengeance, he discovers unlikely allies and confronts the true meaning of sacrifice and redemption. In a world teetering on the brink of destruction, he must harness his newfound powers and confront the forces that betrayed him. Every Ally has their own side story of their past life or current/future. Currently, I have five allies, stories already plans There is another Mc in this current world, from my other novel, both will learn a little different thing about the world, but I want to finish this novel first. Maybe in the future, you will read some Easter eggs about the other Mc. Other Novel: Remembering Christmas, The New Santa, Apocalypse Operation Apex: 5 Demons, do check them out if you want Thanks for reading my webnovel 30 Powerstones: 1 extra chapter 70 Powerstones: 2 extra chapters

Danger_God · Fantaisie
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96 Chs

The Unifying Strike

The training grounds basked in the soft glow of dawn, casting elongated shadows that danced like ethereal specters across the landscape. At the center stood Chase, one arm taut with anticipation, his gaze affixed to a distant tree. Flanking him were Master Li Wei and Master Zhang Lei, their presence serving as a reassuring anchor as Chase prepared for a transformative juncture in his journey.

"Today, Chase," Master Li Wei's voice carried the wisdom of ages, "you will learn the Unifying Strike, a technique born from the fusion of Serene Flowing Energy Arts and Furious Storm Energy Fist."

Chase nodded, his determination mirrored in the glint of his eye. The Unifying Strike was the culmination of his training, a technique that epitomized the harmony he sought to achieve within himself. It was a strike that would channel both serenity and fury, a single embodiment of his dual nature.

Master Li Wei stepped forward, his movements graceful as a river's current. "Chase, breathe deeply and draw upon the serenity within you. Feel the tranquility envelop your being, like a serene lake untouched by ripples."

Chase closed his eyes, inhaling the crisp morning air. He embraced the calm, feeling it flow through his veins, mingling with the echoes of his past struggles and triumphs. The tranquility settled within him, a foundation upon which to build the storm.

Beside Master Li Wei, Master Zhang Lei's energy crackled like lightning, fierce and untamed. "Now, let the fury ignite within you. Remember the intensity of your past and the fires that burned within."

Chase's breath quickened as he recalled the times he had faced injustice, the moments that had stoked the flames of his resolve. The fury surged, a controlled blaze that coursed through his veins, merging with the tranquility that still lingered.

"Open your eyes, Chase," Master Li Wei's voice was a gentle command. "Embrace both the serenity and the fury. Let them intertwine within you, a dance of opposites that finds harmony in your soul."

Chase's with a kick and punch, feeling the duality within him like a symphony of emotions. With a fluid motion, he unleashed the Unifying Strike, a singular expression of his essence. The strike's energy surged forward, a torrent that tore through the air with raw power, yet retained the grace of a tranquil stream.

The strike struck the distant tree, and a shockwave rippled through the air, leaving behind a mark that was both fierce and serene, powerful and controlled.

As the echoes of the strike faded, Chase lowered his arm, his exhausted. He opened his eyes to meet the gazes of his two masters, their expressions a blend of pride and approval.

"You have achieved the Unifying Strike," Master Zhang Lei's voice held a touch of awe. "You have harnessed the essence of your training and your journey, uniting serenity and fury in a single act."

Master Li Wei's serene smile enveloped Chase like a warm embrace. "The Unifying Strike is not just a technique, but a reflection of your growth. It is a reminder that harmony can be found even amidst opposites."

Chase nodded, his heart swelling with a sense of accomplishment. The Unifying Strike was something he was thinking the whole night during his sleep, a strike that embodied his struggles, his determination, and his capacity for both serenity and fury.

"There are a couple of things I want to warn you about and help you with" Master Li Wei's tone turned serious.

Chase looked at Master Li Wei worriedly as he never saw him this serious before.

"Never merge serene and fury into one body part. The consequences could be catastrophic," Master Li Wei warned somberly.

Chase absorbed this caution with earnestness.

"Also I notice you try to use your missing arm during practice" Master Li Wei continued.

Chase glanced at his missing arm." yeah, I will always miss it and my journey will be very challenging now."

"Have you considered forming a new arm from your blood?" Master Li Wei's unexpected question hung in the air.

"How?" Chase inquired, hope tinting his words.

"Depending on how a vampire becomes a vampire, through, a bite, or born, the born or bitten vampire has a chance to inherit a power from their creator." Master Li Wei explained.

Chase absorbed Master Li Wei's words realizing that he wasn't Bite to become a vampire but born with blood control.

"Thank you for sharing this. How can I proceed?" Chase's eagerness was palpable.

"Begin by cutting your wrist or another part. Use your blood or another's to shape the arm," Master Li Wei instructed.

Chase promptly selected a fragment of broken stone and swiped his wrist, crimson blood flowing onto the ground.

"What next?"

"Sense your blood, similar to your vampiric thirst. Control it," Master Li Wei guided.

Chase followed the instructions, reminiscing about his awakening, the thirst for blood. He felt his pulse quicken, blood pulsating, warmth spreading. He extended his consciousness to his blood, forming a connection, lifting it into the air bubbles of blood.

"Now, envision the arm you desire," Master Li Wei added, in his mind he was surprised Chase already can control blood so easily.

Chase started using his mind to imagine the way his old arm looked but stronger, clawed, capable of aiding him in combat.

All the blood started sticking onto his shoulder slowly forming an arm.

After a couple of seconds when Chase opened his eyes, he saw a very skinny arm made of blood and he was taken aback thinking isn't it suppose to be how I imagined?

"You shouldn't expect to do it on the first try, keep trying and you will get it," Master Li Wei said.

Chase then kept trying, every failure is a shrinking arm, big, long, and short.

With successive attempts, Chase refined his mental image, eventually sculpting the arm he desired a crimson, muscular limb with delicate claws.

"Now, test it," Master Li Wei suggested.

Chase executed jabs and hooks, the blood arm feeling robust, exceeding his natural limb.

"It feels very good thank you Master Li" Chase said thankfully.

"There's something you must be cautious of being a magic knight," Master Li Wei's tone turned grave.

"Why?" Chase's brow furrowed, considering the title's implications.

"Magic knights are potent and coveted, sometimes becoming puppets or killed. If fortunate to a met certain someone, they become adept in both magic and combat," Master Li Wei elucidated.

Chase suddenly felt a cold sweat down his back, realizing he was pursued as both a vampire and a magic knight.

"While blood control isn't precisely magic, it's a power a knight shouldn't wield but do stay cautiously," Master Li Wei advised.