
A Vampire Knight's Destiny

New Novel: Nexus Bloodline "They fear my kind, but in their hearts, they know I am the shield against the terrors that lurk in the night." -Chase Haemas. "I will become the strongest knight even if I'm the most hated creature" -Chase Haemas, an epic journey in a world of swords and magic, where the main protagonist Chase finds himself reincarnated without the inherent magical affinity possessed by his mother. Raised in seclusion within the depths of a mystical forest, far from society, he trains rigorously to fulfill his dream of becoming a knight. When Chase finally ventures into the kingdom of Talia to participate in the knight tryouts, fate takes an unexpected turn, he awakens an extraordinary power known as "the strongest knight system." This newfound system imbues him with unparalleled strength and skills, making him a formidable knight, but something happens that turning into the most hated creature during the war. Now, Chase must grapple with his dual nature, torn between the remnants of his humanity and the insatiable thirst for revenge. As he embarks on a quest for vengeance, he discovers unlikely allies and confronts the true meaning of sacrifice and redemption. In a world teetering on the brink of destruction, he must harness his newfound powers and confront the forces that betrayed him. Every Ally has their own side story of their past life or current/future. Currently, I have five allies, stories already plans There is another Mc in this current world, from my other novel, both will learn a little different thing about the world, but I want to finish this novel first. Maybe in the future, you will read some Easter eggs about the other Mc. Other Novel: Remembering Christmas, The New Santa, Apocalypse Operation Apex: 5 Demons, do check them out if you want Thanks for reading my webnovel 30 Powerstones: 1 extra chapter 70 Powerstones: 2 extra chapters

Danger_God · Fantaisie
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96 Chs


"For a half-breed, you managed to survive against a group of hunters," a mysterious voice resonated down the alleyway, imbued with curiosity and intrigue.

Chase's gaze snapped down the alleyway in response, his mind yearning for respite to heal, the realization of their numbers hitting him belatedly. The voice's words painted a clear picture these were vampire hunters. Questions swirled within him their origins, their formidable strength."

Finally, Chase's eyes settled on the source of the voice as it emerged from the shadows a figure exuding a captivating blend of wild elegance and unwavering power. Her sharp features and silver eyes held a wisdom beyond her years. Her silvery hair cascaded like moonlight, adorned with some feathers and trinkets.

Draped in a dark green tunic and intricately patterned trousers, a deep blue cloak rested on her shoulders. A pendant of a silver crescent moon adorned her neck, emitting a subtle, otherworldly luminescence.

Intrigued, Chase inquired, 'Who are you?' The woman's presence intensified as she drew closer, causing Chase to fight the weakness of his knees and stand firm.

Licking her lips, the woman responded, "I suppose I can tell you before your demise." With an amused tone, she introduced herself as Luna of the Shadowbane a group dedicated to hunting evil creatures that will, have, can, or did evil to do the world.

Chase's mind raced, unfamiliar with the Shadowbane. He pressed for more information before looking for an attempting to escape. 'Who do you serve? I've committed no evil,' he retorted

Luna's reply was swift, 'We serve the council known as "In Light, We Triumph." Though we have diverse divisions, we were tasked with eliminating you to prevent potential harm.' Her gaze shifted northward, a hint of urgency in her expression, before returning to Chase

"No more questions time to end you," Luna declared abruptly. Two curved daggers appeared in her hands as she lunged toward him

Chase's thoughts raced, contemplating his options. He grasped the Sword of Radiance, pushing through the pain of an unhealed wooden stake wound, using it to parry Luna's strikes. Her strength surprised him, pushing him back several feet.

Chase watched as Luna leapt toward him, his instincts allowing him to duck under her attack. Though in human form, he felt his vampiric nature yearning to surge forth, an even more potent version than his usual state.

As Luna landed, moonlight cast a reflective sheen on her face. Her Lunar Sight skill enabled her to track Chase's movements with precision, She darted forward, slashing and piercing him, her silver dagger painting a tale of pain and blood as it found its mark on Chase, no matter how many times he tried to dodge.

Suddenly, grey energy enveloped Luna's dagger, which Chase noticed as he tried using a sword of radiance attack but the sword was empty of sunlight, Luna swiftly retracted her left dagger, her hand swiftly like a snake clamping onto Chase's, a grip that threatened to shatter his bones."

As Chase attempted to break free about to slash her hand, Luna's dagger danced in a flurry of rapid strikes, creating silvery afterimages that made her movements unpredictable

"Ahhh!" In agonizing pain, Chase's cries echoed through the alleyway as Luna's onslaught pierced his flesh and shattered his bones.

With a final strike near his heart, Luna released her grip kicking him and sending him hurtling into a wall.

Luna looked at Chase slowly breathing"Oh, You're still alive" she said in amusement" Seem I miss your heart" she continued in amusement walking toward Chase, on the ground in pain thinking of a way to get away but he had none, using the little adrenaline he head left he struggle to got up and dashed away the only thing he has on his mind escapes and come back to get his revenge.

As Chase mustered the last of his strength to flee, Luna's amused voice trailed after him, 'Run as far as you wish, but your escape won't be long" Putting away her dagger, she started to stretch her arms and leg.

She then slowly bent down, The moon hung low in the sky, it's silvery light shone on her With a steady breath, Luna closed her eyes, centering herself in the presence of the moon's energy, Luna's muscles began to ripple, a subtle transformation coursing through her veins., ripping thought her clothes, Luna's body shivered as her body began to shift, her bones realigning and muscles restructuring. Her limbs elongated, her fingers fused, and her skin gave way to a coat of silver and charcoal fur, to 5 five feet wolf large majestic wolf.

Luna's eyes burst open, now transformed into radiant pools of silver. Bowing her head, a surge of energy propelled her forward, her form an agile blur as she darted across the concrete floor, her claws skimming the surface. Suddenly, her momentum led her onto a piece of brain matter, causing her to lose traction and slip on the blood-slicked ground. She careened forward, the slide only intensifying her speed, until she collided with a brick wall, the impact shattering it atop her.

"Ah!, darn it," Luna muttered with clear annoyance, her wolf voice carrying a smooth undertone. She let out a grumble, shaking off the dust that clung to her form, and sprang forward once more. This time, employing her claws, she scaled the walls with graceful agility, her ascent leading her to the rooftop. Leveraging her 'Lunar Tracking' ability, Luna traced trails and scents with remarkable precision, her heightened wolf senses aiding her in unraveling Chase's path.

"I've got you," Luna proclaimed, her gaze fixed to the south. With purposeful determination, she surged forward, leaping from roof to roof, her agile movement causing destruction as she crashed through the stone roofs of houses.

Meanwhile, Chase pushed himself to dash through the city, his injuries impeding his progress. Tripping and colliding with walls, his pace was compromised. Eventually, he managed to escape the city's boundaries, entering a forest he had no desire to enter. Yet, he had no other option; it was his sole path of escape.

Dappled moonlight wove its way through the dense canopy of the forest, casting an otherworldly radiance upon the ground blanketed in moss. Chase, his breath ragged and his body a canvas of wounds, moved forward with a cautious determination. His heart thrummed with a surge of adrenaline as he yearned to distance himself from Luna's reach.

The moon's feeble glow was ensnared by the tangle of thick branches overhead, enveloping the surroundings in an eerie darkness that bore an unsettling mix of weight and energy. Chase treaded lightly, his senses acutely attuned to his surroundings as he maneuvered through the labyrinthine dance of gnarled trees and creeping vines.

Out of the shadowy abyss, a silhouette materialized Luna. Her silver wolf eyes held an intense gleam as they locked onto Chase's. She stood before him, a sentinel of both danger and intrigue.

"Chase," Luna's voice carried a softness that was laced with an unmistakable threat. "This battle cannot be evaded. The time for your demise has arrived."

Chase's grip on the Sword of Radiance tightened, his countenance etched with a vigilant wariness. He assumed a defensive stance, his fatigued muscles coiling with readiness for the impending battle. The crimson droplets that adorned his blade were a testament to the scant remaining vitality within him he couldn't afford to further injure himself and lose any more blood. He was poised for action, resolute and prepared.

"Haha, nice arm!" Luna's words rang with a hint of mockery, underscoring the intensity of the moment.

As the clash commenced, it unfolded in a blur of instinctive motion. Luna initiated her 'Moonlit Dash,' a silver-furred streak across the ground, closing the distance between them in an instant. Chase's spear arced through the air with determination, yet Luna's movements flowed with a grace that defied his strikes. Her wolf-like agility granted her an uncanny ease in evading his attacks, a dance of fluidity as she nimbly shifted from side to side, all the while inflicting clawed harm upon his body.

Chase's previous injuries cast a heavy shadow over him. His strikes, once sharp and swift, now moved more sluggishly, and his once precise responses lacked their usual finesse. Luna seized upon this vulnerability, emboldening her attacks. Her silver claws glinted menacingly in the dim light, her confidence growing. A sharp pang of pain shot through Chase's side as Luna's claws scored his flesh, eliciting a involuntary grunt of suffering. Employing her 'Shadowpaw Strike,' Luna's claws shimmered with gray energy, each strike eroding Chase's strength over time.

Gritting his teeth, Chase summoned the final dregs of his resolve, determined to resist the pull of fatigue. Nevertheless, his vision blurred, and his steps faltered. An encroaching darkness threatened to consume him, the edges of his consciousness fraying, while his vampiric blood stirred within him.

In a desperate attempt to regain control, Chase broke free from Luna's assault and staggered backward. The forest around him appeared to warp, shadows twisting and elongating like sentient entities. Luna seized this opportunity, dashing forward, her claws impaling his chest with unrelenting force, shattering his heart into blood.

Thx for reading, Also If I do decide to drop, I might continue to post once or twice a week because I already have everything planned out for the whole novel and I just don't want to have it sitting at the back of my mind, while I'm doing another.

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