
A Vampire Knight's Destiny

New Novel: Nexus Bloodline "They fear my kind, but in their hearts, they know I am the shield against the terrors that lurk in the night." -Chase Haemas. "I will become the strongest knight even if I'm the most hated creature" -Chase Haemas, an epic journey in a world of swords and magic, where the main protagonist Chase finds himself reincarnated without the inherent magical affinity possessed by his mother. Raised in seclusion within the depths of a mystical forest, far from society, he trains rigorously to fulfill his dream of becoming a knight. When Chase finally ventures into the kingdom of Talia to participate in the knight tryouts, fate takes an unexpected turn, he awakens an extraordinary power known as "the strongest knight system." This newfound system imbues him with unparalleled strength and skills, making him a formidable knight, but something happens that turning into the most hated creature during the war. Now, Chase must grapple with his dual nature, torn between the remnants of his humanity and the insatiable thirst for revenge. As he embarks on a quest for vengeance, he discovers unlikely allies and confronts the true meaning of sacrifice and redemption. In a world teetering on the brink of destruction, he must harness his newfound powers and confront the forces that betrayed him. Every Ally has their own side story of their past life or current/future. Currently, I have five allies, stories already plans There is another Mc in this current world, from my other novel, both will learn a little different thing about the world, but I want to finish this novel first. Maybe in the future, you will read some Easter eggs about the other Mc. Other Novel: Remembering Christmas, The New Santa, Apocalypse Operation Apex: 5 Demons, do check them out if you want Thanks for reading my webnovel 30 Powerstones: 1 extra chapter 70 Powerstones: 2 extra chapters

Danger_God · Fantaisie
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96 Chs

Attack! Part-3

The air was heavy with the metallic stench of blood from the dead knights the ground and tree were now destroyed by the magic, bomb, ball, arrows, and more attacks, the smell hanging like a suffocating fog over the battleground. The once vibrant green fields were now painted crimson, the soil churned and muddied by the relentless combat.

Far away, amidst the wreckage of the dead eagle, of Chase and Ava, there is a deep pit in the ground with mud, around the dead eagle are blue eagle knights desperately searching for Chase and Ava.

"Where are the generals!"One knight shouted.

"Don't shout just hurry and find them" Another said fearing the battle couldn't continue without them.

After a couple of minutes of looking there finally spotted Ava getting up off the ground a couple of feet away from the dead griffin.

"Look it's, General Ava!"One knight shouted excitedly.

"But we still can't find General Chase"

When Ava heard the knights she panicked Ava's heart pounded in her chest as she imagined the worst-case scenarios for Chase.

With her armor caked in mud, looked at the knight"What did you say, you still can't find Chase?"

"Yes general we looked around for a couple of minutes"The knights nodded to Ava.

Ava started to think if they crash-landed Chase properly flew off the Eagle back somewhere in the forest.

Ava looked around in the forest scanning it then looked back at the knight"Come help me look" She ordered.

The Five Knights nodded and followed Ava Deeper into the forest, determined to find Chase.



The four knights and Ava started calling out to chase, looking under stones in trees desperately seeking Chase, but their cries fell unanswered.

Suddenly, Ava's heart sank as she noticed a couple of Green Griffin knights approaching them.

Ava turned around and saw them"Crap there heard us!"Ava said annoyedAnnoyed at the interruption.

"You all continue looking for Chase"Ava ordered "I will go back into battle," She said out loud but in her mind she wanted to continue looking for Chase.

"Yes general!"The knight answers ava command and continued their search further into the forest.

Ava readied her chained axes, off her belt"Come let's do this"

Ava threw one of her axes letting it extend through her gauntlets, because of its fast it slammed into one knight's head instantly killing him.

Ava pulled her axe back and the knight slammed into the ground, the blood on Ava's axes flew into the air, the other green griffin knight was shocked by how Ava is skilled with her axe but there still charged at her.

Ava easily flipped over one knight's sword and sliced his head into the air, She dropped down under another knight's sword, on her way back up, she sliced another knight's throat blood spraying out onto the ground as the knight grabbed his neck trying to stop the blood.

Another knight came up behind Ava with a sword behind her, drop to her ankles, she spun around tripping the knight then slashing his head off and rolling off onto the ground.

Ava stood up and looked toward their forest where the blue eagle knight went, but Ava's thoughts were divided. She yearned to return to continue the search for Chase, but she was needed on the battlefield.

The battlefield was a chaotic sight, with dust and debris filling the air as Ava arrived, stood at the forefront. Her two chained axes gleamed in the sunlight, and her eyes blazed with determination.

Ava's heart pounded in her chest. She took a deep breath, centering herself amidst the chaos, and then she charged forward with the grace, The clank of her heavy armor resonated with every step, and her chained axes swung with a deadly precision.

The first wave of green griffin knights rushed towards her, and Ava twirled her axes expertly, deflecting sword strikes and slicing through their armor with ease. Her movements were fluid as if she danced amidst the battlefield.

A group of archers tried to gain the upper hand, but Ava anticipated their actions. With a swift tug of her chained axes, she sent the weapons spinning through the air, knocking arrows out of the sky and sending the archers scrambling for cover.

The enemy's cavalry charged, hoping to overrun her, Ava With a powerful leap, launched herself into the air, spinning her axes around her, creating a whirling wall of steel that met the charging horses head-on, Because of the mudded ground the horse slid and rider collided with her formidable defense.

In the midst of the battle, a sudden change occurred, everyone looked toward the forest, feeling A powerful surge of bloodlust filling the air, catching the attention of everyone on the battlefield.

"What happening?"A knight said out loud feeling terrified.

On the south wall, there is a 7 feet tall man looking toward the forest with a sword on his back, where the bloodlust is coming from he is a commander Hemon the beast from the green griffin army.

"Who the hell has that kind of bloodlust"Hemon said softly as a whisper.

Normal bloodlust is wanting to kill but Hemon felt Evil, Hatred, and more in the bloodlust even as a small amount it felt too powerful, The intensity of this bloodlust was unlike anything they had ever experienced.

Finally after looking at the forest for a while and feeling the bloodlust get closer, there saw finally saw Chase.

"Chase!"Ava shouted worried as she saw Chase his appearance was shocking.

With his head down, mudded up armor, Muddied and bloodstained, he moved with a consuming hunger for battle, his spear tightly held, nothing is around him that is indicating that nothing is wrong, But there felt bloodlust coming from him.

Suddenly Chase's head snapped up his once gentle eyes now radiated a fierce intensity. filled, Conveying a consuming hunger for bloodshed, that look in his eye caused everyone to step back in fright and some even urinate on themselves.

"What the hell is going on!"Some shouted in fright.

"What's wrong with Chase," Ava said worriedly about Chase's condition.

Suddenly Chase dashed forward only leaving after image before anyone can realize he already sliced off two knight heads before moving up to the other.

'What wrong we me'Im Chase's mind was filled with red, he shouted but no one can hear him, he can only see what happening outside in his mind.

Ava knew something was terribly wrong 'I have to see what's wrong with Chase'Ava thought.

As Ava was about to run toward Chase she felt something behind her.

Ducking down, she turn around and saw Hemon the beast, his colossal presence was intimidating,

"Who are you"Ava said harshly that Hemon stopped her.

Hemon rested his sword on his shoulder"Hemon the beast, Commander" Hemon said looking at Chase who was running a killing knight"It looks like there is something wrong with your general"

Ava looked around at Chase and Felt his bloodlust getting stronger every time he killed, Ava turned back around 'Commander looks like this fight will be tough'Ava thought standing up.

Hemon swung his sword down at Ava, "Pay attention or you will die you won't save your general."

Ava rolled out of the way and Hemon's sword sliced the ground leaving a deep Mark.

'I need to try and end this quickly or else Chase will be turned into a mindless demon'Ava thought worried, another way of turning into a demon is through complete bloodlust by hundred and thousand of people depending on the person's mind.

Ava stood up and held her two chained axes held firmly in her hands, Ava's eyes blazed with a fierce determination to bring an end to the fight quickly.

Hemon towered over her, his massive figure clad in imposing black armor. He brandished a massive two-handed sword.

"You think you can defeat me, little girl?" Hemon mocked, his deep voice reverberating across the battlefield. "I'll make sure you won't reach your general!"

Without uttering a word, Ava spun her chained axes, the metal links whistling through the air like a deadly symphony. She refused to let his taunts affect her focus. She charged towards Hemon her mind racing with strategies to outmaneuver him.

Hemon swung his massive sword with brutal force, aiming to crush Ava with a single blow. But she gracefully danced around his strikes, utilizing the chains of her axes to create a dynamic and unpredictable defense. With each parry and counter, she tested his reactions, analyzing his fighting style and searching for any weaknesses.

The ground trembled beneath Hemon's feet as their weapons clashed, the clash of steel resonating through the battlefield. Ava's agility and speed allowed her to evade, with flip dodge, Hemon strikes, while her chained axes found openings in his armor.

"You dance well, little knight, but you can't hide forever!" Thorne roared, as Ava keep dodging, as he swung his sword.

With a calculated move, Ava a powerful swing, letting his sword collide with the ground, momentarily immobilizing him. Seizing the opportunity, she launched herself into the air with a powerful leap, her chained axes aimed at Thorne's exposed back.

But Hemon was quicker than she anticipated. He turned, his eyes filled with fury, and raised his sword just in time to intercept her attack. The impact sent shockwaves through Ava's arms.

Ava created an opening, Hemon, momentarily caught off guard by the sudden change, hesitated for a split second. That was all Ava needed. She lunged forward with astonishing speed, her chains wrapping around Hemon's sword arm, effectively immobilizing it.

'No'Ava realized with just happening, the side effect of the chain, but it was already too late, With a smirk, Hemon yanked the chains, pulling Ava just toward him, Ava couldn't move mid-air as she flew at a fast speed, Hemon using his hand clothesline Ava with a thud sound out loud, blood flew out her mouth, Ava's eye became dilated as she blinked slowly, her eyelid started to become heavy, Ava slowly felt lightheadedness preceding loss of her consciousness, but in her mind was only staying Awake for Chase.

As she was about to wake up, Hemon grabbed Ava's head with his large hand and slammed her face first onto the ground then Ava completely fell unconscious.

In the skies above, Alex still on the eagle witnessed the distressing scene"Luke help Ava" Alex shouted to Luke who was finishing off two knights, Luke rushed toward Hemon and the unconscious Ava.