
A Unfortunate Situation

Jake is a man that wants to give them a taste of their own medicine by asking the Michael the Archangel of Humility for a second chance to go back the same day that he died. The beautiful Angel just smiles. Now Jake has a chance to find the ones who killed him for fun. Author- Well I got kinda sick of reading story’s of revenge OH different world OH they are bad people OH betrayal. I mean I love all these kinds of story’s but I thought why go to a different world? When this one is already terrible LOLz. So I’m trying to make a story with revenge and in this world. I really hope this peaks your interests and thanks for giving it a look. Please just enjoy the story I create.

Grave001 · Fantaisie
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44 Chs

Chapter 032 Interlude

Anderson Turner

I was raised in a beautiful town with a beautiful mother, who gave her everything for me. I didn't have a father but that didn't matter much to me.

Growing up I knew I was different, like the world revolves around me. I got my mothers looks so being popular wasn't even a problem. She was the belle of the ball you would say.

When I entered high school everything changed. I was scouted to be a model and of course I said yes.

Finally a way to show my absolute beauty to the world.

When the first magazine that I was in came out I immediately become the talk of the town. Everyone wanted to see me, to be close to me.

It was the greatest time of my life, nothing in the world could bring me down.

But suddenly it came crashing down… All because of the stupid bitch, Rebeca Neith a girl who appeared in the same got scouted by the same magazine as me.

When that version of the magazine came out, everyone who was anyone was only talking about was her.

I lost the spotlight that was supposed to be mine.

The world supposed to revolve around me. So I had to do something to get back my rightful place on top. To become the most popular, most beautiful, the best… I had to do anything it takes.

So I asked her out on a date of course I was a perfect gentleman showering her with kindness.

So I pick her up and took her on a date, I be was the most thoughtful and gentlemanly man there ever was.

And she became putty in my hands.

The date goes perfectly, and so does my plan. At the end of the date, I take her to a secluded spot over looking the town.

At night it's the most beautiful place in the world, except of course wherever I am. I look her in the eyes and give her a wink.

She blushed and then I lean in for a kiss, she get ready by closing her eyes…

Then I push her down the cliff, oops. I watch her tumble down hitting trees and the jagged rocks. I scrunch up my face imagining the amount of pain she's in.

After she hits the bottom I pull out my phone and call the emergency line and explain what happened. After ending the call I make sure it look like she fell on accident.

A few days later after all the questioning I was let go and deemed innocent. I mean of course that was to be expected.

But after that incident something weird happened to me. I couldn't stop thinking about it, the murder it kept haunting me.

I tried to forget but it was impossible, something inside me awoke.

I couldn't play second to anyone anymore.

After graduating I left everything behind to satisfy these urges as quickly as possible and I knew that the city will give me all the opportunities I would ever need.

When I entered the city through a really old train I walked up the steps and breathed in the city air. Which seemed a lot more dirty than I was use to.

Being as gorgeous as I am it was easy finding a job working as a model. Finding somewhere to stay was easy as well everyone wanted to know me and be friends.

But I had something I had to do. On my first week in the city, I killed 3 people. From random stranger, to a homeless person, even a roommate.

And every time I satisfy the urge the thing inside me kept asking for more.

After a month I even started to enjoy it. Becoming the most gorgeous person is easy once everyone else who stood a chance is dead.

After a year I basically found what I enjoy most when killing. It's making them suffer, breaking their fingers and making them eat them, so they will never have a chance to take what's rightfully mine.

After 6 years I'm now the most famous model in the country, I appeared on everything you can think of. I was living the high life.

But suddenly one day a man and a women walked up to my front door and knocked. I answered the door thinking they were just fans. "Oh you must be fans, here let me get you an autograph. It's the least I can do, If you came all this way." I pulled out a piece of paper and pen but they stopped me.

"Actually we aren't here for that. We are here for you… We kinda know what you did." The man says.

I put the pen and paper in my hands back on the table. Showing them no reaction. There's no way they could figure out what I do.

The women smiles and walks close to my ear. "Killing people is wrong isn't?" I push her away and glare at the both of them. "Let me finish what I was going to say. Killing is wrong, but it's so much fun right?"

Now I stare at her confused. Then the man continues, "Sorry to scare you but we work for the police force and your name came up a little to much. So we wanted to see why… Why a man such as yourself is involved with all of these murders. Please explain."

I start to sweat and I look into their eyes. But all I see is darkness. Like the they truly believe that the world is a toy for them to abuse and play around with. Out of fear I start to tell them my back story from when I lived in my hometown to coming to the city because I felt something inside me needed to be fed."

They both nod their heads in understanding. Thanking me for my time and leave a card on the table. After I close the door I slowly grab the card and read it over.

[This is a chance to become something without restrictions. If you accept this card become one of us, you have to pay a 1 million yearly charge. If this is acceptable you will no longer have to hide the beast inside you. Hope you hear from you soon.


Hope Harbingers]