
A Typical Two-faced Villain

Fan-fic about world travel with MC as a villain whose only purpose is to wreak havoc in the said world. Obviously, he won't be able to do so without sufficient power, therefore a specifically designed system will accompany him during his travels. 1st world - Akame Ga Kill English isn't my first language therefore please excuse my grammar, I will at least attempt to make it readable. The cover is not mine and it's there just for the sake of being there. I might change it in the future.

Insp_Auth · Anime et bandes dessinées
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26 Chs

Harvesting Points of the fellow Villain

It has been a few hours since Valdis arrived in this world and from the rumors he gathered by walking around, he only discovered that there are a lot of people aiming to be recruited into the army. He also browsed the shops and street markets to get the gist of the prices.

'Main character also wants to volunteer so the timeline should be somewhere around the time when he arrives at the Capital. Though there is no way for me to confirm whether he is already here or hasn't arrived yet. I should take a look around the barracks just in case.' After asking for the directions, Valdis started walking towards the barracks with both hands in his pockets.

When he arrived, the sun was already slowly setting down.

'Hmph! I shouldn't have bothered to come here since the main character should be here at around noon if I am not mistaken. It's already evening and I have yet to find a place to stay at. Thankfully I was smart enough to rob that thug of everything he had. By the market's standards, the amount of money I have should be enough to feed me for several weeks but who knows how much one night at the inn costs.' Valdis put a hood over his head to partially cover his upper face so the others could not see into his eyes from the distance.

As he started walking toward one of the inns near the city's gate, bumped into someone with his shoulder.

"Hey, watch where you are going" An overweight man stopped and turned back to look at the person who bumped into him just to see glowing red eyes staring right into his eyes. His body froze and an absent look appeared in his eyes.

Valdis quickly raided the man's pockets before breaking the eye contact and turning forward.

"Apologies, my fault." He shortly said before he resumed walking.

"Huh? Y-Yeah, it's alright...Did I forget anything?" The man woke up from his trance and resumed walking while muttering with a confused expression.

'Even if the 1 Tomoe has extremely weak Genjutsu abilities, it's still more than enough against such weak-willed people. And I just earned probably twice more than from that thug. I don't have to care for living expenses and this is also a good way to practice control over my Sharingan...two birds with one stone.' Valdis thought with a cheeky grin.

Before he reached his destination, he robbed 4 more people which made him quite tired, and as he previously suspected, using Sharingan in his current state was too exhausting. He also obtained 5 Villain Points after robbing 5 people.

Valdis rented a single room and shut himself in. Since he was feeling quite tired, he fell asleep shortly after laying down on the bed.

The next morning he decided to continue with his Sharingan training by robbing the others and while he was looking for his next victim in the richer areas of the city, he saw someone he hardly expected to see at this time.

"My lady, please wait!" 2 guards were chasing after a young girl who was running around window shopping, occasionally buying something.

'Blonde, shoulder-length hair topped with a fluffy light blue accessory...That's definitely her, however, I don't see the main protagonist anywhere near her which means he still hasn't arrived! Aww, she doesn't even know how much she helped me by appearing here, I ought to reward her a bit' Valdis approached the trio, waiting for the right moment to snatch the girl.

It didn't take long before the girl run off a short distance from her guards, entering a more crowded area of the street. When they were hidden from her guards' sight, Valdis grabbed her hand which caused her to snap her head at him with a shocked expression however that expression quickly disappeared when she saw his Sharingan.

He quickly led her by her hand to the nearest alley and she obediently followed after him with a vacant look in her eyes.

*Snap* *snap* "Wake up sweetie"

The girl woke up from her trance after Valdis snapped his fingers and called out to her in a gentle tone.

"*Gasp!* WHo-MM" The moment she tried to scream, Valdis put his hand over her mouth.

"Tsk tsk, don't do that if you don't want any trouble. In fact, I am not here to hurt you" Valdis explained with his index finger over his slightly opened lips.

"...I hate this cute angelic face of yours, you know that?"

"W-What do you want from me? What have I ever done to you?" She asked and her eyes started getting wet. They could even hear her guards shouting and searching for her nearby.

"Aww, if I hadn't known about that shed behind your mansion, I would truly believe you are an innocent little girl" Valdis said and his expression turned serious.

Hearing his words, the girl's eyes widened in complete disbelief however she kept silent and didn't stop her act.

"How would you like it if everybody inside this city got to know what kind of person you are behind that angelic cute face?"

His words once again shocked the girl and she even shuddered just from the idea of getting exposed.

"...W-What do you want from me?" She asked again, looking truly vulnerable.

"I only want to see that rotten side of you, tell me, honestly, why do you torture people? What's the reason behind your cruel actions?"

The girl looked down at the ground and started mumbling something in a helpless tone.

"Louder!" Valdis raised her chin to force her to look at him while speaking.

"When you butcher the cattle, do you mourn or care for it? No one cares if cattle get butchered for either food or skin! Are the peasants any different from cattle?!" Her angelic face finally got twisted when she explained herself in an almost hateful tone.

She was aware that her fate was in Valdis's hands and since he already knew so much, she decided to no longer act. However, his reaction to the reveal of her true nature completely confused her...

A serious expression on his face suddenly disappeared and a gentle expression appeared instead.

"See...I like the look on your face now. So rotten and twisted, not pretending to be anything else...so beautiful." Valdis said while caressing her cheek.

"..." The girl no longer knew what to say to him as she was too shocked to respond, only a hint of red appeared on her cheeks.

"Aww, what a shame you are too young. Anyway, I just wanted to meet you and tell you that I admire your family's "handiwork", truly, a work of art" Valdis flashed her a sadistic grin with narrowed glowing red eyes.

The girl visibly seemed offended by his comment about her age, however, she didn't say anything else since he was too bizarre for her mind to comprehend, though, she couldn't deny her attraction to him.

Valdis made eye contact with her once again and blinked, making her look like in trance before discreetly leaving the alley. He couldn't erase anyone's memories with his current strength, however, he could rewrite them a little and all he did was blur his face in her memories.

[You have met one of the important characters for the plot advancement]

[Reward: 20 Villain Points]

[You have shaken the mind of one of the characters, making their opinion of you constantly change like on a roller coaster]

[Reward: 100 Villain Points]

[A minor villain has been a deeply fascinated with you]

[Reward: 50 Villain Points]

'I have heard the crazy bitches are the best ones, she certainly gave me a lot of points. If her mother really has the same personality and looks similar but older, I wouldn't mind having a go at that crazy bitch of a mother, unfortunately, she has a husband, what a turn-off.' Valdis shook his head with an exaggerated sad expression while walking with his hands in his pockets once again.

This was his first time coming across a female who wasn't afraid to show her rotten and twisted side in front of him which slightly turned him on, unfortunately for him, it had to be a kid, at least in his eyes. He couldn't care any less if she was already old enough to marry and do the deed by this world's standards, she simply hasn't developed enough yet in his eyes.

'Now now, calm down boner-kun, we have much more pressing matters to attend to' Valdis returned to his room inside the inn in good mood.

Starting today, Valdis decided to keep checking the taverns near the city's gate while also checking the barracks every noon. His goal was clear; to meet the main protagonist and in the meanwhile, he could think about whether he should join the other villains or try out his original strategy of befriending the good guys.

'Well, what was that wise-sounding idiom...Two tigers cannot share the same mountain? Even if I will join the Villains' side, there is a high chance of conflict arising between one of the biggest villains and me. Anyway, this is much more fun than I expected. Especially the Sharingan, it's such fun playing with the people's minds, I might invest a lot of time into practicing Genjutsu. However, rewriting her memories caused me to be quite exhausted, I still have a long way to go.'

"Anyway, it might be finally a time for some spending, at first I wanted to evolve my Sharingan as soon as possible but it seems like I underestimated the abilities of 1 Tomoe Sharingan. After all, the Sharingan's effectiveness should be reflected in the user's competence. 1 Tomoe or not, it's still a powerful ability.