
Keep up or just drop!!

Lapiz: I think that was my stomach by hehe

Lumina: Lapiz you just scared the hell out of me. Why am I being tortured over here why?!

Lapiz: yeah yeah we get it but right now I'm starving.

Mickey: now that I think about it we haven't eaten anything for a long while now.

Lumina: yeah but where can we find food to begin with?

Lapiz: I don't know but I need to eat!

Mickey: how about we check that forest over there outside of the Disney entrance

Lumina: no way! Don't expect me to go hunting.. No no

Lapiz: Oh for goodness sake Luma your making a big deal out of it. Relax what would possibly be there anyway?

Melody: only 2 minutes have passed and...

Lapiz: waaaaaaa😨😖😖

Lumina: this is one of the reasons why I didn't want to step inside this forest!! Who would have thought that WE ARE BEING CHASED BY A MONSTER THIS HUGE RIGHT NOW!

Lapiz: I'm sorry, I'm sorry I just wanted foooooooood😭

Melody: And thus their lives are over and game over, thank you for reading bye....

Lapiz: who are you to end our lives so easily huh?! Aren't you the author?! At least make it a happy ending you!

Lumina: yeah! What is wrong with you!

Melody: Oh they're actually alive... Ahem... And thus our story continues to be..

Mickey: such a failure as an author🙄

Melody: Ahem.... No comments please... As I said please C.O.N.T.I.N.U.E

Lapiz: Oh finally we found a hiding place.

Lumina: what in the world did I do wrong to be tortured like this in the first place....

Lapiz: well okay that's true but Luma how about you tell us more about leveling up and stuff.

Lumina: hmmm.... Why do you want to know now?! ( is she by any chance thinking of defending us? 💭)

Lapiz: to defeat monsters and eat obviously.

Lumina: I knew it you meanie! Anyway it seems that you and I have a standard in this world. If you want to check it say 'link out'

Lapiz: Link out! Woah!.... I am sooo doomed. I can't believe that my level is so low. Like how do I even level up anyway?

Lumina: wow you just realized that! Ugh but anyway I don't think there's a tutorial that says how to level up.

Mickey: what are you guys talking about?

Lapiz: can't you see that we're talking about those screens that are in front of us?

Mickey: what screens? Are you okay? You sure you aren't just hungry and imagining stuff?

Lapiz: no I'm not!

Lumina : wait.. Maybe he really can't see it. What if no one can see them unless they say 'Link out' or something like that

Mickey: can I say it?

Lapiz: sure

Mickey: link out!..... Nope nothing

Lapiz: well that means one thing only.... We're awesome!

Lumina: 1. No we are not. 2. That only means that since we're from another world, we have specialties that none have.

Lapiz: well let's not change the subjects for now.

Melody: suddenly a system screen appeared in front of Luma and Lapiz.

Lapiz: What is this

Lumina: it appears to be some sort of a system screen. 'Do you want to cooperate with the system?'

That's what written.

Lapiz: how can you read those scriples?

Lumina: I'm a tech geek. Stuff like this is easy peasy. But the important thing is that should we cooperate with the system or not??

Lapiz: dunno. Don't ask me, I'm not the genius person in this group. Aaaand I'm still starving here...

Lumina: yeah okay we'll get to that later...

Mickey: just a hunch... What if you cooperated with this system but instead of helping you it would make your life more miserable..

Lapiz: Mickey has a point but I'm starving soooo we'll deal with it later

Lumina: I think it's safe to cooperate with it because in the conditions it says that the system would give us missions and if we don't complete it, we get a hard punishment. But if we complete it we get rewarded or something like that.

Lapiz: who cares just accept. I'm seriously hungry.

Lumina: Lapiz I promise you that if something happens to us and it's because of your hunger, I'm going to seriously kill you if we get reborn again.

Lapiz: well..... JUST LETS DO IT

Lumina : on the count of three.... 1....2...3 go!

(you're registered to the system)

Lumina: 'your first mission is to kill 20 goblins in this forest.' that's what's written.

Lapiz: Seriously..... What about food?

Lumina : if we finished the mission, our reward will be food. But if we don't complete it with in three hours we will get punished.

Lapiz: well this is life you snooze, you loose. Let's just do it pretty quickly. I'm seriously hungry.

To be continue....