
Are those crows or monsters?!

Lumina: are you serious?! There are like 5 crows! How in the world do you think you can defeat them. I don't even have weapons to begin with like. I have only one button and it's the shape of an iPad... đŸ˜„đŸ˜„

Lapiz: Pfft.. 😂 Relax Luma, we got this. Besides you don't have to fight cuz your an indoors person and can't even hold a sword properly. That's why leave the fighting for me and focus on hacking the gates system.

Lumina: Hacking?!😕

Lapiz: Seriously now, why would Merlin give you a magical IPad for! In DMK game we need magic to open the gates. And the only thing we can use or have is your IPad and my weapons. 😒And I'm not really sure if that crow has the key or not.

Lumina: Oh yeah that make sense now.

Lapiz: well what are we waiting for let's get this party started đŸ˜Œ

Lumina and Lapiz: Ready.... Link Start!!

Lapiz: (takes on her sword) Mickey try helping Luma out as much as you can.

Mickey: Roger

Lapiz: Hey you! Come at me with all you got!

Melody: The crows starred at Lapiz and started shouting. Then two of them went directly to attack Lapiz.

Lapiz: You things are really noisy for God's sake.... Just freaking shut up or I'll shut you up. (she held the sword and jumped but what she didn't think about or even thought about is that the jump would be very high since she's using her magic sword LOL). Waiiiit what!! Why am I flying?!

The crows: kakakaka (they're laughing I guess 😅)

Lumina: pffft... such humiliation, even the crows are laughing haha poor you haha

Lapiz: Will you shut up I'm already at my limits now... 😡You damn crows, prepare to die. Haaa!!