
A truly evil fellow! (DC/SI)

This FF does not belong to me, I am just posting it on Webnovel because I personally liked it. The cover doesn't belong to me either I found it on Pinterest. ========================================== Synopsis: Prepare yourself! For this man, this EVIL-Doer shall shock you! Leave you AMAZED at how truly nefarious of a little fella he is! ========================================== the original books link: [https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/a-truly-evil-fellow-dc-si.997767/]

CultureBringer · Anime et bandes dessinées
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40 Chs


Amanda Waller, better known as the Warden to the prisoners of Belle Reve. She sat going over the papers again before looking at the cameras. "So all attempts to take off his mask have been unsuccessful? We need that damn mask off him ASAP before he breaks something. How did no one notice it until now?"

Inside the room, another pair of officers now fully dressed in riot gear begin approaching Mr. Villain. The one in the front has a riot shield while the man behind him carries a giant oven mitt and a cattle prod. Mr. Villain turned to them. His movement causes the spent bullet casings all around him to shift and roll as he gives small waves, "Howdy! Do you guys wanna hear about my 32-page lecture on Warhammer 40k? It's all a part of my evil plan to befriend the prison guards so they don't realize I have my mask on or a bomb in my prison pocket! Took a lot of work doing that."

The Cattle-Prod is jabbed forward and like the many other weapons they've tried on him- explodes in the man's hands. The cop quickly darts forward with the oven mitt only for Mr. Villain's shields to flicker and send the man flying through the wall. "Oh boy, that sure sucks however that happened. . .You guys got TV time in here? I hear there are a lot of hot female villains. Can I be put in with them instead? Is Superman really a man or is he secretly a shapeshifting green alien from mars?"

Amanda simply sighs as she rubs her head and checks her other computer, "ETA on the Star Labs team is fifteen minutes. They should be able to defuse and EMP his technology for us to fully disarm him. Put the entire facility on lockdown until they arrive."

"What? You're scared of little ole me miss waller. . .That's such a surprise considering the monsters you keep- Will keep in your basement. I know you have such filth residing in here. Monsters, and the like," Waller goes stiff as she turns to the Camera. The masked Mr. Villain stared straight at her through the Camera.

Her instincts kicked in as she reached for the emergency lock-down button only to go stiff and find herself unable to move. Her guards in the room collapsed as Mr. Villain shrugged and chuckled, "The Ultra Humanite, Garganta, First Born, Doctor Light, and so many others locked away as the Justice League worked their magic. . .Your reputation as the world's greatest institution for Meta-Human lockdown proceeds you. Not even China has been able to make prison as great as this one. So many Villians forgotten by the world because of you!"

He stands up as a trio of guards begins flooding into the room. Each aims some piece of advanced gun that is quickly fired at him. Each, set to lethal before the beams are paused mid-air as Mr. Villain chuckled, "I was hoping to keep the notice-me not machine implanted in my back hidden for just a bit longer but I already feel it malfunctioning. Congrats. You saw past it when not even the Green Lanterns could."

Each shot is frozen-mid air as Mr. Villain hums softly. The air vibrates as his chains begin to crack and break with a yank of his wrists. "Most Importantly, thanks to the work of those wonderful Magicians Doctor Fate and Zatanna. . . You have managed to secure magical threats as well as physical ones. Wonder if that demon I used for a Super-Toilet or the Grammer Nazi is here."

"Access Phrase-559," His words trigger some shift in the air. The electronic defenses and brute force anti-teleportation methods straining and flickering off for a split second. Mr. Villain's entire body glows only for a moment before revealing he now stood fully geared just before the defenses switch back on. No longer stuck in chains or an orange jumpsuit he flexes his shoulders.

"Within this facility, you have thrown away Magical folks like Felix and kept a few monsters like Enchantress in the basement. Then you designed this place so that if it was invaded or a breakout occurred only a small portion of them could escape! Hell, a small army sits outside that's bought the best tech it could from Lex Corp, Wayne Corp, and Star Labs! You really went all the way you min-maxing lil shit. Batman should be proud," He shouts before walking to the door. He walks straight through what remains of the wall and forces the computer screen to change. Now shows the footage of him entering the hallway.

"But above all, you keep on DELICIOUS elemental Avatar locked in here that I must have. I bet Superman is already on his way here hm? Good. It's time that the Kids be put under some real stress ya know? They're ready for it and the world has been a bit calm recently. In the void of any foreseeable crisis, it is only fitting I make one," He spoke as he calmly walked down the hallway. His hands folded behind his back as various guards and defenses failed.

Doors, destroyed, and even the more exotic and lethal defenses fail as Mr. Villain poses and turns to the camera once more, "It takes stress to make diamonds Ms. Waller and that is what I am doing to the next generation you know? It's not like you and I are going to be around forever right? Gotta make sure those successors know what chaos is."

Mr. Villain finally reaches his destination. Screaming and shouts were thrown at him as he walked down the hallway and reached a single cell. The doors glowing with faint golden runes as Mr. Villain glanced back at the Camera one last time, "While I deal with Mr. Blight you can call in your help. It's not gonna help. I'm funny."

Mr. Villain reaches for his gauntlet and slips it off with a click. Gently sitting it down as he shouts, "This isn't an Inator but for humor's sake It's called the Prison-Break Inator. Ah, don't look so grim Ms. Waller. It's Graduation Day! Oooh. . .That's catchy. Graduation Day!" With those words, the Gauntlet explodes killing every last camera in the facility. . .and destroying every last defense the facility had.

Billions of dollars worth of tech and irreplaceable magical creations are all being destroyed by a singular wave of exotic energy and toys. Teleportation defenses are now gone, turrets offline, guns destroyed and magic runes are currently being overwhelmed by the presence of something else.

Mr. Villain smiles as demons and creatures begin darting out of their cells. A few teleporting away and many ignoring Mr. Villain as he opens the door and comes face to face with a cowering Blight, "All the embodiment of all of Mankind's evil. You should apologize to the poor readers. It's because of you I had to tone things up to the next level you know? I'm like the Young Justice version of me now. Way Buffer and hotter."

A faint chuckle came from him as he crouched down to Chris, the host of Blight, and grabbed him by the chin, "Shush now naughty child. You are a vital component of what comes next. It is only fitting, the ultimate evil is accompanied by a true Endbringer you know?"

Blight begins to scream as Mr. Villain puts his hand to his head. Chris screams as smoke begins pouring from his eyes and mouth and into Mr. Villain's hand clenched Chris's skull tightly. Seconds pass as Mr. Villain giggles, "Now that Blight is no longer with you Chris I will be sending you to Arkham to get the help you deeply deserve. Truly I am sorry about this but. . .We all do what we must to get home."