
A Travelar into the world of Inuyasha (Sesshomaru x OC)

Janet an orphen girl who lives with her aunties. She travels through space, universe and time . How will she react when she finds out? Then she started to change the story but by doing so she catches a lot of attention especially of a certain Inuyokai. Does she have to sacrifice herself for everyone and everything by doing so? You need to read the whole story to know what's going to happen next.

Jannat_Heasan · Anime et bandes dessinées
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2 Chs


"I didn't know if I change the story to this stage it will lead to my demise"

Modern time (Reality)

Hi! My name is Jannat. As you know I am an orphen. I live with my aunties . They are very nice people. Though we are very poor but still they are continuing to give my educational expenses . Well yesterday night my auntie and the other members are gone to the village. So I am of by myself . You guys are thinking that why I didn't go with them right?

It's beacuse I had my last exam today.

Time skip to night time

Jannat's POV

Phew! all work is done . Now I can watch Inuyasha. But why the girls always have to be so skinny. To tell the truth I am chubby, ugly and what's more my skin color is tan . I wonder if anyone will ever love me romantically . Well whatever

After watching Inuyasha

Huh I wish I could go to the world of Inuyasha. I really wanted to change the story line

"But who knows that wish will become true otherwise"

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