
The strange dream

A person is seen standing all covered in blood and in an unknown place. There is someone infront of him his wings were fallen near him

and his hand covered in blood. The man in green clothes said,"Remember this,I curse you someone will come and take my revenge.

Write wherever you want to write. At the time you decided to kill me was the time you signed on your death certificate. At that time our hizuka wakes up.Huh what was it again that strange dream. The mc sees around finds no one around him and realises the school is over.

When he reaches his house he unlocks the door and closes it. He goes into his room and puts his bag down and lays on the bed and starts to think about at that strange dream again. At that time house bell rings he goes down to open the door to find his aunt standing there. She was wet and when he look out he saw it was raining. He invited her in and and after she enters he closes the door and goes in the bathroom to prepare for her bath as she was wet. After she dried herself. Both of them sat down in the middle of living room and he asked her," What kind of heros were my parents and how strong were they and who were they?" She tells him you are to young to know about who are your parents now go to sleep and I will leave by tomorrow as it is raining. He used to live alone. Next day he wakes up and finds himself not in his room. He looked around to and finds its a guest room but not of his house,he goes out of the room and finds a big corridor he walks in the corridor till he finds a small opening and light coming in through it. When he goes in the opening he finds himself in a different place,he finds him standing on a cliff near water, wind blowing through his hair making his hair untidy and gives a better look of his face brownish hair, emerald like eyes and fair light skin and a average body not to muscular not to fatty.There he sees the same strange man from his dream. He turns around and looks at hizuka and he starts giggling, which makes hizuka slightly angry.He starts walking towards the man when he is near the man about to pick him up by collar he fells like he is light weight and looks to find himself in air he finds that he is being lifted by some kind of black tentacles made up of energy and he look at the man's face to find his eyes are same as this man's. When he was about to speak something he was interpretated by someone he looks around to find a gorgeous women with her black hair and wind blowing through them. She makes him float in air and he suddenly starts feel something is applying force from all the direction to crush his bones. He looks at the women to see a wave of green aura flowing around her and she says," Who are you and How are you here?" He says he was sleeping and when he opens his eyes in the room and come here and finds the man and suddenly the women starts attacking him. The women seeing the master apologies and says the man he is seeing is a legend himself beacuse this is just a mere illusion known as genjutsu. It is being performed by the great sage and the master Shi foo or known as the sixth pillar of magic commiittee. That's when master Shii Foo enters and he there looking majestic and the aura his emitting is incredible.

That's when Hizuka finds his clothes all wet and checks to see if it was real or not and it was not real. He looks to find his aunt standing there with a bucket in her hand.

Rest in next chapter