
Chapter 34: Rift

Just before twilight, I called on Ellariel again. Unexpectedly, her consciousness surfaced instantly the moment I did. Unlike the previous few times where I had to constantly poke at her until she responded. As if trying to start up a car with a dead battery.

I told her that it'll be twilight in another half hour and she should prepare to do her stuff. She ignored me.

I sighed and pretended that I didn't know she wasn't already awake.

Looking at things from her perspective, it must've been scary to suddenly have your fate being dictated by an existence you believed to be inferior to yourself. Not to mention being confined inside him with a limited amount of freedom. What makes it even worse is that the said being could choose to renege on his promise without any lashback.

I guess I shouldn't be so hard on her, considering her circumstances. Her acting all high and mighty could possibly be a way for her to combat her insecurities. A sort of defense mechanism in order to retain some control within her life.

Maybe I should apologize after all, even though it wasn't my fault. Ironically, apologizing when you aren't sincere is significantly easier than when you are. At least, it is for me.

"Ellariel," I said solemnly. "I'm sorry for snapping at you previously. I'm not asking you to completely trust me, but I meant it when I promised to bring you back to your homeland. And I will honor our contract, no matter what happens."

I braced myself for any sharp words she might throw at me once I apologized. Something like "know your place!" or "grovel before my greatness!" sort of thing.

Instead, she didn't say a word and materialized into her human form in front of me.

"Twilight is swiftly approaching. You should prepare to traverse soon," she said. Her expression unreadable. Looks like we're good. Hey, wait a minute. Me?

"I thought that we were all going?"

"Don't be ridiculous. I barely have enough power to send your soul over there, let alone everyone else's. Didn't I say so before?"

"What?! No you didn't!" I spat.

She shrugged.

"So you're telling me that not only do I have to go there alone, but I have to go there with my soul? Then what about my body? Who's gonna protect everyone from the Miords?"

Ellariel grinned slyfully and pointed a thumb to herself, "Me."

Aw hell. And here I am, believing that we've finally reached a mutual understanding.

Seeing my complicated expression, she laughed and said, "Don't worry. I swear on my existence that I will not allow any harm to come to your body, nor any of your mortal companions."

"Fair enough," I nodded, trusting that her words are as good as gold. "Do it."

"As you wish."

In that instance, I felt my vision blurred as I was suddenly ejected a few steps forward. I reflexively spread out my arms in attempts to balance my body but realized that I can't feel my feet touching the ground. No, wait. I can't feel any of my body parts at all! I looked down to the earth and noticed that I'm currently floating a few inches above the ground. I immediately checked my body parts, expecting them to be translucent like a ghost but found them still pigmented with solid colors. Next, I tried overlapping my hands, only to find them illusory.

"What in the…" Rando's voice trailed off.

I turned around to see some baffled faces beside a man. Naturally, that man was myself. The only change from my original appearance is that my eyes were of Ellariel's. Damn it, I look cool with those eyes.

The next instance, I heard the twang of a bowstring and saw an arrow suddenly whooshed through my chest, startling me. I thrust my palms forward in defense, "Hey! Hey! It's me, don't shoot!"

At that moment I found Sigrid, slowly loosening the string and lowering her bow, "Mike?"

"Yeah! It's me!"

Sigrid's eyes suddenly widened in realisation and began drawing her bow again, this time aiming at my main body. Upon sensing Sigrid's hostility, Ellariel summoned her soulblade and prepared to retaliate against her.

"Wait! Wait! That's also me! Don't shoot! Stop! Stop!" I flailed my hands in panic, desperately attempting to prevent a potentially deadly misunderstanding from escalating.

Sigrid and Ellariel both held their stances, ready to descend to battle any moment. I didn't even dare to breathe in fear of that even the slightest noise would set them off. The few seconds of silence felt like an eternity. Eventually, Sigrid lowered down her bow followed by Ellariel who in turn, dismissed her soulblade. The three of us bystanders sighed audibly in relief. Ellariel turned to me with a smile and said, "I like this one."

Sigrid shot me a look of contempt, and I nodded to her apologetically.

Silence pervaded the forest once again and I noticed some movements from the corner of my eyes. The Miords were starting to show up.

Ellariel summoned her soulblade. She held it above her head, and with a blinding flash, repulsed them. Searing flesh and making them retreat deeper into the forest with a shrill. She lifted her blade and slashed emptily at the air, distorting the space surrounding her stroke. Its effect similar to how light gets refracted by heat waves.

"Go. I'll keep them away from us. Low-level spirits like these are no match for me, even at my current strength."

"Good luck, Mike," Lia said.

"Please bring back Bastion, I'm counting on you," Rando added.

"Right. I'll see you guys later." I dove into the rift.