
Going Back Home

Hayden looked at her agaped with astonishment, and then turned back toward the metropolis. The moonlight reflected pristinely off Aniela's natural, caramel brown skin. Her soft yet dry hand ran up the rough sleeve covering the flawless skin of her slender arm, and her eyes twinkled as if the light of the frosty moon was trapped within her beautiful blue eyes. Her wistful azure eyes which looked so faded it almost seemed unreal, for it was a glowing silver, like the radiance white crystals emitted when lights sheened off of them.

Pushing herself up, she lifted off of the frigid floor and walked toward one of the huge knotted vine leading downwards.

"Where are you going?" said Hayden, while continuing to stare upon the defiled city.

"I have to go, if I'm gone for too long Sparrow will notice and punish me for leaving." Aniela responded, bending down as she went to grip one of the vines that clung to the side of the structure.

"If you know what he will do to you, why do you continue to leave." asserted Hayden.

Aniela turned to him and spoke.

"Why do you come out and wait for me every single night, unknowing if I will show up that day? Because I come to see you, in a way that makes me uncaring towards the consequences, so as to not feel as though I am trapped within my own life for a moment, do I need any other reasons."

Unmeaning for it to be in a snarky tone, she stopped talking, and leapt onto one of the vines, using it to vigorously slide down, at a speed much faster than she had used to climb up.

Pebbles loudly crumpled underneath her, once she sprung to the ground, her hands flared slightly from the ropeburn of the thick dangling ivy. She took one final look onto the skyscraper and left, her figure slowly disappearing into the dead of night, like a rounded pebble sinking into the dark depths of a wells' murky water.

"After all this time you still haven't changed." murmured Hayden, sighing softly as he witnessed her leave. His lungs then rattled, as he coughed something up, and wiped his sleeve across his chapped lips.