
A Touch Of Love And Secrets

Moulded by his dark past and abusive childhood, Apollo Del Valle has never let the darkness creep into his own heart but has always stayed away from love, keeping to the bad example of his parents... But his life has suddenly turned upside down the night he meets a beautiful strong willed woman with her secresive past. Driven to her by her secrets, Apollo could feel himself falling, but it's too late for him to stop. Now he wants her and only her, by hook or by crook. Meera Rajput has had a fairy tale life - at least that's what it would seem like to others, but Meera alone knows the pain of growing in complete isolation under a father obsessed with her safety. The pain that drives her to run away from her house to spend a small vacation in Spain. But what she never knew is that this small vacation will lead her to all the things that she has always desired - Love, Freedom and Answers... But her unwanted marriage with Apollo leads her to a past that was hidden from her all her life. A past that will unleash a hatred so deep which would take away everything she holds dear and shake the very roots of what knew was... Love.... A touch of Love and Secrets is a story of two people marked with love, separated with hate but united by fate.

Pranjal_ · Urbain
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31 Chs

MEERA - 19

"I need to talk to you about something." I stopped as soon as I heard Thalia's voice. For the past couple of days I was having dinner in Apollo's room but today he requested me to join him at the dinner table.

"Do you think she's going to talk about you?" Lilly asked, helping me down the stairs. I told her everything as soon as she came back from her date. But now that I I think about it, I feel bad that I didn't even ask her how her date was. Making a mental note that I will do it later on, I answered,

"I don't know... But if she is.. I don't really want her to." The staff of the house later told me that Apollo is too attached to her. He respects and loves her like his own mother because she has taken care of him ever since his mother died. So if she were to talk shit about me he would definitely believe her. We turned around the corridor and the main hall came into view, where both of them were sitting on the dinner table in the huge centre hall. The whole house is dipped in brown tones, everything is soft and welcoming to the eye. The contrast of the light brown almost creamy walls with the dark brown furniture is bewildering. As far as I know, the wood used in the house is Ebony, one of the most expensive woods in the world. I don't even want to imagine how much it might have cost to build all this furniture. The lighting in the house is also warm, yellow lights making it a comfortable environment all together. All in all the house was super beautiful and lavish without even overselling the idea of luxury.

The house no doubt was warm to eyes but the cold aura radiating from Thalia as soon as she saw me was no joke. I usually don't mess around with people and just want to make them comfortable around me but that just didn't happen in Thalia's case. We started off on a very wrong note and I don't think I can correct this anymore, since the first impression is the last impression. Suddenly, I didn't realise and set foot down the stairs two at a time and almost lost my balance, if it wasn't for Lilly holding my hand, the previous incident might have repeated itself. A stupid and loud squeal escape from my mouth from the fear of falling down that attracted Apollo's attention.

"Meera!" he said and he ran over to me, calling my name. It's going to be almost a week since I met this person and I've realised that it's hard to extract any kind of expressions from him. But suddenly my mind went back to a few moments we spent together, our time at the beach... he almost looked approachable.. So I guess the staff was wrong when they said that he doesn't know any other expressions except for that poker face, because I've seen it up close, I've seen how pained and anxious he looked when he carried me in his arms when I was injured. Even today as he approached me I caught a hint of anxiousness on his face before it disappeared completely.

"Are you ok?" He asked with a soft voice offering me his hand. I gladly took it and he pulled me close to him, holding me by my waist. The proximity brought in the scent of his spicy incense that I am kind of getting used to now.

She helped me down the stairs while securely holding me to him. I know he is just helping me out of guilt and concern and I shouldn't think like that but I can't possibly ignore the butterflies in my guts every time he gets close. His touch is always so respectful and just.. feels right... You know that feeling when someone touches you and it instantly makes you feel uncomfortable? This is a radar that every woman has.. mine is a bit weak, I admit because I don't have much experience with men but, there is one thing I am sure of is that his touch definitely makes me feel something but it's far from being uncomfortable.

"Sit here." And helped me on a chair. The dining table was twelve seater, Apollo was sitting on the head chair and on his left sat Thalia and I was on his right so I was literally sitting right in front of Thalia.... How am I supposed to stuff in food while looking at her pissed off face....

"So I talked to the doctor and he said that now you can eat your Indian food." He said and I almost jumped from the chair in excitement but her was not done.

"But, no oily food." I almost fell back on the earth. Back at home, whenever I feel sick and the doctors restrict certain food.... I never really abided by that... Dad is always busy and only knows what I tell him and eating all that without him knowing is no big deal since in India you can find a samosa chaat stall on every other street. But here, in Spain... There is no hope. And the biggest problem is... almost all my favourite Indian food is either fried or filled with oil. I know it's not healthy.. but it's tasty.. I can't help it...

I looked around the table at all the 'boiled' food and salads. It was not actually boiled duh, but it doesn't taste any better than that. I suddenly lost my appetite, but it'll be super rude to deny their food. Sometimes I wonder just how in the world have they eaten such bland food all their life.. I extended my hand to grab the bowl of salad and garlic bread. That's when Apollo suddenly grabbed my hand.

"What?" I asked.

"You cannot eat that." He said, a playful smile playing on his lips.

"What do you mean? Don't tell me I have to drink vegetable soup again. I can't do that please, I'll die if I don't get proper food today." I pleaded to him, knowing all too well that he doesn't give a damn.

"That's why I've prepared a proper meal for you." he said and suddenly servants appeared with covered dishes in their hands and placed them on the table. The moment my eyes found what my tongue, my stomach and whole body has been craving for a week, a big smile broke out to the surface.

"South Indian food!" I looked at him with my eyes sparkling and gave me a big smile.