
A Touch Of Love And Secrets

Moulded by his dark past and abusive childhood, Apollo Del Valle has never let the darkness creep into his own heart but has always stayed away from love, keeping to the bad example of his parents... But his life has suddenly turned upside down the night he meets a beautiful strong willed woman with her secresive past. Driven to her by her secrets, Apollo could feel himself falling, but it's too late for him to stop. Now he wants her and only her, by hook or by crook. Meera Rajput has had a fairy tale life - at least that's what it would seem like to others, but Meera alone knows the pain of growing in complete isolation under a father obsessed with her safety. The pain that drives her to run away from her house to spend a small vacation in Spain. But what she never knew is that this small vacation will lead her to all the things that she has always desired - Love, Freedom and Answers... But her unwanted marriage with Apollo leads her to a past that was hidden from her all her life. A past that will unleash a hatred so deep which would take away everything she holds dear and shake the very roots of what knew was... Love.... A touch of Love and Secrets is a story of two people marked with love, separated with hate but united by fate.

Pranjal_ · Urbain
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31 Chs

MEERA - 16

A couple of days have passed since the accident and I have not seen Apollo much in the house. After I agreed to stay here, I kinda feel anxious, and staying in his room is not helping at all, maybe he sensed it that's why he's staying out of my sight and reach for three days. This is quite shocking to be honest since I'm staying in his room so I figured I might have to see him quite a lot since all his stuff is here. But strangely enough.. I was wrong..

I just saw him once or twice when he stopped by for a few seconds to ask how I'm doing. Does he not need his clothes? Or toiletries? I did insist that I can take the guest room but he didn't want me to move around the place too much since the house was big and all the guest rooms were on the ground floor. This is too much hospitality for me to be honest. Just then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said and as soon as the gate opened Apollo's eyes greeted me. Name of the Devil.

"You'll live for a hundred years." I said when he was hesitating to enter the room.

"What do you mean?" He asked doubtfully

"It's a saying in India, that if the person you're talking or thinking about appears in front of you then they'll live on for a hundred years." I said talking casually with a smile. I need to show him that I'm not uncomfortable around him, he doesn't need to be so cautious. Apollo raised one of his eyebrows in a teasing way.

"Is that so?" His voice suddenly sounded much deeper and even though he was standing afar- since the room is really big- but I could still see his eyes clouding. He pushed the door open wider and walked in the room with all his confidence. It was only then that I realised what he was wearing- or what he was not wearing.

Suddenly heat rose to my cheeks and my eyes widened as I saw the half naked Apollo standing in front of me.

He was just wearing a towel on his lower half and nothing else. The water was dripping down his hairs and his body, making it gleam under the sunlight coming from the window behind me, just took a bath, I guess I wanted to avert my gaze, looking at a half naked man is not right, but for some reason I couldn't... I just kept staring at him without uttering a word. Even though my mind was running miles right now in every direction, my body was frozen. This man was sculpted just perfectly. The first thing I noticed was there was not an ounce of fat on him, it was sheer muscles and nothing else. Muscles that were bulging from everywhere. His biceps were suddenly so huge, those 8 pack abs and the V cut that ran all the way down to his lower waist... damn. He is pumped up! My eyes traveled further down his body, the towel was not at all in the right place.. it was too low to be decent, barely hanging from his body, I guess he's not used to having a woman in his house that often because nothing about him was decent right now.. My mouth was almost watering. He suddenly started walking towards me, my eyes shot up to his but my body still refused to move.

"So you were thinking about me huh?" He said and towered over me.. he was so close that I caught the fresh scent of his cologne and I fucking unconsciously inhaled it. It was the same scent that I remember from the time of the attack before I lost my consciousness. This scent always makes me feel so... secure and protected.

He leaned forward, placing a finger under my chin and pushed it up, closing my mouth that I had no idea was hanging open until now.

"You were thinking about me first thing in the morning?" He said, a nasty, teasing grin appeared on his face.

"N- no.. I was not.. well yeah I was.. but not in that way.." I stumbled on my words.. wait wait what are you saying Meera!?

"What do you mean by that way? What way exactly?" He asked, my heart rate was picking up speed and it felt like my heart was beating in my face.. Fuck I can actually feel myself turning red at this point.

His eyes was trained to mine, looking at them back and forth as if encoraging me to say something, but I swear to god his grey fucking eyes are so fucking intoxicating. I wanted to say something but nothing came out of me, as if he sucked all the words out of me.

Slowly his eyes travelled down to my lips, my chin was still in his long, strong fingers. I couldn't help and unconsciously bit down my lower lip, suddenly his eyes clouded with something deep and dark I couldn't understand. Nonetheless.. It looked hot, so hot I had to squeeze my thighs together under the blanket in order to stop the throbbing in my core.

I was not grown in complete isolation- thanks to Lilly- otherwise all this stuff would have been as new to me as discovering a new species. Of course I don't know much about a lot of things, especially things I haven't experienced yet. But no one needs a PhD degree to understand that they are attracted to this man because anyone can get attracted to this man and I've read enough romance novels. The proximity between us somehow kept increasing even though none of us moved an inch. But suddenly Apollo let go of my chin and turned around, creating a distance between us. The sudden loss of his warm breath and that rich, intoxicating collagen doesn't sit right with me.

Woah Meera! What was that? Do you really want him close that badly? I shook my head of the useless thoughts and focused on the floral print of the blancked.

"What are you doing here anyway? I said but my tone sounded a bit more authorised then I intended it to.

"I- I mean I didn't see you for a couple of days and now all of a sudden...." I said, glancing down at his half naked figure.

"Well I had a stack of clothes in the other room too but I ran out of fresh clothes to wear.. I realised that only after I took a bath, so I came here to get some." He said taking out a hanger with white pressed shirt and another with a coat and pants.

"I was contemplating whether to come here myself or not, but I figured you'd be asleep so I came anyway." he said laying the clothes on the bed and started to get dressed. I turned my head to the other side since it feels weird to watch over someone getting dressed. He didn't mind doing it in front of me though..

"Now I'm glad I did." He said and I heard the sound of his towel dropping on the ground. Oh god, what is he doing?

"Can you please not do it here?" I said, not looking back at him.

"Or what? You won't be able to contain yourself?" He said and I could literally hear the smirk in his voice.

"Who the fuck do you think you are huh?" I turned my head abruptly and half willing to see that godly figure again, but he was dressed by now. That was awfully fast...

"Someone who you were dreaming about." He winked at me and exited the room without another word. This man literally leaves me breathless...