
A Touch Of Love And Secrets

Moulded by his dark past and abusive childhood, Apollo Del Valle has never let the darkness creep into his own heart but has always stayed away from love, keeping to the bad example of his parents... But his life has suddenly turned upside down the night he meets a beautiful strong willed woman with her secresive past. Driven to her by her secrets, Apollo could feel himself falling, but it's too late for him to stop. Now he wants her and only her, by hook or by crook. Meera Rajput has had a fairy tale life - at least that's what it would seem like to others, but Meera alone knows the pain of growing in complete isolation under a father obsessed with her safety. The pain that drives her to run away from her house to spend a small vacation in Spain. But what she never knew is that this small vacation will lead her to all the things that she has always desired - Love, Freedom and Answers... But her unwanted marriage with Apollo leads her to a past that was hidden from her all her life. A past that will unleash a hatred so deep which would take away everything she holds dear and shake the very roots of what knew was... Love.... A touch of Love and Secrets is a story of two people marked with love, separated with hate but united by fate.

Pranjal_ · Urbain
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31 Chs

MEERA - 03

"Are you coming or not!?" Lilly screamed from where she was standing ten steps from me. Her limit of patients is so fucking short for gevar's sake. I somehow tried to load the four big bags on myself and gave the other two loaders to the bellboy as we entered the hotel.

"Why in the world did you bring so much Meera? I mean we're not here to settle down, just for just ten days." She said eyeing all my bags and hand tote bags.

"Like you're one to talk.. and what do you mean why I brought all these? There are ten dresses for ten different days, six- seven bikinis, three- four night dresses and all my undergarments and accessories! You think I could hurl all that in a single bag?" I said dramatically, keeping a hand on my heart which always seems to work on her cause the last thing I need is her scolding me in the middle of the entrance hall of a hotel.

"That was not my question but ok." she said with a light smile.

"This way mam." The bellboy said as he led Lilly to the elevator. I, on the other hand, was struggling with my bags. I find it a bit weird how they have just one steward to help the both of us with luggage. Well of course it's not like they just have one, then why hasn't someone showed up for help seeing me struggling with the luggage. Why couldn't the dude standing in the front holding the elevator gate offer help? Asian hate? Well fuck this.. are we going to be treated like that for the rest of our trip? My stomach squeezed at the thought and the sandwich that I had in the flight threatened to surface.

I ducked my face so the hairs covered my face and I started walking towards what I thought was the elevator. The only thought that was going in my mind was what could be a worse start than this of a trip for which I waited months! Well of course I've heard about all sorts of bad things happening to Asians in foriegn countries. Well we're not called Asians, Indians are called brown people over the world but geographically speaking we are Asians, fuck this.

As if that was not enough.. When I thought I had almost reached the elevator across the huge hall, I bumped into something so hard and rigid yet soft that I went flying back and landed on my butt.

"What the fuck? I'm so fucking sure there was no pillar in the middle of the hall.." I whined out as I pulled up my back from the ground, but all thoughts went astray when I opened my eyes to take a look at the pillar and that was the moment when I knew I was in trouble. The moment my eyes found the intimidating figure in front of me, my heart started beating loudly in my chest, so loud I could feel it in my cheeks! The thing that I collided with was no pillar, it was a man, a huge man. Tall plus muscular and strong too I suppose, since I went flying back from the crash and he didn't even budge an inch.

He was all dressed in formals and everything about him screamed rich. My eyes travelled from his shoes up to his face, a sharp jawline awarded with a perfect beard, slicked back thick, long and wavy hair, the kinda which makes you wanna run your finger through it and stormy gray eyes, the kind that can hold a lot of secrets but knew how to hide them very efficiently. Everything about him was nice and all but his aura... it is almost as if there is an invisible do-not-come-near-me sign hung around his neck. Then why the fuck am I getting attracted to him like horseshoe magnet!? I watched as his eyes hovered over me from head to toe and heat rose to my face in an instant.

"Meera are you ok?" Lilly said bring back my train of thoughts and I suddenly realised that I was sitting on the floor of the hotel's hall with all my luggage scattered around in front of the hottest guy I've ever seen. I've heard before that Spanish and Italian men have a different level of hotness but this is too much. I instantly stood up and grabbed Lilly's hand because I knew she was definitely going to say something to him and an unnecessary argument is the last thing I want right now, since he looked unpleasant plus rich- that's a dangerous pairing.

"Ah I'm sorry, it's my fault I wasn't looking." I said, I just want to get away from here as soon as possible.

"That's the point, You weren't looking but he was!" I grabbed Lilly's hand tighter.

"Shut up! Sorry again." I said to him and proceeded to pick up all the bags while the bellboy was just looking at Mr. Pillar and back at me wide eyed. Fuckers.

"What are you doing standing there?" A loud voice boomed in the hall and I froze. It was deep, dark and dangerous. I turned around and yes it was Mr. Pillar. He was looking at the bellboy who too was frozen on his spot. I guess I'm not the only one who finds him intimidating as fuck. He raised his eyebrows and the bellboy instantly broke out of his frozen state and came for my help, but Mr. Pillar looked unsatisfied and mad.

"Do we lack staff to serve? Were you literally ignoring her carrying all this stuff? Seems like you're not good enough for the job." He said looking at the manager while adjusting his tie. Wait when did the manager got here? And why does he looks like he is about to puke his guts out? Ye ho kya rha h bc!? (what the fuck is this happening!?)

"Sir I'm so sorry I-" Mr. Manager tried to speak but the confident voice boomed over his.

"You're fired." The man said and those felt like the last words as the now ex-manager didn't argue any further and left. I was watching the whole scene unfold in front of me while my mouth gaped open, even Lilly didn't say anything after that. That was enough to shut anyone up. His exotic stormy grey eyes rested back at me and the fucking heat returned to my face. Fuck Bhenchod. The last thing I want right now is to blush in front of him! Slowly, oh so slowly he started to approach me. With every click of his shoes against the perfectly polished floor, my heart rate was increasing.

"Are you going to stay on the floor for the rest of the day?" He said and I raised an eyebrow. What? I looked at myself and I was still on the fucking floor. Fuck! Get up Meera. I tried to stand up but stopped again when I saw a hand extended in front of me. Without a second thought I grabbed his hand and pulled myself up from the floor. Beside the expensive cufflinks I noticed the popped up veins and some rough bruises on his palms, the one that happens when you do weightlifting on a daily basis. Explains the large physique I guess.

"Are you the owner of the hotel?" I asked, I mean how else could he fire the manager? I raised my eyebrow in anticipation when he didn't answer me. But instead of answering my question he seems to be searching for something in my eyes and on my face. What kind of answer does he want? Then he looked down where our hands connected and suddenly pulled away as if I just gave him an electric shock. He gave me one last look and suddenly walked out of there accelerating his pace with every step.

"That was weird, anyway let's go check out our rooms." Lilly said being least bit bothered by what all just happened.

But I couldn't take my eyes off the main gate from where he exited just a second ago. I don't know why I was getting a feeling that this might not be our last meeting, I hope it is though, I don't wanna create a mess with anyone, I just wanna enjoy these ten and quietly move back to India.

Little did I knew at that point that this meeting was going to change my whole fucking life...