
A Touch Of Love And Secrets

Moulded by his dark past and abusive childhood, Apollo Del Valle has never let the darkness creep into his own heart but has always stayed away from love, keeping to the bad example of his parents... But his life has suddenly turned upside down the night he meets a beautiful strong willed woman with her secresive past. Driven to her by her secrets, Apollo could feel himself falling, but it's too late for him to stop. Now he wants her and only her, by hook or by crook. Meera Rajput has had a fairy tale life - at least that's what it would seem like to others, but Meera alone knows the pain of growing in complete isolation under a father obsessed with her safety. The pain that drives her to run away from her house to spend a small vacation in Spain. But what she never knew is that this small vacation will lead her to all the things that she has always desired - Love, Freedom and Answers... But her unwanted marriage with Apollo leads her to a past that was hidden from her all her life. A past that will unleash a hatred so deep which would take away everything she holds dear and shake the very roots of what knew was... Love.... A touch of Love and Secrets is a story of two people marked with love, separated with hate but united by fate.

Pranjal_ · Urbain
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31 Chs


"What do you mean you couldn't track them down?" My anger has now reached the barricades and the nerve pulsing in the side of my forehead is now irritating me like shit.

"Means we couldn't track them down. They were not at the address that you gave us. It was a leak, they got to know about our plan and fled before we got here. There is no sign of any kind of drugs or any girl that you mentioned." Said the voice from the other end and I literally wanted to throw the phone out of the car. This is so fucking irritating! I gave them every information required! The address, the names, the passwords!! All they had to do was get there and catch them! Fucking incompetent assholes!

"This happened last time too, you have a mole in the team Leo! I've been telling you this the whole time! Change your whole fucking team for god's sake or your promotion is a backstory." I can feel my blood pressure rising. The FBI of this country is getting so lousy.. or is just this dude? Honestly I'd rather build my own FBI network at this point for this work.

"You don't have to worry about that, I believe in my team. We'll catch them soon, don't worry. Though if you get to know about their next location, do share." Leo said I and cut the call without answering him.

"I'm done with this shit." I said throwing my phone across the backseat of the car. I hate the arrogance in his voice.. actually I hate everything about him. If only I had other people doing this work for me I would've erased this man's existence from my mind.

"Why are you getting so worked up about it? Didn't we expect this much?" Ronen said while typing an email on his phone. That's right we did expect the leak when he had to delay the operation for god knows what reasons.

"In fact I say let's build our own mafia, and we'll name it Robin hood. Let's just work on his ideals." He said excitedly. For someone who says that he hates this Mafia network, he's always too excited.

"It's true that I don't like the way these government organisations work, but that doesn't mean that to catch a thief we'll start stealing too." I do want all the gang networks and mafia families in Spain and all over the world to get exposed, especially him.. but I don't want to jump in this shithole myself ever again. Maybe next time I won't be so lucky as to get out of it.

"Yeah right you and your ideals. But this is not the only thing in your mind is it?" It's not. And I can't possibly tell him what's on my mind. I closed my eyes in irritation and that sweet, innocent face flashed before my eyes again. This is so fucking irritating and uncomfortable!! I wouldn't have been this angry if the only problem was the information leak, because although it takes so much to find out about the base of these illegal organisations and now that they know that someone is tailing them, it's not going to be impossible to track them down again, not for me.

But this is not the only thing bothering me. It's that small but unexpected meeting that I can't take out of mind and it's even more dangerous because it's a woman. I don't fucking have time for these distractions, I have to focus on my work. But... those eyes, those big brown innocent eyes just like a deer, they literally fucked me. And those lips, devil save me those lush pink lips are nothing but pure sin. My mind rushed back to the moment our hands connected when a fire spread through me with a single brush of her skin with mine. Her skin was like molten gold and I wanted to roam my hands all over-

Taking a deep breath I opened my eyes. God it's the first time I've literally felt this attracted towards someone. Sure I've had a fair share of women in my life but this one.. she is just different.. there was pure innocence in those eyes.. It's as if she is exactly the same person outside as she is inside and you don't find many people with this trait nowadays.

Since childhood I've seen how insignificant and vulnerable a human life can be, this is the biggest reason that has kept me away from being attached to anyone. What's the use? You get attached to them and one day they shellfish decides to leave you behind, to deal with your shit on your own. Taking another deep breath I turned towards Ronen.

"Ronen two girls checked in at the Hotel today, tourists. I need all the information about them, especially the one named Meera, dig deeper about her. I want this done by the next two hours." I said and Ronen was already typing away on his laptop.

"The Lake View hotel? But why do you need it? Do they look suspicious?" He asked, of course he would think it's something related to the work. I keep tabs on the people checking-in at the hotels, Of course not all but only those who look suspicious. All my staff is trained that way, if a guest looks too closed off like never leaving the room, not even for food, always bringing in room service and not letting anyone in, not even for the house keeping. In that case the staff contacts the head office with all the information and we do all the background checks.

I know it's not right and not legal too but this can prevent a lot of crimes in the city. Because if someone is not doing anything wrong they should not have anything to hide. Mafias have become fearless in Spain, they call this a safe haven for them since there are no anti- mafia prosecutors like in Italy. A country where the crime rate was as good as zero is like a canvas for them which they want to paint red.

"Yes, one of them can be really dangerous for me." She literally feels like a new ray of light in this dark place and since she has my attention now, I might as well do my homework. "Tell me their location too."

"Oh they are the beach. And they are going to be there for the night I just got this information from the hotel servers. They have booked one of our cottages there."

"But they already have a room at the hotel, why stay at the beach?"

"I don't know, maybe because there is this festival happening there at the coast, hosted by the natives around that area. To be honest these girls don't look suspicious to me, they are nothing more than normal tourists." He said going through some files looking focused af.

"Don't let your guards down just yet." I've seen people who are way good at hiding what they truly are and what their purpose is. Even though I'm positive that she is not related to any mafia.. but you never know. Maybe the meeting in the hall, her running into me, was not a coincidence after all. Letting my guard down at this point will be equal to walking straight in the fire. She had already erupted a fire inside me, the least I want is to let that fire consume me.