
A Timid Transmigrator

A cowardly person was transmigrated into the body of a child. And he isn't any child, but a prince who was once talented. But due to some scheme he was poisoned and was on the verge of death. but then he the occupied the body of the prince. How can a timid person from the modern society of earth fend himself against the atrocious schemes of his host's family. Will he survive and be brave enough to face this challenge? Well who knows he might have the courage deep within to face all odds.

LazyKoala47 · Fantaisie
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104 Chs

Chapter 89 A Sudden Evolution

The two assailants made our seniors hostage as they held them up for the teacher and BK to see.

And upon seeing this a risky idea came into mind. Not wasting my chance I gathered mana with great force and speed. 

Changing it to electricity, with it I coated my body and enhanced my nerves and then muscle.

Now for the finishing touch I transformed my cloak in a glider like state to increase my speed and avoid air resistance. ' Good thing Titan has many of those transformation stones.'

But before I even start I used my mind acceleration to do fast calculations on my next move.

Then I pulled out two guns out of my storage bag. Aiming it to the assailants, as the preparations were completed I started to dash to their direction. And at the same time I pulled the trigger.

Pshuu pshuu

It may sound weird but the force of this gun can pierce through any armored tank in my world.

Its power is a tenth of the rail gun that I usually use. Because this is a mini version of  the said railgun plus its main purpose is to be stealthy.

As the gun fired the assailants lose their grip on their weapons as well as their hostage. And with my speed catching them off guard I took our seniors away from them as I left the scene.

"What are you two doing!"

"I don't know?!"

"Something just flew past us and whoosh they're gone."

"You think I'll accept that explanation?"

"What do you want  me to say I willingly gave our advantage away?"

"Let's stop arguing even without those hostages, we can take care of these guys just fine."

"Yeah you're right the one that took those hostages seems to be a coward so let's deal with these guys first and deal with that bastard later."

After finishing my rescue operation. I look back and saw how the assailants dismissed my actions and continued their assault on the two.


The fight between the assailants against the teacher and BK started.

Swords and blades clash between the two sides. And things weren't going so well with BK and the teacher.

Kling klang ting


"Now to finish this. Hah!"

When both BK and the teacher were about to be defeated by the assailants and as this happened the assailants were bombarded with Dustin's attack.

Pshuu pshuu pshuu




Kling clang clang.

"Who are you? show yourself"

Alarmed at how they were being attack again by the same person they were now afraid how they could fight against something they couldn't see.

"What should we do? We couldn't see him due to this smoke."

"Not to mention this place is already very dark. Kgh."

"Are you okay?"

"I'm not. Whoever it is, I'm gonna make that person suffer. Gugh Gugh."

Due to being hit by one of the bullets fired. one of the assailants had to take a potion to heal his wounds.

"So did any of you know where he is?"

"That's what we are confused about because we clearly felt mana from those attacks but when we targeted those areas where the attacks came from nothing was there."

"This is really not something in our favor, contact the others we're leaving."

Hearing that they were surprised to think that there is someone who could hide their mana so we'll. 

Even stealth skills can't work this well. But they still felt indignant how they could just give up such an important mission especially now that they are heavily invested in it.

"But they saw us. And what about the target?"

"We can't do anything about that, our lives are more important, let's go."

"Not so fast I was silently listening to you guys talk but that doesn't mean I would let you get away with this scot free."

"Hmph that's not for you to decide."


As they were about to leave a huge impact of the same attack tried to hit them.

But unlike before it was not so fast so they were able to dodge it without much difficulty.

"So I'll take that as asking for my permission to leave?"

Then Dustin with a cloak and mask on, showed himself after putting them into a corner.

But out of nowhere a combination of  a roar was heard 



Using my cloak as a way to hide my mana due to it's special trait. I continued to aim at them using a gun.

But somehow it is getting harder to hit them. And if I even use my mind acceleration it would not work since they are moving targets.

"Good thing I was able to make them take a huge distance away from BK and the Teacher."

And then I suddenly noticed that they were trying to walk out from this place. 

But the teacher wouldn't let them. And I too agree with his thoughts. After all, we can't be so sure that they won't target us again after escaping.

So with that in mind I used the second function of the gun and I called it over charge. it gathers mana inside the gun and its power would reach a high intensity of railgun force but there is a catch.

It would be easily noticeable during charging of energy. So before it could reach the target they would notice the heavy mana load before I could even fire at full force.

Then as I shot them with the gun they were able to quickly move out from harm.

"That's to be expected after all this cloak can only hide a small mid size amount of mana so a huge one like a railgun's full force is really pushing it."

"Well then let's block their path and beat them down." So as I Showed myself another reveal happened

Another Dungeon Crawler came out much more powerful than one BK and the seniors fought earlier.


"Another dungeon crawler?"

"I thought all of the high ranking ones were dead?"

"Wait, look at that wound."

"That wound, it's not dead yet, instead it evolved and became stronger."


Hearing that I, along with them is also astonishing.

Evolution, although it may seem simple to hear it is like a sign of ones breaking through their own limits.

This is the moment when one steps out from their current state to an even higher one.

And why are we so astonished because once that happens you are no longer bound to the limit of your previous species.

But it isn't that easy to evolve hence we are so surprised. There are a set of rules before achieving this.

One such famous example is the Grey Wolves How it evolves to multiple variations like the moonlight wolf. It would require the wolf to have great affinity to the elements of darkness and light.

And once they reach adulthood and have become a rank three creature it would evolve to its variation depending on what requirements it had completed.

Now that made me think of something: what does Titan need to evolve? Also what do I need to evolve? 

Yes humans can evolve or more like every living thing in this world can evolve. You only need to fulfill three requirements. 

Achieving the Third milestone, Mastery of a Skill or Mana Element, or it could be both and lastly the bloodline requirement.

Once achieved our body can evolve in a much higher realm. 

And right now I'm seeing the transformation first hand. But the question is what triggered its transformation?

"It's coming!"

"Let's leave."

As I was still contemplating my thoughts were interrupted by the three assailants. 'Oh yeah I need to stop them.'

With that in mind I shot them down with the gun in low power and since they were not looking at me due to fear I easily shot their legs down.






Suddenly it hopped and aimed at the three assailants as if they were his main target.

And without reserve it ate them, one gulped each.

It happened so fast that I was not sure about what happened.


After having those three he turned his head and as if still hungry his mouth salivated with a lot of saliva and licked it aiming at the Teacher and BK.

"Come at me then!" Said the Teacher, noticing that it was aimed at them. 

Pshuu pshhuu

And I also supported them as I hit it with my guns.


The teacher also followed suit with a heavy hit with his fist.


And following those attacks BK also gave his all in fighting the monster. 

"This guy has truly evolved."

"That's right kid not to mention it also has reached rank five. So right now I want all of you to leave this place."

"But what about you teacher?"

"I'm fine on my own, now leave."

I noticed the two were now talking but I couldn't hear their conversation since I kept on attacking the Dungeon Crawler.

And amidst all this I found out it's a way to beat this guy fast without using my armor to enhance all of my physique.