
A Timid Transmigrator

A cowardly person was transmigrated into the body of a child. And he isn't any child, but a prince who was once talented. But due to some scheme he was poisoned and was on the verge of death. but then he the occupied the body of the prince. How can a timid person from the modern society of earth fend himself against the atrocious schemes of his host's family. Will he survive and be brave enough to face this challenge? Well who knows he might have the courage deep within to face all odds.

LazyKoala47 · Fantaisie
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104 Chs

Chapter 4 Titan

Life goes slow and steady, so is the life of a turtle by land and sea.

Wherever they are, wherever they may be, slow and steady is their philosophy.

No wonder it is the symbol of steadfastness and tranquility for many.

"But why, why is this ripping all of my sanity? Why?! I know you can hear me get out of that shell."

Tap!, tap!

"Hellooo?! Can you please listen?"

Knocking at his shell the freaking turtle doesn't want to get out. I may have gone a bit overboard at giving complaints to a baby turtle: but what gives man. He eats all day, sleeps all day and I can't even do anything about it because he will go full full neet mode. And when he is hungry he goes and vanishes into thin air and eats my rocks or anything outside.

There was one time that when he was gone and I saw him from the balcony, so I had to distract Kiara from seeing him. And that didn't just happened once, but no matter how I tell him not to, he would just, up and go without notice why?!

"It's so stressful covering for you. It's been three days since then but I am still lethargic from over using my mana. And why did I even name you Titan it should have been turbo or vacuum instead."

And if it wasn't enough he kept on shedding pebbles and he doesn't eat them, well who wants to eat their own wastes. And I'm surprised that he doesn't release any feces or rock substance. Why is that?

"Your highness it is time for your combat session-."

As I was contemplating the feces matter Kiara came to remind me.

"-Or do you want to rest for today? After all, it seems like you are still feeling tired from three days ago."

"No it's okay, I was just feeling under the weather these days. And I am getting better now plus I am still able to complete my daily activities these days right?."

"Alright then,I'll go ahead then."

Now that I think about it, there are many basic mana abilities that combat people can use, like rank 0 magic spells. And since Kiara was once a knight apprentice she should have mastered all the basics. I wonder if she can show me a few so that I can practice them.

After all, the combat skills my former teachers taught me are so advance. Not to mention complicated and has a huge mana expense when compared to combat skills and now I can't use them without drawbacks. Especially that mana sense skill it uses low mana but it's usefulness is a given.

Wait? I used mana when I did my beast summoning did Kiara know or more like, did she tell my parents about it? I mean I noticed that she would regularly send messages or to the main castle to report about me which she herself admits. But if that was the case did they know already that I have my roots back.

Oh no! This is bad. I have to confirm this somehow. I better hurry and know the reason for this. It's almost been a week. And I am pretty sure she'll send an update to them by today or tomorrow, heck she might already send it.


Right now we are exchanging swords with each other. Even though I came from training with the best in the empire it was only less than a year. So a hands on experience no matter how small is good, the basics are important after all.


Whoosh tak!


Whoosh tak! Pak


After a few bouts I let go of my sword when my hands loosen its grip. As expected even with the training from great experts you can't bridge the gap from experience not to mention I haven't received all of my previous masters' teachings.

"Your highness, I'm glad that all the basics of swordsmanship have been deeply ingrained in you. With your skills alone you are qualified to fight against an adult in a serious fight."

"T-thank you. haa"

She really is amazing, her skills are definitely above a normal knights. And her saying that I can beat an adult, only if the opponent doesn't have a mana core that is. So she is just being considerate with her praises.

Oh yeah I guess I'll ask her just to make sure.

"By the way do you feel anything strange happening lately?"

This is the only question I can think of right now. Even with this brain I can't think much because I am very anxious. I hope she didn't notice.

"Now that you said that something troublesome happened two days ago.."

Here it comes. It is precisely the time when Titan started his scavenging hunt.

"Well it was just a minor problem but it is still a crime so we are currently investigating it."

"Really what is it?" I ask while playing dumb.

"I'm sure you notice it yourself your majesty"

"Yea~h of course," I felt guilty as I replied.

I'm done for I guess I will have to face another assassination.

"Mhm, that's right a number of metal wares and weapons are gone."

I knew it. Haa

I sighed in my mind, thinking that my life is over.

"We don't know who the culprit is, but he can come and go without us noticing."

A life of assassination will contin-.

"Huh? say what now?"

"I was also in disbelief. At first we checked every corridor last night. But there was no clue left behind by the perpetrator."

I wasn't the least bit concerned about that what I am currently feeling right now is relief. They didn't know it was titan, that son of a-, wait let's not curse. That miraculous pig of a turtle didn't get noticed.

"Thank goodness"

"Your right, your highness, it was really a relief to know that he was only after metal wares and not any important research projects of the researchers. It is amazing how he slipped past our mana sense just like the Phantom thief."

That was a close call. I suddenly blurted that out due extreme relief.

So the researchers right now are doing everything they can to prevent that from happening and they even called him the second coming of the phantom thief.

Oh yeah there was something like that in my great grandfathers' era. Or more like I didn't know she could be this passionate about this.

"You seem excited."

"Oh, um excuse me it just reminds of the amazing exploits of his majesty Christopher and Great Mage Ricardo."

"Ah, yeah I can see that they are really famous even today." After all, my great grandfather's generation was a hot topic even now there are stories of even in the entire continent. the adventure of the duo was over the top not to mention the time they caught the phantom thief was one of their greatest exploits.

"Mhm that's right."

She nodded her head and continued about her views about that time and I just listened. Well this should be a short suffering from being relieved about what happened.

But how can Titan not be noticed? I need to look it up.


"Now then let's see what makes you invisible to the people around you."

After returning from my training,instead of going to the library like usual I instead head straight for my room. And picked up the Titan for a careful examination.

Oh? He is here. That's a relief. I don't need to run around the mansion to look for him.

"Come titan, I need your help."

Saying that I picked him up.

But feeling bewildered he popped his head out and looked at me.

Damn he's cute when tilting his head. Well he will be even cuter if he stays still and listens to me.

"Haaa." I sighed as I felt depressed.

"Don't worry i wont do anything to you like yelling so stay still for now."

Saying that I activated a technique similar to mana sense and that is "Mana Search". It is like using sonar but rather than sound it uses mana to get feedback.

So the reason I want to use the normal mana sense is that this consumes a freaking amount of mana. And for me who is just recovering my mana can't use this much often because it is considered a rank 2 spell.

It is like an improved version of mana sense but doesn't mean it is better at everything. It can cover a wide area and get detailed information around it. Unlike mana senses they only cover a short area and canly enhance their senses by a little and mostly detect those that have mana.

I'm gonna use this instead of mana sense because I wasn't able to get Kiara to teach me today. After what happened earlier I was too relieved to remember only to arrive without learning it. But I guess it's better this way since I don't want her to know about my power root.

"I hate this because of the side effects, not only because of the huge mana consumption but also because of the headache I will receive afterwards."

Haaa this might also be not so bad since my mana is low right now even though it is considered as a rank 2 spell it can still be used by many people as long as they cover their entire body and release it.

Here goes nothing

Gathering mana around my body I use my mana search.

"[Release and scatter, inform of what my senses can gather- Mana Search]"