
A Time of Tigers - From Peasant to Emperor

Why are the nobles good looking too, isn’t that unfair!? ("Yer just ugly..." "What did you say!?") - An annoyed peasant *** Y'know, I'm beginning to think these Yarmdon raiders and murders are real jerks! - dead villager *** If being special means monsters like being around me, then I don’t want to be special!! - a terrified youth

Nick_Alderson · Fantaisie
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1334 Chs

Those That Anger - Part 1

When Oliver said it like that, Verdant believed him. It was a strange thing indeed. The High King of the entirety of the Stormfront, with all its affluence, and with all the many Lords bending their knees to him, and then there was Oliver Patrick, declaring that he would be victorious against such a man. Logic ought to dictate the choosing of the High King over any other, but it was with a strange certainty that both Verdant and the Fragment of Bohemothia chose to align their lots with Oliver Patrick.


Chapter 2 – Those That Anger


"You're kidding," was the first thing that Nila said when she was told. Her face fell – and pretty face it had become, in her years of maturing. She was a startlingly beautiful woman now, eclipsing even her mother, Mrs Felder. She had a certain wildness to her that gave her an edge of intrigue. More than a few visiting merchants had already sent proposals her way, but she seemed set to continue declining all of them.