
A Thousand Worlds

A not so average life ends, and a second one begins. A chance to redeem? Nahhhhhh, a chance to live out dreams would be a more apt description! But as with all, a simple man living out his dreams isn't quite the best of the best, nor the most of entertaining. A chat group (a certainly peculiar one) has been thrown into the mix as well. ==== Find extra chapters at: p@treon.com/stoned_face

Dreizehnn · Anime et bandes dessinées
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109 Chs

A New Challenger Approaches

Join patreon (5-10 chapters ahead) at p@treon.com/stoned_face

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Tokyo, Japan,


"So uhh, what in the fuck did we just witness?"

"Where's the sex?!"

"What's wrong with you?"

Two men ran down a road, wearing tracksuits.. There was nothing inconspicuous about them at all, aside from the fact that they'd circled the same park a good few times now and the clear ear piece the one to the right was wearing.

They saw the young Hayes heir fight a girl, get his clothes ruined, avoid hitting said girl at point blank and now... The two were just sitting on the ground conversing with one another like old friends...

People were weird, teenagers especially so, these two were aware of that fact.. Still though, weren't those two a little too out there with how they were acting? Not that... not that the two men were judging the young heir, it was just astounding to be someone observing such an occurrence so closely.

".....Doesn't that guy look familiar?" One tapped the other's shoulder, pointing at a shockingly tall bald man in a trench coat, "His face looks familiar..." The second guard agreed, it was as if he'd seen him somewhere before.

"He's heading towards the young heir."

"....Call for backup, that's..."


Samuel's eyes widened in alarm and he shot to his feet, looking around warily. The previous relaxed attitude was nowhere to be seen and the silver haired teenager was observing his surroundings as if searching for something.

"....." Samuel took a step back, looking behind himself, he wasn't in any danger and he wasn't wary because he was afraid of whatever was coming, no, it was because wariness was simply a good trait to have... Well that and he got this sudden strange gut feeling telling him that something was about to go very wrong.... or very exciting.

Amou ran a hand through her hair following his gaze with an expressionless face, while somewhat seething that her time had been possibly interrupted by someone.

Soon enough, she got a good look on what had ruined the day, "....."

A man that stood a foot taller than Samuel and had an insanely bulky build was heading their way with a creepy smile on his face, strangely enough, Samuel had his hand held out in front of her as if ready to be attacked.

And then, he disappeared.

"Young man, why do you look afraid of me?"

"Woah, that's some ego." Samuel smiled widely, almost to the point where his smile could be seen as unsettling to some, his heart started beating first and his breath was now visible.. Samuel was getting excited.

"Senile cunt." He slightly tilted his head, standing unusually straight with his fists clenched.

Amou only smiled and sat back down, this was going to become a fight soon enough, a fight that would be an amazing thing to witness.

"Would you have that confidence if I..." The old man's smile widened to insane proportions, "Say, brought you something belonging to a loved one?" He held out one hand, slowly reaching behind his back as if there was something he had to grab from there.

Samuel only slightly tilted his head, while not outwardly provoked, the veins popping out all over his build were more than enough to display the silver haired teenager's mood.

Still however, he only watched in silence as the man reached behind his back completely. Thinking Samuel had been fooled, said man slammed his other free hand straight into his neck expecting the teenager to fall to his knees.

Though, the next moment made it more than obvious that no such thing would be happening.

Steam rose from the area of contact, possibly from the heat generated by the sheer speed of the strike delivered... but, this wasn't important.

Samuel hadn't even flinched, "What's your name?" He asked with closed eyes, grabbing on to the hand with a twitching smile.

"Why would I-....?!" The old man's eyes widened in shock seeing Samuel's finger slowly crush into his thick arm, "It's Spec." He grinned widely, not afraid but rather greatly pleased with how things were developing.

"And why attack me?" Samuel inquired further, blood seeped out of 'Spec's' arm as Samuel's fingers went deeper and deeper into his arm, yes he'd held back with Amou but this guy was a stranger. Samuel felt no obligation to hold back seeing as he was the one that had been attacked.

Spec tilted his head before leaning down, making a walking motion with his unharmed hand, "I was walking down the road and got attracted by your lover's quarrel." He clearly wasn't right in the head, not even flinching as glove covered fingers firmly lodged themselves into his arm.

Finally making his move, Spec leaned back, raising his right leg as he did, delivering a kick to Samuel's chin throwing the teenager to the ground, his physical strength was no joke. This man had swam here from Florida in one day and was one of the most dangerous criminals on the planet, it wasn't that the police were just letting him walk around.

It was that they couldn't hold him.

Samuel's eyes were slightly wide as he wiped the blood off his bruised lip, grinning as he did, "This..." This was why he loved this world, while relatively normal, the martial artists and fighters here were no small time crooks, entering the realm of superhuman was the norm.

"Oh my,... a kindred spirit? You're goooood boy." Spec looked at his own arm with a strange smile, some of the flesh was hanging out from where the teenager had earlier driven his fingers, it was a grisly spectacle that would make any spectator turn their head...

Unfortunately, the only spectator here was Amou, and she liked what she saw.

Samuel cracked his neck, putting the fractured bones back in place allowing them to quickly heal back up and then reached for his shoulder before ripping off his own shirt, "You're makin' no sense. It's just drivel." He spoke with an accent, a grin etched itself on his face as he slightly raised his head, just enough to have to look down to see Spec.

Blood dripped from his fingers, his opponent's blood.

"Come now, I'll allow you a hit." Spec stood back to his full height, clearly towering over Samuel who complied instantly, lunging at the man with his fist once more like before, reaching for his face. Spec only chuckled, such basic attacks would never work, and swatted away the hand with considerable force, enough to break a man's arm.

Except, Samuel had done so on purpose, using the deflection to generate momentum, Samuel spun in the air first smashing his left and then, using the side of his head as a pad, his right foot into Spec's right ear before using the man's head as a pedestal and flinging himself upward then finally smashing his leg right into his bald head from above.

Spec stumbled back disoriented, looking around erratically trying to regain his balance.

The ears play a vital role in letting the human body maintain it's balance, to have one hit with immense force would make a normal person fall to the ground suffering from loss of balance. It was incredible that Spec only stumbled.

Amou curiously observed the fight, variations of both Capoeira and Karate were used in those endeavours... It became evident to her that Samuel was not holding back...., "Impressive." She praised his opponent with a small mocking smile.

Samuel smiled seeing the man stumble around for a bit before sneering, "Come now, I'll allow you a hit."

"Are you trying to show honour?"

"No, I'm looking down on you dimwit."

Spec grinned widely, ignoring his crippled motor balance skills and raised both his hands just above his head, taking one firm step forward and placing his other foot diagonally behind it, "You're good, boy."

'Good Samuel, you're not letting it control your actions.' Echidna noted silently, his bloodlusted side was something the Witch was rather accustomed to, it wasn't the worst thing she had seen by far and it was apparent that over time, Samuel was assimilating it into his style rather than be a slave to it.

The insane rate at which it was happening though, was one of the major reasons the witch was so terribly infat-*ehem* interested in him.


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