
A Thousand Secret Kisses

"One kiss wouldn't hurt, right?" All Emilie wanted was to get home and wrap herself in her warm blanket with a packet filled with sugary heaven from her Dad's bakery, but it seemed fate had other plans. Paired up with a boy who was physically incapable of love, and she who only knew so much from movies and novels, Emilie Bernard and Daniel Kim were given a task to help speed up the process of romance for others. And if they failed, it could spell disaster for love and humanity as we knew it.

nessiaart · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Octavia's Command

**Emilie's POV**

"What do you mean we won't come back human."

I stare at the woman before us in anger, fear, and admiration. She lets out a little laugh that produces a melodic, sing-song effect, then proceeds to stare at us with amusement in her eyes.

"Well, you see," she starts. "We are short on staff at the moment, and we need people keeping the balance of love, romance, and lust in your town. Particularly your school."

"We don't usually hire people on such short notice, but these are dire times."

"I don't need a job," Daniel says coldly. I roll my eyes, realising Daniel probably had everything catered for him.

No wonder he was such a spoiled brat.

"Well, we're not asking," The amusement in the woman's eyes suddenly disappears, replaced with something cold and distant. "We're telling."

Daniel looks like he's about to retort when the woman gives him a menacing stare and he gives an annoyed sigh but keeps quiet.

"Eros himself chose you both. But before we send you back to Earth, you will need to be guided through the rules. And proper training must commence. Maximus will see through with that."

"Octavia I am already guarding-" Maximus begins to argue but is silenced by the woman known as Octavia, and she gives him a cold stare.

"You are the one who didn't guard the gate properly." she snaps. Maximus closes his mouth, looking down on the floor.

"Hadriana, darling, could you pass me the Decree of Eros?" Octavia gives a tight smile to one of the Councilwomen with bright blonde hair, whom I presume is Hadriana and Hadriana walks towards with unmistakable flair and elegance.

She stands before us as an iPad materialises in her hands. I scoff at the irony of it. I expected 'papyrus' or something of that nature.

"Here," she says with a sweet smile, dropping the device into my hands. "It's a PDF."

"Alright get out, all of you." Octavia makes a dismissive gesture and suddenly we find ourselves back in the library like nothing happened.

Besides the iPad in my hands, everything seems normal. In fact, I don't feel an overwhelming need to hug Daniel anymore. I give a sigh in relief.

But suddenly it dawns on me what we have witnessed, and we've been told, and I begin to quiver in fear and excitement.

"From what I remember in History class, Eros is a Greek God of love. And Octavia said we were chosen by Eros himself. Does that make us-"

"Cupids?" Maximus comes to view, his 'body' back to normal. "Technically yes, but there is still a due process to follow."

I gasp. "Do we get wings?!"

"Don't be ridiculous Emilie." Daniel retorts, and this time I feel an overwhelming sensation to smack his head.

"It will take years of training before you can attain wings," Maximus replies, and I stick out my tongue at Daniel. He rolls his eyes.

Maximus checks his watch and sighs. "Your session is over. Go home, we'll meet tomorrow during another book club session."

All I wanted all morning was to go home, but now I felt a little reluctant to leave. I wanted to stay, ask some questions, do more research. But from the look Maximus was giving us, it was futile.

"Fine, whatever," I mutter as I pace around the library, retrieving my bag from one of the chairs.

Daniel comes for his bag as well, brushing my arm in the process. I pull away immediately, feeling flushed and exhausted.

"Do you uh-" Daniel stutters for the first time as his gaze falls on me with an unreadable expression etched on his face. "Do you need a ride home?"

I stare at him for a moment, dumbfounded by this sudden show of kindness. Very unlike Daniel, I must say.

"Hurry up," he snaps, his face looking a bit flushed. "Before I change my mind."

"And who told you I need a ride home? Huh?! My house is just down the street." I scoff at his arrogance as I make my way out of the library, not turning back to see his reaction.

I pull out my headphones from my bag, prob them on my head and walk home silently. I bob my head to the music as my thoughts wander back to what Octavia said.

"Eros chose you himself."

Ms Bellemor had a weird obsession with Roman-Greek mythology and always droned on and on about the god's and goddess' that once ruled the universe. She believed strongly that they never left us and still watch us, the mindless humans, as we went about our boring lives.

It was very clear Ms Bellemor was a weird, lonely lady. But, she was not wrong about one thing.

They sure as hell did exist.

I got home with a big fat smile on my face, and for the first time in my life, the urge to read my History textbooks. I kiss my dad on the cheek as I slump on the couch, next to him. He smiles, and the unthinkable happens. A ghost-like figure, an exact replica of my dad, hangs around the corner of the living room, and I could feel the deep yearning coming from this figure. Then I hear a soft whisper.

"Linda. Linda."

I freeze as I hear the figure's thoughts whisper my mother's name softly.

"Linda. Please come back to me, my love."

I stare at the figure unmoving. I don't realise I'm crying until I taste the salt in my mouth, my right cheek suddenly feeling wet.

"Emilie, chérie, qu'est-ce qui se passe? (darling what's going on?)" my dad's face is filled with so much worry, I feel my chest tighten with pain. Dad kisses my forehead and tears that aren't entirely mine begin to fall without warning.

We don't speak as Dad rubs my back in an attempt to comfort me as I cry silently and wordlessly. I don't know how long we stay like this until my eyelids feel heavy and I enter a dreamless sleep.


My butt itches and my nose threatens to release a very loud sneeze. I groan as I feel an ironic sense of deja vu watching the clock hit 3 O'clock. Mondays were always god awful, and the clock was a prime example of its wretchedness. I hiss in annoyance at Maximus for bailing on us on Saturday.

Sick my foot!

The bell goes off, rather loudly, and I grab my books in a rush. Katherine spots me in the midst of students and opens her mouth to say something but I zoom past her, not in the mood for her nagging. I push open the library door and see Daniel and Maximus seated, looking fresh and ready for work. I was almost jealous.

"You look like death." Daniel greets me cooly. I roll my eyes.

"I feel like death," I reply, taking the seat next to him. "I spent my whole weekend reading through 600 pages of that PDF. Who knew Cupids had so many rules?"

"But nothing explains why I saw that figure behind my dad call out my mother's name," I say, defeat laced in my voice.

Maximus turns to look at me, and I squirm under his intense gaze.

"What did you just say?" he asks firmly, but he doesn't sound forceful. In fact, he sounds intrigued.

"I saw a figure behind my father that looked exactly like him, and he called out my mother's name."

"Emilie," Maximus starts, giving me half a smile. "I think we've found your Eros-given gift."

If you like my book don't forget to add it to your library!

I will be updating regularly from now <3

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