
A Thousand Reincarnations : Overcome My Destiny

Hi, I'm Revlo, the main character, the title speaks for itself, an isekai story. Somehow I died by getting hit by truck-kun when I was walking home from school and got reincarnated into a world of magic and swords. Elves, fairies, and goblins roam this world that resembles that of the middle ages. Don't tell me I'm gonna be one of those isekai protagonists where I get cheats and become op?... Wait, where is my cheat? I don't get a system? or any talent in magic? Well that's okay, I have the knowledge that I got on modern-day Earth, I'll use this to get any advantage that I can.... and I died at the age of 15, seriously? before my legend even began, I died just like that? Wait! I got reincarnated again! This time I'm in a cyberpunk world... I still don't have cheats and my knowledge is useless in a cyberpunk world... frick... well I got a second chance, I won't waste it, I don't know how I died in my previous life but I'm gonna make the most out of this....15 years later... I died again... The third time, I'm in a cultivation world, I died at 15 years old again... The fourth time, I'm in a futuristic world, I died at 15 years old again... The 5th, 6th, 7th, 18th, 23rd, 55th, 68th, 132nd, 300th, 419th, 600th, 665th, 999th life... I kept dying and reincarnating and no matter what I do to prevent it, I kept dying the moment I turn 15 years old! Until I reached my 1000th life..... the moment I was born... within in the depths of my soul.. something felt different. =Update Schedule= Mon-Tue-Fri-Sat-Sun [2000+ words per chapter] Disclaimer: This is my first time writing an original story so be warned that there will be plenty of infodumps in the first dozen chapters because I didn't take this story seriously at that time, if I somehow finish this story, I will rewrite those chapters so it could become more reader-friendly.

DrDedot · Fantaisie
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60 Chs

The 8 Major Races

*yawn* A yawn escaped from someone's lips, the blanket moved and revealed a boy with messy hair.

In his bedroom, Revlo rose up from his bed, rubbed his eyes and looked out the window.

With the angle of the rays of the sun that peeked through the windows and a hole in the roof, Revlo already knew that is already way past morning and was already in the afternoon.

The commotion from yesterday has died down as Revlo no longer hears any noises from downstairs.

'The guests probably left'

He didn't really inquire the reason for their visit, since this was not the first time that his parents received visitors outside the village, well most of the visitors were people with high statuses and positions or other powerful people.

He walked all the way to the bathroom, brushed his teeth, washed himself and a change of clothes later, he walked downstairs.

He saw his mother washing the dishes, it looked like they just finished lunch, he then glanced at the dinner table, there was already food prepared for him with a glass barrier protecting it.

They obviously used magic to properly preserve the food because when Revlo ate it, it was still hot.

His parents never really scolded him for waking up so late since they now knew the reason that he sleeps a lot.

Revlo sat down and started eating, on the right side of the table, there was a letter with a fancy seal on it.

Revlo didn't pay much attention to this since he thought it was for his parents.

Celine, still washing the dishes, didn't turn around but still said.

"Your friend left that letter for you, you can open it when you finish eating lunch"

"Hmn?" Revlo raised his brows then looked at the letter, the seal had an ornate design with a tiny leaf symbol in the center, it looked like it was made of polished jade even though Revlo knew it was actually wax.

'The official seal of the Elven royal family?' Revlo thought as he sensed a peculiar magic applied on the seal, it was some sort of magic to prevent others from opening the letter, only the people who were meant to read the letter could deactivate the seal, even the one who applied the seal could not unlock it.

Of course, if the person who forcefully opened the seal was someone whose strength is far higher compared to the one who applied the seal, then the seal itself would become no different from ordinary wax.

After eating his lunch and helped his mother wash the dishes, he grabbed the letter, sat down somewhere and opened it to read the contents.

His eyes moved from left to right, reading the letter with no change in his facial expression.

'That brat, she just wasted a royal seal just to say her goodbyes'

There was nothing else contained in the letter other than Elvina bidding him farewell, telling him that she enjoyed their duel, how she'll see him at the academy later on, etc.

He opened a nearby drawer and put the letter in ,he didn't throw it away and tried to preserve it.

'After all, it is still a letter that came from my first friend in a long time plus it still has the elven royal seal on it, it's to also giving them face' He said in his mind then walked outside.

There he saw his father teaching his sister about magic while she had a serious look as she listened earnestly, he walked in their direction, they noticed him walking towards them and smiled at the same time.

"Brother look! I have wings like mommy" Rena said in a childish voice, her previous stern expression disappeared then turned her back on him, raised her clothes just enough to show him that a pair of tiny white wings sprouted out of her back, she wiggled them in a cutesy manner and giggled.

'They must've sprouted because she reached the liquid state yesterday' Revlo thought.

"Does brother have wings like me and mommy?" Rena asked.

"Nope, I'm a human just like father" He said, he repeated her action at exposing his back, no wings of any sort could be seen.

In the Fallen Star World, when a child between 2 different races are born, they could inherit the race of any one of their parents, it is very rare that a mix blood or a half race would be given birth between the two different race.

For example, if a beastman and an elf had 101 children, then chances are that 50 of the children would be beastmen and 50 of the children would be elves, the remaining one would a half-elf and half-beastman.

In other words, there is a less than 1% chance that a halfling or a mixblood could be born in a union between two different races, though its not like being a halfling is a completely bad thing.

They could have the advantage of inheriting the different traits of other races, like if a half-angel and half-seafolk was born, that certain halfling could be given the angel's magic senses and the seafolk's ability to breathe underwater.

Of course 'could' is an important keyword in the previous sentence, meaning it is only a possibility, there are also halflings out there that don't inherit any of the races traits at all and was given defects instead, like deformed bodies, faces, genetic illnesses, etc.

Basically if a halfling or a mixblood was born, it was no different from a lottery whether they would prosper and get the good bits that they could get from their parents or if they were unlucky and develop genetic ailments that would haunt them for the rest of their lives, the chances were a 50/50.

There were also people in the middle that don't get any advantageous traits at all nor do they get any abnormalities with their bodies.

Once again, this was a world were your conditions at birth decides your future, in some sense, this also applies to other worlds as well. Obviously, there are those who overcome their terrible circumstances and rose to the top but these cases were rare and is something most people would be unable to do.

Rena, seeing her brother's empty back, suddenly felt gloomy.

"Why can't I be human as well? I wanna be like my big brother" Rena suddenly threw a tantrum, since she saw her brother as her role model, she would try to imitate him as much as possible.

Celine in the yard tending to her garden heard this and her eyebrows twitched, with her strength, she could obviously hear their conversation like she was right next to them.

She put down her gardening tools and with a speed that could not be discerned from Revlo's eyes, she suddenly appeared in front of them like she used some sort of teleportation.

But Revlo knew that his mother doesn't know any space magic nor could he sense any space magic being used, that was purely just her speed alone.

Out of curiosity, he scanned her with his system.


Name : Celine Mason (Mother of 1001st life)

Age : --

Race : Angel

Magic Core Progress : Legendary-Rank (SS)

Strength : Legendary-Rank (SS++)

Agility : Legendary-Rank (A+)

Magic : Legendary-Rank (S)

Spirit : Mystic-Rank (D+)


Although he already looked at her status before in the past, he was curious to see if his efforts on helping them improve worked or not.

He looked at the screen and surveyed her stats.

'Her agility and spirit went up a bit' he thought

Seeing a (+) next to these ratings which wasn't there before, Revlo knew that his efforts in helping his parents improve were not in vain.

'This is already considered a monumental improvement considering her current strength' he further said in his mind.

The higher the rank, the harder it is to get stronger and improve, just adding that (+) sign on her agility and spirit is already equivalent to several dozens of years worth of training to her or any Legendary-Ranked champion.

'With the Soul Nourishing Scripture, it only took her 1 year to improve her spirit otherwise it would take her several decades to reach the same level of growth' Revlo judged.

Celine detected Revlo's spiritual fluctuation on her, she already knew that he has some sort of 'system' on him, so she never bothered him.

It was considered rude to scan someone with their spiritual scanning abilities, you could start a grudge or a fight with someone depending on their personality or temperament, only if their level of spirit power being too far apart from each other or using a special spiritual stealth technique could someone avoid their spirit scanning abilities from being detected by others.

While Revlo was at it, he scanned his father with his system as well.

Another screen popped up in his vision.


Name : Vorne Tranaf Mason (Father of 1001st life)

Age : 100+

Race : Human

Magic Core Progress : Mystic-Rank (--)

Strength : Mystic-Rank (C-)

Agility : Mystic-Rank (--)

Magic : Mystic-Rank (--)

Spirit : Mystic-Rank (--)


There were a lot of blanks on some of the parameter ratings whenever Revlo tries to scan his father.

'Their ratings are probably too high for my system to calculate properly' Revlo thought.

'Since my system can rate up to Mystic-Rank (C-) it probably means that the rest are much higher than that'

'As expected, the (C-) rating on his strength didn't change even after all this time'

It was understandable that his father didn't had any some sort of improvement like Celine, improving at the Mystic-Rank was astronomically difficult, there were various reasons why a World-Class champion hadn't appeared in 10,000 years.

Reaching Mystic-Rank was already difficult itself much less advancing to World-Class.

Trillions of champions throughout different time periods and eras have lived and perished but only a measly number of 12 in history since the discovery of magic had reached the rank of World Class and achieved godhood.

'Father still has a long way to go' Revlo thought.

World Class was a rank coveted by pretty much every champion and aspiring champion that had ever lived, Revlo's father was no exception, which is why most Mystic-Ranks secluded themselves so that they could focus on advancing to that nearly unachievable rank.

It is only when a threat appears that a Legendary-Rank could not handle or if their clan, kingdom, empire that they came from is in danger of being wiped out that they would come out from their seclusion.

After a series of thoughts going through Revlo's head, he heard his mother saying something to his little sister.

"What're ya yapping about wanting to be a human for? Being an angel is nothing to be sad about" Celine said while looking at her daughter with a stern look.

"But brother is so cool, I wanna be like brother" Rena said and pouted, her current appearance looked cute.

The mother wasn't affected by the cuteness and said.

"Brother this, brother that, are you a bro-con or something? Angels can be cool too, our magical senses are on a level above than most races but what about humans? they have nothing, they are pretty much a blank slate race" Celine said.

She pretty much insulted the entirety and prestige of the human race but Vorne and Revlo took no offense at this at all, they were already used to Celine saying whatever was on her mind, she was straightforward and is usually true to her feelings.

Rena continued to pout, she looked like she didn't understand anything but Celine continued to say.

"Let me tell you something little lady, We angels have our superior magical sense and also our great affinity when it comes to wind magic and light magic"

"The seafolk have their great affinity when it comes to water magic and most of them can breathe underwater, so they are pretty much not that different from smelly and disgusting fish"

"The beastmen have their superior instincts, superior physiques and physical attributes unmatched by other races other than the demon race, titan race and giant race, even though some of them suck at magic, they possess various skills unique to the other races"

"The phoenix have their great fire and ice elemental affinities, the fire phoenixes in particular can be reborn or something like that but those birdbrains pretty much hide in their own realm called the Six Feathers Realm"

"The demons have great affinity when it comes to fire and dark magic but those horn heads are like dirty rats that hides in the dark, most of them lives in the Nether Realm... oh yeah they are good at Illusion and mental magic, I think"

"The Elves are a bunch of peace-loving tree huggers, they are a lot like angels but inferior, they have great affinity when it comes nature and earth magic"

"Those reptiles with no brains, the dragon race are just big lizards that roars a lot when they are grumpy, they are cowards that hide in their own personal realm called the Blazecold Realm"

'what kind of explanation is that regarding the dragon race?' Revlo said in his thoughts.

"Let's see, what did I forget... ah yeah, those shorties, the dwarves, they are blacksmiths or whatever, they are somewhat better at earth and metal magic"

Celine said with a nonchalant expression, her voice was monotone when it came to her explanation about the dragons and dwarves.

The angel race doesn't really have a good relationship when it comes to the dwarves or dragons, even though Celine is very different from other angels, her race's hatred is her hatred as well.

"Comparing the other races with the human race, there really is nothing special about the humans, no offense to the humans though" Celine said with an apologetic expression towards Vorne and Revlo.

Celine be like..

Reject humanity, become angel

DrDedotcreators' thoughts