
A Terrarian's Life In The Pokémon World


DaoistCybertron · Anime et bandes dessinées
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2 Chs


[ Shamouti, Fire Island ]

Moltres, The titanic Bird Of flames, The fire given flesh, One of the three legendary Birds of Shamouti Island, And The embodiment of Elegance and passion.

Ever since she was created, Moltres and her two other siblings ruled the three islands, Maintaining balance and harmony that almost every living being needed in order to live peaceful, Safe lives.

Most of the time, Moltres spent the days sleeping or battling pokémons who thought that just because they've evolved or defeated those around them, Declaring themselves as kings and rightful rulers of her island, They can challenge her on their whims.

So imagine her surprise when, A fiery object suddenly broke through the clouds, spearing down towards where she was located. Spreading her wings, Moltres let out a loud trill and took off into the air. Each flap of her burning wings sent human fist-sized embers around her, Torching the already dead ground beneath her even further.

Flying gracefully, Moltres headed straight ahead towards the incoming meteor, Determined to incinerate the daring thing for disturbing her sleep.

Rearing her head back slightly and taking a deep breathe, Moltres shot a powerful stream of burning flames towards the object fully expecting it to explode.

After a few seconds, Moltres stopped her attack and is prepared to fly back to her sleeping spot when she realized that she hadn't hear the explosion that she was expecting after her attack.

Turning around to look at the blasted object, Moltres' eyes almost popped out of their pockets when the supposedly destroyed object not only survived her attack, it barreled through the torrent of flames and smack into her body. The momentum of the falling object rendered her incapable of moving away from it, Thus resulting in her being pushed and crashed into fire island.

Smoke and dust filled the air as the smell of ozone filled the air. Having winded up because of the 'attack', Moltres wheezed and let out a few coughs in an attempt to get rid of the dust that entered her wind pipe.

After having recovered, Moltres rose and found her footing, Shaking her head to rid of the dizziness that came from the incident. Noticing the lack of visibility around her because of the smoke and dusts, Moltres let out a trill and flapped her wings. The air generated by the flapping wings blew the smoke in front and around her, letting her take a look of the crater that formed around her when she and the object fell into the ground.

While looking around, An unconscious figure lying down on the ground in front of her caught her attention. Instead of a round, burning meteor, The object was actually a human. Or is one based on how he Appears to be. He seems humanoid, Like all of him screamed human except for the pair of large, Burning wings that somewhat reminded her of her own.

The human was wearing what seemed to be a armor made out of the sun, Helmet that covered his head, Breastplate that protected his vital organs, and leggings to shield his lower half from unsavory things. Cracks is present on each of his armor, as well as some burns and bruises, Making it look like he just came out of a fight.

Moltres raised her right leg and tried shaking the human with it, Gently poking him in an attempt to wake him up from his unconsciousness. She let out a huff in annoyance and tried to wake him up once again. After failing a few more times, Moltres stopped waking the human and stared at him irritably.


A soft, gentle voice suddenly came from the trees on their left, Making the titanic bird of flames instantly on guard and ready to fight the intruder. Upon taking a look at where the voice came from, Moltres' eyes lit up when she recognized the creature.

Her name was chansey, Or what her species was known to be. Pokémons like her was always sought after for they're healing capabilities and gentle company.

"Mol, I need help. This human suddenly fell from the sky and refuses to wake up no matter how I shake him with my leg", Moltres said to the round, pink pokémon.

Hearing that her help is needed, Chansey's eyes lit up with delight before the pink creature ran towards them in a very cute manner.

"Chans, Chansey! Sey, Chansey!"

Nodding at her words, Moltres understood that she's not needed for the healing and took a few steps back to distance herself in order to not disturb the healer and make things worse.

Chanting her name in a very long manner, The stubby hands of the pokémon began to glow a bright green light. upon taking a closer look, Moltres noticed the bruises around the man's face slowly vanishing as the healing pulse of Chansey grew stronger and brighter.

The healing proceeds for almost half an hour when suddenly, The human's entire body, including his wings, Suddenly began glowing, Startling the two pokémons currently with him. The two watched as the light grew brighter and brighter until they were forced to shield their eyes or turn around when the light became too much for their eyes to handle.

When the light died down, Moltres and Chansey turned back towards the human and was slightly stunned to see him out of his armor. A few particles of orange and yellow light was flying away in the air, making Moltres' assumption of his armor dematerializing more believable.

Taking a closer look at the human's feature, Moltres noted the human's long, black hair that probably reached his back, white skin that was covered in dirt and soot, Slightly lean body ( Based on the humans that she saw a few decades ago ) that borders between buff and athletic. Instead of his armor, The man was currently wearing a green tattered T-shirt for his top and a tattered maroon pant's for his lower half and a pair of worn out leather shoes that covered his feet.

Shaking her head out of her stupor, Chansey spread her stubby arms above the man and resumed her healing. The healing didn't last that long since only a few scratches and burns remained on the man's body.

Wiping a sweat from her forehead, Chansey turned back to Moltres and awaited further instructions. Moltres saw her look and contemplated on what to do next. For one, She can just take the man and take him towards shamouti island, where he will receive proper medical care and attention. However, doing so will obviously attract unwanted attention, Especially from those idiotic and moronic human "trainers" that thinks they can just march here im her island and enslave her to fight for their battles.

Or, He can just remain here and continue on recovering before going on his merry way after he's completely healed.

Feeling that the second option might be more viable for her, Moltres looked at the healer and ordered her to take the human back to their shelter. Nodding to show that she understood, Chansey waved at Moltres in confirmation before calling out into the tree's behind her. Numerous pokémons came out from the trees. Stantler, Nidoran line, Kanto bug types, And a few rarer kanto pokémons like Electabuzz, Venusaur line, and a pair of Ralts.

Together, The pokémons took the human back into their shelter, Disappearing from Moltres' view as they went deeper into the forest. After the last pokémon disappeared into the forest, Moltres stared at the burnt crater that she and the human has made when they fell before shaking her head and taking off into the skies with a mighty flap of her burning wings.